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Israels Endgame

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s on a completely different shape when we take our minds away from Western consumerism for two minutes, and think back to the shelling of a Gazan beach just a couple of weeks ago - an attack which killed thirteen Palestinians and directly influenced Hamas' decision to retaliate against Tel Aviv.

Whether by independent decision or Israeli design (using their plentiful people inside Hamas), Corporal Gilad Shalit disappeared. In a similarly convenient incident, two more Judaic foot soldiers were "kidnapped" by Hezbollah on the border with Lebanon, fuelling the madness we now see on our television screens.

Can Israel engage in taking innocent human life and not expect retaliation? The Jewish state seems to think so. Westerners are bombarded with phrases like "grievous provocation" and "unprovoked acts of terrorism", but amazingly, Israel is seen as immune from being capable of such actions.

The 58 year history of this miserable pariah state began, continued and will end in murder, genocide and destruction. In 1948, the war began to create an unwarranted Jewish homeland on Palestinian territory, initiated by Communistic terror gangs such as the Stern and Irgun brigands. Bringing "Holocaust" guilt and connections in international finance and politics to bear on world opinion, Zionism got its wicked way, and the state of "Israel" was born.

On its ascent, David Ben-Gurion remarked to his General Staff in May 1948: We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai.

Is this consolidation bid - the creation of the massive "Eretz Israel" which dominates the resources of the Middle East - finally coming to fruition? With Iraq now out of the way, and oil supplies from that country pumping into Israel by the gallon, the Zionist entity has made no secret of the fact that it wants Iran and Syria removed from the picture. The bloodied hands of the United States are tied, so is Israel in the process of going it alone? Does the road from Gaza to Beirut lead to Damascus, and possibly Tehran? Attempts to link Iran and Syria with this manufactured crisis seems to point towards the prospect of Jewish-inspired war without end.

Studying the current rhetoric, and the violence and bloody-mindedness with which Israel is pursuing its current operations, it appears that the rescue of three missing soldiers was simply a pretext. Such rescue attempts are normally carried out using covert ops, but the international media seems bent on convincing its adherents that Israel's murderous actions are in the interests of "justice".

What's infuriating about this manufactured crisis is the question of accountability, and the manner in which it is presented by the international Zionist media. In their logic, for Israel to bomb, kill and maim is an act of defence in the fight against terror; and whatever egregious act Tel Aviv may commit, the blame for provocation and escalation lies elsewhere.

Perhaps the post-World War II "never again" mantra is to blame, but it seems backward that the world should live in fear of breathing a wrong word about Israel, Judaism or Jewish actions, while Israel pursues a one-sided murder spree. The idea that, for instance, nationalists should be sidelined as "anti-Semites" and "racists" beggars belief, while Israel itself - in a fit of anti-Gentile contempt "justified" by hate literature like the Talmud - maintains a policy of racially-motivated genocide against Arabs.

While prosecuting one episode of that genocide, Judaic general Moshe Dayan famously said: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."

All mad dogs must eventually be put down. And this is where Russia should come into play. Transcending sectional interests, it's becoming evident that the world is heading towards a cataclysmic clash between the forces of modern Western liberalism, and those who hold to traditional, nation-centred values. The next great war will be a battle for the survival of organic nations, in the face of a monstrous, no-borders New World Order, fuelled by the pervasive influence of international finance.

Currently, Russia, Iran, Syria, occupied Iraq and even Poland are among those resisting the hegemony of this unnatural order. Israel Shamir once said that "the hunt for anti-Semites is a hunt for pockets of resistance to the New World Order, like Nazis going house to house". This works on many levels. On the micro level, it lands people like Ernst Zundel and David Irving in prison; on the macro level, it turns "international opinion" against anyone who refuses to surrender to the claws of international finance and Western "free market" insanity.

Since the ascent of Vladimir Putin in Russia, the Great Bear has slowly recovered from grievous wounds inflicted by seventy years of Judaic Communism, and another ten years of looting by Zionist oligarchs. Who can forget the international furore created by when Putin kicked those same oligarchs to touch? Current relations between Russia and the West are frosty; we are, of course, led to believe that it's Moscow's fault.

The truth is that Russia - a nation slowly but surely experiencing a rebirth of nationalist and traditional values - is in a unique position to take a leading position in the world. Its borders are under constant attack; whether through NATO/CIA interference in eastern European politics, or the situation in Chechnya; and the strangling of its access to the Middle East. Economic pressure is applied on Moscow from distance by friends of the same crooked oligarchs who tried to loot Russia of its wealth during the 1990s.

But despite these setbacks, the current, contrived crisis in the Middle East presents Russia with an opportunity to assert herself on the world stage - starting with the defence of Syria in its forthcoming war with the rogue Jewish state. Syria should sit tight for the moment, but with the help of Russia, they're making preparations - let's hope both Moscow and Damascus won't be afraid to act on them.

For now, our prayers are with the Lebanese people as they face the guns and bombs of violent Jewish supremacism. And with the help of God, major actors in the Middle East and beyond will stand up to this threat and bring Eretz Israel to an end.

Postscript: In an interesting aside to this affair, it seems the Ukrainian authorities attempted to evict the Russian Black Sea fleet from its base in Sevastopol towards the end of June, and seize its property. These are, of course, the same Ukrainian authorities which came to power in a Mossad/CIA-backed coup known as the "Orange Revolution".