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Jewish Nazis

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October 3, 2001

It has long been held that the true definition of the ancient Hebrew word “Israel” is: “he who wrestles with God”, or “to fight God”. In the book of Genesis, Jacob was first called “Israel” after he wrestled with a man who is thought by Bible scholars to have been an angel. If “Israel” means “to wrestle or fight with God”, and if we define “God” as that which is good, kind, loving, sane, wise and truthful — then never was a country more appropriately named as that murderous little cutthroat nation of racist, Zionist psychopaths who invaded Palestine and anointed themselves “Israel”.

Like a poisoned knife thrust into the heart of the Middle East, the violently evil state of Israel has been a direct political and military extension of the United States since 1948. Under the leadership of homicidal psychopaths like Yitzhak Shamir, Menachem Begin and Ariel Sharon, all the brutal Israeli state terrorism against the Palestinian people for the last 55 years has been done with the full blessing of the United States Corporate Mafia Government.

Whether you like it or not, every year the U.S. government makes an outright gift to the Israelis of five to twelve billion dollars. These gifts are disguised as “loans” — which are never repaid. These are your tax dollars, if you live in America, yet you have no say in the matter. The only material power you have is to refuse to pay taxes. You would be morally wise to exercise that power. The Federal government is not a democracy, it is a corporate mafia. And like all mafias, the U.S. government never pays people to do things it doesn’t want done.

Israeli state terrorism is essentially American state terrorism.

Brutally evil though they both are, why should the U.S. government give a hoot whether Israel even exists or not? What practical use is Israel to America? Even from the point of view of American state terrorists it must be logically obvious that the state of Israel is a total liability: a monumental political liability and a sizeable economic liability. Israel not only does the U.S. no good whatsoever, it does a great deal of harm. The U.S. government certainly doesn’t need Israel’s help to control Middle East oil. Far from it. Supporting the invasion of terrorist Israelis has only inspired rebellion among the Arab oil states.

There are only two demented minorities in America who have any interest in advancing the cause of this total liability. Obviously one of these groups consists of the Jewish-American Zionists. Not all Jewish people, just the Zionists. The Jewish Zionists have bought and/or brainwashed the second group: their immoral, venal and ignorant Gentile supporters.

This second group includes the “Christian Zionists”. These evil wackos support Israel because they’re eager for Armageddon, and they’re sure the state of Israel will help to bring it about. They’ve got that right, at least.

Unfortunately, many Jewish-American Zionists are extremely wealthy and powerful, and for over a hundred years they’ve purchased many venal supporters in all branches of the U.S. government, in the legal profession and all levels of the judiciary, in universities and the corporate mass-media. That fact helps to explain why the Jewish Zionists, who are such a tiny percentage of the total population, could have such an overbearing political influence, one that is so bizarrely disproportionate to their small numbers.

The two-headed, two-faced

American plutocracy

The fundamental political fact of life in America is that behind the U.S. government, pulling its strings, there is a plutocracy: “the rule of the rich”. America is not a democracy. The U.S., like all capitalist countries, is ruled by a tiny class of ultra-wealthy criminals, not by the majority of people. But the majority of American people have a tradition of holding democratic values dear, so the plutocracy must take great care to foster the illusion among that majority that they have some say in what their government does. However, the stolen election of 2000 and the growing fascism of the illegitimate Bush regime are awakening growing numbers of people from that illusion.

The American plutocracy isn’t racially or ethnically homogenous. Its membership is composed of two basic segments:

The Christian European-American plutocracy, which consists of the Rockefeller, Brown, Harriman, Morgan, Astor, Carnegie, DuPont and Bush crime families and many others. These names are all very well known, although not as crime families of course! But that is what they really are.

The Jewish plutocracy is less well known, and yet it is actually more powerful. It includes the Rothschild, Lehman, Lazard, Warburg, Kuhn, Loeb, Goldman, Sachs, Seligman, Bronfman and Lansky crime families and many others.

