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Senior Chinese General Orders Military To Prepare For War With Japan


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Sept. 18, 2012


China’s most powerful military leader, in an unusual public statement, last week ordered military forces to prepare for combat, as Chinese warships deployed to waters near disputed islands and anti-Japan protests throughout the country turned violent.

Protests against the Japanese government’s purchase of three privately held islands in the Senkakus chain led to mass street protests, the burning of Japanese flags, and attacks on Japanese businesses and cars in several cities. Some carried signs that read “Kill all Japanese,” and “Fight to the Death” over disputed islands. One sign urged China to threaten a nuclear strike against Japan.

Read more here:

This just keeps escalating doesn’t it?  Let’s have a look at the respective militaries of each country:






 Total Population: 126,475,664 [2011]

 Available Manpower: 53,608,446 [2011]

 Fit for Service: 43,930,753 [2011]

 Of Military Age: 1,214,618 [2011]

 Active Military: 239,430 [2011]

 Active Reserve: 57,899 [2011]



 Total Land Weapons: 5,220

 Tanks: 902 [2011]

 APCs / IFVs: 731 [2011]

 Towed Artillery: 480 [2011]

 SPGs: 317 [2011]

 MLRSs: 90 [2011]

 Mortars: 700 [2011]

 AT Weapons: 2,000 [2011]

 AA Weapons: 528 [2011] 

 Logistical Vehicles: 5,000 




 Total Aircraft: 1,953 [2011]

 Helicopters: 690 [2011]

 Serviceable Airports: 176 [2011]





 Total Population: 1,336,718,015 [2011]

 Available Manpower: 749,610,775 [2011]

 Fit for Service: 618,588,627 [2011]

 Of Military Age: 19,538,534 [2011]

 Active Military: 2,285,000 [2011]

 Active Reserve: 800,000 [2011]





 Total Land Weapons: 47,575

 Tanks: 7,500 [2012]

 APCs / IFVs: 7,700 [2012]

 Towed Artillery: 25,000 [2012]

 SPGs: 2,475 [2011]

 MLRSs: 2,600 [2011]

 Mortars: 1,050 [2011]

 AT Weapons: 1,250 [2011]

 AA Weapons: 750 [2011] 

 Logistical Vehicles: 55,850 




 Total Aircraft: 5,176 [2012]

 Helicopters: 632 [2012]

 Serviceable Airports: 502 [2011]


Who do you think would come out on top in a fight over the Gas and Oil rich Senkaku Islands?  -Mort