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March 15, 2012

Syria truth

The truth we aren't given from the mainstream media controlled by a hand full of liars and criminals...


Hi Barry,


 A very good friend of ours comes from Syria, and he runs a cafe here.

 His relatives still live over there and he visits them regularly. He

 took us to dinner the other day to explain what is really going on

 over there.


 He said that people are happy with the government, and it's a great

 place to live because they pay NO tax, have a great grain trade with

 other countries such as Italy, and the government sells the bread back

 to the people for one third what they paid for it!


 He said that they do not have any DEBT, (obviously they are not yet

 controlled by the Rothschilds..)


 He also said that what we are seeing in the media all the time focuses

 upon the separatist rebels being stirred up by Mossad and the US who

 are supplying them with misinformation, propaganda and weapons to

 attack and overthrow the government.


 That is the only thing they focus upon, so as to create disunity and

 eventually topple the government so that another puppet can be put in

 charge and the UN/central bankers can come in.