After centuries of tenacious and treacherous effort behind the scenes, the international Jewish plutocracy finally came out of the closet in the 19th century. The Rothschilds led the way, joining the ranks of officially acknowledged “nobility” first in Austria in 1817, and soon thereafter in Germany, France, Italy and England — everywhere they had a bank. What a coincidence! Nathaniel Rothschild of London joined the titled ranks of the English peerage in 1885, becoming the first “Lord Rothschild”.

Since then the Jewish-American plutocracy has gradually acquired equivalent, virtually royal status in the United States.

Like the Christian-European plutocracy, however, the Jewish plutocracy is nothing more than a mafia, a pompous, arrogant gang of glorified criminals. Their wealth was initially acquired through participation in the international slave trade, and through control of the European banking industry.

It is a highly-censored but nevertheless historical fact that Jewish slavers have plied their evil trade internationally from the days of the Roman Empire to the present day. For many centuries the city of Venice was the world’s greatest center of the international slave trade, and wealthy Venetian Jews financed a great deal of it, making immense profits. As with illegal drugs, slavery always was, and still is, extremely profitable for the evil criminals involved in it at every level.

Jewish money-lenders were first imposed upon England in 1066 by the Norman invader, William the Conqueror. He imported a large number of them from Rouen, France, for the express purpose of financially bleeding the English ruling classes.

An exclusive money-lending role was granted to Jews for centuries by many European monarchs, who would then siphon off a fat percentage of the Jewish bankers’ profits. Using the Jews in this racket, the royal con artists could pretend publicly that they themselves would never stoop so low as to commit the sin of usury. And so it appeared to the ill-informed masses that only greedy Jews were involved in the practice. This, together with the Jewish slave trade and its related prostitution rackets, made it very easy for the enemies of the Jews, particularly the Christian churches, to convince their congregations that all Jews must therefore be greedy and evil. The tragic result was that even innocent, hardworking Jewish people were persecuted and murdered in pogroms because of the very real evil of all these assorted fools, knaves and criminals, Jewish and Gentile.

In his book Prostitution and Prejudice: The Jewish Fight Against White Slavery, 1870-1939, Jewish historian Edward Bristow revealed that the center of the Jewish slave trade in Gentile women from Poland and surrounding regions was a small town called Oswiecim.

The German name for this town is Auschwitz.

Early in the 19th century the five Rothschild brothers founded five allied banks in Europe — in London, Paris, Berlin, Naples and Vienna. (This is the origin of the Rothschild family symbol — five arrows bound together.) In 1815 the Rothschilds made an astronomical fortune through the ruthless manipulation of the London Stock Exchange. From then on they controlled the Bank of England. In 1818 they pulled off another major financial coup in France by the manipulation throughout Europe of French government bonds.

Before the end of the 19th century, the international Jewish banking plutocracy had taken financial control of all Europe, and through Europe’s various parasitical empires, the entire world.

“The few who understand the system, will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages...will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without suspecting that the system is inimical to their best interests.”

— Rothschild Brothers of London

June 25, 1863 communiqué to associates in New York

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”

— Benjamin Disraeli

First Jewish Prime Minister of England, 1868

in his 1844 novel Coningsby

Generations of Americans have been conditioned by the Zionist-controlled mass-media to react mindlessly like Pavlov’s dogs to any mention of the Jewish domination of national and international finance. Without taking the trouble to actually find out for themselves, without thinking at all, they automatically dismiss it as just another delusional “conspiracy theory”, the result of “anti-Semitism”. (Good doggie! Here’s a treat.) To help inform such people of the political/financial realities of this world, the following is a confirmation of the existence of the Jewish banking plutocracy, provided by a Jewish source — the online Jewish Encyclopedia:

“With the peace of 1815 [after the Battle of Waterloo] came the beginnings of international finance, in which industrial operations in one country were assisted by loans from financiers of other countries. The Jews, through their international position, were the first to combine into syndicates for such purposes and the earlier stages of national loans and the larger industrial operations — especially those relating to railways — were largely financed by means of Jewish capital. Even in cases where, as in England and the United States, there were large bodies of capitalists ready to advance money, the actual operation was often conducted by means of Jewish firms.

