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War Criminal Shimon Peres Not Welcome In Los Angeles (Dated)

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Monday, Oct. 13, 2003, at 6:45pm Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza

Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2003, at 6:45pm Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center

Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2003, at 6:45pm Pasadena Civic Auditorium

Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003, at 7:40am Milken Institute, Santa Monica


Shimon Peres, portrayed by the media as a moderate Israeli politician, winner of a Nobel Peace Prize, and founder of the "Peres Peace Center" is not by any means a peaceful man. His soft style may fool some, but his bloody record shows that he is clearly a war criminal and an international terrorist. Here's some of the dirty work he's done since he moved from Poland to Palestine in 1934:

Peres' roles in the Israeli government:

- Joined the Haganah, Israel's military, in 1947 and participated in the ethnic cleansing and dispossession of the Palestinian people. Also headed Israel's navy and served as Defense Minister.

- Was the architect of Israel's illegal nuclear weapons armament program, continued to falsely deny Israel's nuclear capabilities, and in 1986 ordered the Mossad to abduct Mordechai Vanunu after he informed European media about Israel's nuclear capabilities.

- Held various high-profile government positions; Foreign Minister (1986-88, 92-95, 01-02), and Prime Minister (1984-86 and 95-96).

- As Foreign Minister in Ariel Sharon's government (March 2001- October 2002), he unashamedly aided and became an accomplice to Sharon's brutal policies against the Palestinian people, including closures of the territories, deportations, house demolitions, attacks on civilians, torture of political prisoners, targetted assassinations and executions, massacres, and continued settlement activity, all in violation of international law, UN resolutions and basic human decency.

- Member of the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) and chairman of the Labor Party.

Peres had approved at least the following massacres:

- Qana Massacre, April 1996. Death count: More than 100. This involved the bombing of a clearly marked UN shelter where 800 Lebanese civilians were seeking refuge from the Israeli Air Force's attacks. The UN characterized Israel's actions as "grave violations of international law" and investigations by Amnesty Int'l and Human Rights Watch concluded that the shelling of the compound was deliberate, not accidental as Israel and the U.S. claimed. Peres was Prime Minister and he gave the go-ahead for bombing the shelter, apparently for domestic political reasons.

- Jenin Massacre, April 2002. Death count: More than 50 bodies have been identified, but hundreds are yet unaccounted for. This involved sealing off the refugee camp from the rest of the world, and attacking day and night with tanks, bulldozers, APC's, and helicopters. An entire neighborhood was bulldozed with some residents inside their homes, and no medical aid or journalists were allowed in until the army had a chance to "clean up." Peres was Foreign Minister, and expressed concerns more about Israel's image than the actual carnage - "When the world sees the pictures of what we have done there, it will do us immense damage."

Peres had approved at least the following targeted assassinations:

- Abu Jihad was the PLO's second-in-command and was gunned down by an Israeli hit squad in his home in Tunis, infront of his wife and children. Peres was Foreign Minister at the time (1988), and a member of the cabinet that approved the assassination.

- Yahya Ayyash ("the Engineer"), leader of the Izzedin Al-Qassam Brigades, was assassinated by means of an explosive devise that was implanted in his cellular phone, and which exploded when Ayyash answered his telephone. Peres was Prime Minister and gave the go-ahead for the assassination.

- Abu Ali Mustafa, the leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), was assassinated in August 2001. American-made Apache helicopters shot two missiles into Abu Ali Mustafa's office, tearing him apart. An unapologetic Peres, who was Foreign Minister at the time, called him a "leader of a gang of suicidal murderers." In fact, the PFLP had not engaged in suicide operations then, but started doing so with the formation of the "Abu Ali Martyrs Brigades" to avenge their leader.

- Salah Shehada, commander of the military wing of Hamas, was assassinated in July 2002. An American-made Israeli F-16 jet dropped a one ton "smart bomb" in the middle of the night into a densely populated residential area, resulting in the murder of 14 Palestinian civilians, of whom 9 were children including a 2-month old baby. Ariel Sharon announced the hit as a "great success" and Peres said he would also call it a "great success" had there not been civilian casualties. Peres, Foreign Minister at that time, was therefore clearly advocating the illegal and immoral targetted assassinations of Palestinian resistance leaders.

Clearly, Shimon Peres has violated numerous international laws and human rights during his bloody career. Lets make it clear that we do not welcome war criminals in Los Angeles, and that a significant percentage of the American public is against Israel's terrorist practices against the Palestinian people!


There will be protests at the three evening lectures, where Peres will be speaking about "peace in the Middle East." These lectures are organized by the Distinguished Speaker Series (see There will also be a protest at the "Environmental Technologies" conference on Thursday morning.

Peres is being introduced with soft wording such as "there is no more lasting or devoted peace-seeker than twice-elected Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres. The winner of the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize, Mr. Peres has dedicated his entire adult life to. the realization of peace between Israel and her neighbors."

Join us in the protests, and let the truth be exposed!


Monday, Oct. 13, 2003 - Thousand Oaks

Lecture at at 8:00pm, gather to protest at 6:45pm Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza Box Office (intersection of Thousand Oaks Blvd. & Dallas Drive) 2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd. - Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 Tel. (805) 449-ARTS Directions and parking:

Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2003 - Redondo Beach

Lecture at at 8:00pm, gather to protest at 6:45pm Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center 1935 Manhattan Beach Boulevard, Redondo Beach CA 90278 Tel. (310) 937-6607 Directions:

Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2003 - Pasadena

Lecture at at 8:00pm, gather to protest at 6:45pm Pasadena Civic Auditorium 300 E. Green Street, Pasadena, CA Tel: (626) 795-9311 Website:

Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 - Santa Monica

Conference registration 7:45-8:30 AM, gather to protest at 7:40am Milken Institute 1250 Fourth Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401 Phone: (310) 570-4600 Website:

For further information, e-mail
