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Dr. Edgar Sutor Replies To Yesterday's Don Kates Terrorism Comments

From: Reality Report

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nsional analysis could have been more evenhanded.

Here's a handful of available balancing terrorist acts

(assembled by Moshe Lieberman):

July 2, 1946: The Bombing of the King David Hotel masterminded by Menachem Begin, 91 dead

April 9, 1948: Irgun and Stern Gang massacre 260 Arab civilians in Deir Yassin

Sept 17, 1948: Yitzhak Shamir's Stern Gang assassinate Swedish peace mediator, Count Folke Bernadotte

October 14-15, 1953: Ariel Sharon commands attack on Qibya, 42 homes destroyed, 60 civilians killed

Holy Week 1954 Israelis desecrate Christian cemeteries in Haifa July 14, 1954: Israeli Army intelligence, Modin, firebombs civilian post office in Egypt

1956 terrorist atrocity in Kafr Qasim, 47 cold blooded murders

1966, village of Sammu attacked, 18 dead, 100 wounded

1967 USS Liberty attacked 34 sailors dead, 170 wounded -- not civilians, but non-participants

June 5, 1967, "In danger of being attacked" Israel launches war 1969 Israeli bombing of school Bahhr al Baker, 75 children dead, 100 wounded

March 1, 1970, Israel invades Lebanon, civilian death toll??? Sept 8, 1972 Israeli bombing of Syrian and Lebanese civilians, "hundreds dead"

1974: Israeli terrorists attack civilian aircraft; desecrate Christian shrines including Church of the Holy Sepulcher, stealing the diamond crown of the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary

1975-1980: numerous Mossad assassinations of Palestinian scientists, journalists, and others

August 1982: 20,000 civilians dead from Israeli bombing of Beirut on the orders of Ariel Sharon

September 1982 massacres of the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, 800 women, children, and elderly killed

October 1982: Israeli terrorists bombed houses, cars, and offices of three elected mayors of the West Bank cities, Nablus, Ramallah, and Al Beireh

1984 kidnapping of Palestinians on the high seas off merchant vessels

1986 Palestinian cartoonist, Naj Al Ali, assassinated April 1988 Israeli commandos invade the home of Khalil Al Wazir, a Palestinian leader, and shoot him in bed February-March 1989 Israeli jets bomb Beka Valley, 15 children killed, more adults

April 14, 1989 Israeli police and armed Jewish settlers attack disarmed Palestinian village, Nahalin, 8 killed, 50 wounded

April 9, 2002 (ironically on Yom Has Shoa, "Holocaust Remembrance Day"): Israeli massacre of Palestinian civilians in Jenin

March 6-16, 2002. 200 Palestinian civilians slaughtered

March 30, 2002, 5 Palestinian bank guards summarily executed in Ramallah

April 8, 2002 et seq., bombardment of the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem

April 14, 2000, homes of civilians bulldozed (actions admitted by Ha'aretz and praised by "Holocaust survivor" Elie Wiesel).

Catholics believe the deaths of "Amalek" matter. Catholics resist the use of euphemisms to describe Israeli terrorism and pogroms, "targeted killings," "military raids" (even when the targets are civilians thousands of miles from Israel), "mischief." Catholics resist the labeling of dead children as "terrorists" and preemptive Israeli attacks as "retaliation."

Evenhanded, please!

Edgar Sutor, MD