“The practise initiated by the Rothschilds of having several brothers of a firm establish branches in the different financial centers was followed by other Jewish financiers, like the Bischoffsheims, Pereires, Seligmans, Lazards, and others... By this means Jewish financiers obtained an increasing share of international finance during the middle and last quarter of the nineteenth century. The head of the whole group was the Rothschild family...”

[italics added]

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.”

— Meyer Amschel Rothschild

first patriarch of the Rothschild dynasty

The Christian-European segment of the American plutocracy nominally controls the U.S. military, the weapons industry, the oil industry and many corporations. The Jewish segment of the plutocracy controls most of the banking industry, including the all-important Federal Reserve Bank. Even more importantly, it also owns and dominates all of the corporate mass-media.

Through the banks alone the Zionist Jewish plutocracy can manipulate the entire economy, and through the mass-media it can deceive and manipulate the mass-mind of society.

These two areas of control have made the Jewish plutocracy more powerful than the Christian European-American plutocracy for well over a century. This is why a lowlife, war-criminal, mafia thug like Ariel Sharon can openly boast: “We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”

“We all know that the first bankers of the world — Rothschilds — are Jews; we know they control not only the money market, but also the political destiny of the European world... The Press of Europe is mostly controlled by Jews; the leading editors are Jews.”

— Simon Wolf

Jewish-American lobbyist, 1888

The Influence of the Jews on the Progress of the World

Washington DC, 1888; pp. 37-39

Simon Wolfe’s ethnocentric boast applies more to America now, than to Europe. In particular, the Jewish control of the American mass-media is the only thing which adequately explains the mass-media’s overwhelming bias in favor of the terrorist state of Israel, and its perennial coverups of over half-a-century of brutal Israeli atrocities.

“There are no important media outlets in the U.S. that are not owned or controlled by Jews.”

— Israel Shamir

Russian-Israeli journalist

in his article “Midas Ears”

Note: Unlike Sharon, Israel Shamir is a good, conscientious man.

His statement is meant not as an ethnocentric boast,

but as a wake-up call.

Given the complex, interdependent nature of the economy, however, the Jewish segment of the American plutocracy can never act in total independence of the Christian-European segment, despite the Jewish predominance. They are all forced by circumstance to cooperate with each other in order to retain their wealth, power and privilege. It’s more than likely, however, that behind closed doors a great many of them despise each other intensely.

Zionism and Talmudic Judaism are inherently racist, referring contemptuously to all Gentile people as “goyim”. The reality of Jewish racism is totally covered up by the Zionist-controlled mass-media, of course, while Gentile racism toward Jews is given wide publicity. And indeed, many Gentiles within the American plutocracy were Nazi-sympathizers before WWII. No doubt there are many who remain so today.

Zionism and Naziism are mirror images of each other. The biggest difference is that Zionism has always been very stealthy, skillfully hiding its racist inhumanity from most Gentiles, while Naziism was very brazen and open about its racism.

There is an ancient Cabalistic symbol for the primordial nature of evil, and it would be quite fitting as the official seal of the American plutocracy. The symbol consists of a beast with two heads — which are eternally at war with each other. The heads bite and snarl and snap at each other and basically make life hell for each other, but each one is forever unable to kill the other because they are connected to the same body. Just so, the two heads of the beastly American plutocracy are inextricably connected to the same economy.

The Jewish-American head of the plutocratic Beast includes the virtually invisible Jewish mafia — with which Ariel Sharon has long been closely involved.

The Jewish-American plutocracy is indeed a racist, ethnocentric mafia. Fundamentally treasonous, it favors the well-being of fellow Jews and Israelis over the well-being of Gentile Americans.

The entire American plutocracy, for that matter, is a two-faced fraud, as well as a two-headed Beast. Contrary to their carefully cultivated patriotic images, no segment of the plutocracy has ever had any honest concern for the well-being of either the Jewish or the Gentile working-class majority of Americans.

