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Al-Miqdad Family Abducts 'FSA' Members, Promises Hefty Catch

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Aug. 17, 2012

In response to kidnapping of its son, al-Miqdad family abducted on Wednesday more than 20 members of the so-called “Free Syrian Army”.

The family announced its “military wing” had abducted several members of the “FSA”, in response for the kidnapping of Hassan Miqdad by Syrian militants two days earlier.FSA kidnapped by miqdad

“The family’s military wing kidnapped several Syrians. We are not afraid of anyone,” Abu Ali al-Meqdad said on behalf of the family.

“There are over 20 FSA members kidnapped in Lebanon,” he added.

He said the tribes of the eastern Bekaa valley such as Shamas, Zaiter, Nasreddine and Dandash are all working together and will reveal their “big catch” on Thursday morning.

Later on Wednesday, al-Mayadeen channel broadcast a video of the kidnapped Syrians.

Media reports said that one of the abductees is an officer, who has been wounded during Syria clashes, and a man who has been funding the “FSA”.

The reports said that the officer had received money from al-Mustaqbal (Future) MP Khaled Daher.

It added that the kidnapped confessed they were trying to send arms to the militants inside Syria.