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International Court Of Justice To Open Hearings On Israeli Wall Case Next Week !!

On Israeli Wall Case Next Week !!

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International Court of Justice to open hearings on Israeli wall case next w eek

18 February 2004 - The International Court of Justice (ICJ) today announced that it will hold three days of hearings starting Monday in the request for an advi sory opinion on the consequences of the construction of a wall in the occupied P alestinian territory.

So far, Palestine, as well as South Africa, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Banglad esh, Belize, Cuba, Indonesia, Jordan, Madagascar, Malaysia, Senegal, Sudan and Turkey - as well as the League of Arab States and the Organization of the Islamic Conference - have indicated their desire to present oral statements in the case, The Hague-ba sed ICJ said.

The Court's action comes in response to a request by the General Assembly, which at a December, 2003, emergency session on Palestine adopted a resolution askin g the ICJ to urgently render an opinion on "the legal consequences arising from t he construction of the wall being built by Israel, the occupying Power, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem."

The Court was also asked to consider the rules and principles of internati onal law, including the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention as well as relevant Security Co uncil and General Assembly resolutions.
