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Battle of Armageddon For Dummies: How To Engineer A World War In Six Easy Steps

The Excavator

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Sept. 19, 2012

 1. Create Mythologies of Terror


Set up competing mythologies, cosmologies, and totalitarian ideologies in different countries - political Islam in Iran, Zionism in Israel, and Counter-Terrorism in America. Facts and truths that contradict these three narratives and mythologies must be suppressed and discredited as crazy "conspiracy theories."


2. Produce False Flag Deceptions, Mass Kill Innocent People, And Exploit The Collective Grief 


Stage false flag events that create division and hate between civilizations, and unity inside the country. Politically exploit the mass death and collective grief to your advantage. Do not let tears go to waste. Turn death into a strength. Burn into the hearts of the people the memory of the sacrificed victims and never let them forget who deserves the blame, and the wrath of the community. In the case of 9/11, the scapegoat is Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda.


Don't be a one trick pony. Be creative. Mix it up. The nature of the false flag could be a terrorist attack like 9/11, a diplomatic stand-off in the form of the Iranian-American hostage crisis, the sinking of a ship, or a political assassination that is deliberately done to trigger a war or destroy a government.


The Iranian-American hostage crisis, which was not an spontaneous event but a fake and coordinated crisis overseen by the CIA within the CIA and its deep-state equivalent in the Islamic Republic, had the effect of souring relations between Iran and America for over a generation. The fascist rulers of both countries benefited tremendously from the crisis that they engineered and managed right up to Ronald Reagan's election win.


Khomeini used the crisis to solidify his grip on power in post-revolution Iran. The Bush-led CIA in the United States who managed the Reagan campaign manipulated the enraged American people to discredit Carter and create a new foreign enemy in the American mind: the Ayatollah.


3. Use The Media As A Tool of Mass Indoctrination And Collective Brainwashing


Use the mass media to indoctrinate the people, censor the facts of history, and protect the criminals in power. Tell fairy tales and stories, not truths that expose corruption and evil in government. Any fact that contradicts the government provided script is a product of "conspiracy theories."


The media must be controlled in a totalitarian fashion so as to keep the people under the sway of the government's false historical narrative and corrupted worldview. Dissent equals conspiracy theory, or, in more extreme cases, treason. Do not explain why. Do not answer questions from independent journalists in ambush interviews. Brush them off like flies and move on in a calm and collected manner.


4. Highlight Extremist Voices And Marginalize Majority Opinion


Amplify the extremist voices and drown out the opinions and sentiments of the majority who seek peace, friendship, and cooperation between countries and civilizations. The media should be turned into a well-oiled engine that provokes conflict, and "insult and inflame hate" between different religions and nations.


5. Finance Your Future Enemy To Political Power


Arm and finance Salafist terrorists and Islamic extremists in the Muslim world to overthrow anti-American regimes without making a big deal about it in the press. Once this first objective is achieved, turn to the people of the West and say, "Our new problem is not overthrowing dictators, but preventing terrorists from getting their hands on nuclear and chemical weapons." Try to look dumbfounded and ask, "Where did these terrorists come from? Did they drop form the sky" Don't mention the money and the guns. That's a secret.


6. Stage Political Provocations and Craft Propaganda Campaigns


Launch periodic and massive propaganda campaigns directed against foreign and domestic populations as well as regular media stunts to create a global atmosphere of hate, anger, and chaos. Turn reality on its head completely during this evolving process.


For example, label a 12-minute trailer put on YouTube as a "film," and provoke the Muslim world into rioting against the U.S. by mass distributing the video on the Internet. After the rioting and violence, point to the engineered mayhem to justify a massive counter-response to the violence, reinforce your "clash of civilizations" narrative, and weaken your political opponents who are more peace-oriented. 


The anti-Islam film that provoked the Muslims was not originally a film about Islam according to members of the cast but a period piece set in pre-Islamic times in the Arabian desert. In a sane world the video would receive little attention and would not be called a "film."


The whole thing is a charade and a distraction to the main events in this orchestrated drama: the assassination of Ambassador Stevens by U.S.-Saudi funded Al-Qaeda terrorists, the attempted undermining of President Obama by Netanyahu, Romney and the Neocons, and the manufacturing of a mythical clash of civilizations.


This phony episode shows that it doesn't take much to stir up deep-seated animus against the outsider in a psychologically targeted population. The American people were given a taste of how a PsyOp works on September 11, 2001. And the Muslim world was given the same bittersweet medicine eleven years later, on the anniversary of 9/11. In both cases, the test subjects were manipulated by the doctors of reality like lab rats.




Engineering a world war is a sophisticated operation. There is more to the steps listed above. Doctoring reality, deceiving a civilization, and manipulating human consciousness on a cosmic scale requires long-term work, psychological preparation of the people, and, most of all, a divine sense of patience.