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Live From Lebanon

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nes and shootin for two days straight now and it doesnt seem like its gunna end anytime soon (thhere is some goin on as i type)

israel has bombed EVERY SINGLE STREET AND HIGHWAY that leads anywhere in lebanon. we cant leave saida. and we definately cant leave lebanon since they bombed the airport.

to sum things up, i have never been more terrified for my life as i am right now. nobody can eat and we are all just shaking. my heart is racing 24hrs out of the day because we odnt know what to expect.

WE ARE WATCHIN THE BOMBS DROP AND GUNS SHOOTING FROM OUR BALCONIES. WE SEE EVERYTHING. we were watchin the news and they were showing babies and kids dead. the saddest thing EVER it made us all cry because we are in the situation too. bombs droppin on houses and so forth. but of course the media over there shows lies all (we were watchin CNN) except some stupid town in israel that got a rocket and ONE CASUALTY. INSHALLAH THEY ALL DIE A HORRIBLE AND TORTUROUS DEATH INSHALLAH INSHALLAH INSHALLAH.

I think that it's safe to conclude that Israel's CONDUCT breeds hatred - not its "Jewish" character.

For every Arab civilian Israel kills with impunity, a thousand more will pray for its destruction.