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Families Evacuated From Gaza Will Receive Estimated $400,000 Each !!!!!

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the Palestinians whose land is being taken for the West Bank settlments, what are they getting (besides bullets)? And who forks over the $400,000?

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Prime Minister Ariel Sharon will soon call on the Gaza Strip settlers to participate in his disengagement plan, probably before the Likud referendu

m. The purpose is to make as smooth a transfer of homes and livelihoods as possible.

Most of the preparations are intended to ensure a smooth move for the settlements' unique form of agricultural and for their education, which are their main sources of livelihood.

A steering committee headed by National Security Advisor Maj.-Gen. (res.) Giora Eiland is preparing the military, economic, and legal aspects of the disengagement plan. Ministry of Justice director-general Dr. Aaron Abramovich and Ministry of Finance director general Dr. Joseph Bachar are also committee members.

It is estimated that each family evacuated from the Gaza Strip will receive an average of $400,000, for a total expense of $600 million. Sources close to the settlers claim the amounts are higher.

An economic-legal team is examining the possibility of applying the Law of Compensation for the Sinai Evacuees (1982) to the present circumstances.

Minister of Immigrant Absorption Tzipi Livni, one of the first Likud ministers to publicly support the disengagement plan, is seeking to arrange the conditions for evacuation of the settlers.