However it is the Jewish-American segment of the plutocracy, through its control of banking and the mass-media, which has managed to coerce and beguile Americans into supporting the terrorist state of Israel all these years, something which is not at all in the interest of average Americans. Israel is basically a welfare state for war criminals, in which American taxpayers foot the bill for everything the Jewish-American plutocracy decides to give the Israelis free of charge, including all the high-tech weaponry they use to terrorize and murder innocent Palestinian children.

The economic parasitism and political power of the Zionist Jewish-American plutocracy is totally invisible to the average mentally-sleeping American, thanks to the Zionists’ control of the mass-media. This insidious power of the Jewish plutocracy is also greatly enhanced by the fact that it owns Mossad and Shin Bet, Israel’s primary spy agencies, and also the Israeli telecommunications companies Amdocs Ltd. and Comverse Infosys — through all of which it spies extensively on the U.S. military/government.

The two heads of the Beast will never stop warring on each other.

Anti-Zionist Jewish people

For the sake of decent, anti-Zionist Jewish people, however, it is critically important to distinguish between them and Zionist Jews. Whether or not they are members of the plutocracy, Zionist Jews are racist, selfish and ethnocentric, and they certainly share the blame for Israel’s murderous crimes. In contrast, anti-Zionist Jews have a genuine moral conscience, and they absolutely cannot be blamed for the crimes of Israel and the Jewish-American plutocracy. Anti-Zionist Jewish people like Israel Shamir have always been among the most eloquent and courageously outspoken opponents and critics of Israeli state terrorism.

It does take courage, because Jewish people who speak out against Israeli terrorism are hated all the more intensely by demented Zionists, who label them as “traitors” and “self-hating Jews”. Zionists are fundamentally evil people, and the most twisted of them have never hesitated to murder even fellow Jews if they are judged to be a serious threat to The Cause — which was Israel, but is now “Eretz Israel”, or Greater Israel. In 1924, Jewish professor Yisroel Yaakov De Haan was murdered by Zionists in Jerusalem, right outside a synagogue, because he was an implacable opponent of Zionism. Yitzhak Shamir, who later became a Prime Minister of Israel, personally murdered a Jewish colleague during the Zionist terrorist struggle for statehood against the British Empire. Such murders were not uncommon, and still aren’t.

“Many rabbis and professionals have told me recently that they fear for their jobs should they even begin to articulate their doubts about Israeli policy — much less give explicit support to calls for an end to the occupation.”

— Rabbi Michael Lerner

April 28, 2002

Los Angeles Times

Actually, decent Jewish people in America fear for more than their jobs if they dare to speak the political and moral truth. Some have received death threats for speaking out, and they know that being Jewish does not make them immune to murder by Zionist fanatics.

Israel and Zionism are actually the worst enemies of Jews and Judaism that have ever existed. More insidiously deadly than the Nazis by far, Zionism is a spiritual cancer within the Jewish culture and religion. Evil outside you can only abuse and murder your physical body. The evil within will poison your soul.

“For believing Jews, Zionism is anathema to our religion, indeed to our very being. Real Jews do not want to take over Palestine. Real Jews wish to live in peace with all peoples, especially our Arab/Muslim cousins. Real Jews commiserate with the suffering of the Palestinian people at the hands of the satanic Zionist Reich.”

— Adiv Abramson

an orthodox Jew

Many orthodox rabbis have long worked to inform the world and fellow Jews of the fact that Zionism is a complete heresy against Torah Judaism. See Jews Against Zionism,, Neturei Karta USA and Neturei Karta - Jews United Against Zionism. Zionism is a total heresy against human decency itself, for that matter, regardless of religion.

There have also always been many good and decent secular Jewish people all over the world who are ashamed and horrified at the murderous, racist hypocrisy that has been perpetrated in their names by the terrorist state of Israel. See Jews Against the Occupation and Gush Shalom.
