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Wag the Dog

Jim Kirwan

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ithout the basic inconvenience of the general public's awareness.

By the time that 'war' began to morph into the Cheney-Bush wars of 2003, the hijackers of this government could no longer trust their tasks to US military forces alone and since there was nothing like a meaningful "coalition-of-the-willing," the New World Order" issued orders to their puppet government leaders, to expand the role of a pivotal "new" player on the global stage. Thus the 'birth' of private mercenary armies became the new and far more deadly player in security-hot-spots around the world.

This is how private armies came to play such a huge role in US foreign policy and global war crimes to simply further multi- national corporate greed, masquerading as US military policies that the White House still insists "must be left to the general's to decide."

Yesterday, during the White House Press briefing the resident's talking head responded to a question about the price of oil by saying: "the problem with oil is Iran." This is the same as blaming the victims of rape for their problems after-the-fact, or blaming the corpse, not the murder, for their own death. Iran is not the problem the problem is, and has always been the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, as well as the continued American support for Israel's policies of torture and murder in Palestine.

The larger issue that continues to be ignored are the crimes of the two most prominent rogue states that still threaten the existence of the 'free' world. The USA was born in 400 plus years of war that our settlers waged upon the native population of this land- this is the still undocumented American Holocaust. If congress is so anxious to set the historical records straight they might want to start with the events that happened in the USA.

Israel is still not a state, because it has yet to "establish" even its own borders. It is a place that is still hostile to the world community of nations, a nuclear pit-bull that roams freely wherever it sees its' 'interests' threatened. Israel has become a Petri dish for what the NWO seeks to change, by attempting to leap from instigating "terror" to recognition by the world of some perverted kind of legitimacy. In Israel's case (guided by the Zionist government of Israel) they need to convert their investment in fascism and genocide into a new role as a 'real- world-nation' that could begin to participate in the community of nations.

But the flaw at the core of this argument is glaring. Having played the victim card in the Holocaust of the Second World War, Israel has now squandered the sympathies of millions by their emulation of fascist policies regarding the people of Palestine for whom Israel is legally and morally responsible, under the Geneva Conventions and the court of global-public opinion.

To date Israel has failed the test-of-time over the more than fifty years of its struggle to become something other than just a collection of renegade appetites driven by a perverted passion that continues to harbor the illusion that 'Israel' really is a state in the world community. The only other major 'state' that is currently refusing to abide by international laws and conventions is the United States under Cheney-Bush.

Against this backdrop of blood and intimidation both the US and Israel are now immersed in a struggle-to-the-death with the twin- tar-babies of Iraq and Iran. However, these two bully-nations of the West have only themselves to blame for having created a global nightmare of seemingly impossible proportions. This has become the case because neither Israel nor the White House will even talk to the nations and organizations in the region that have been most directly affected, by the thoughtless and belligerent attitudes, of both the US and Israel, towards anything less than total and unconditional surrender.

As hours become days, and days turn into weeks, military and financial pressures are increased; and the draconian sanctions on Iran become threats that amount to an open declaration of war. This is being done as if only Iran and Iraq are question marks that need to be dealt with-while the truth goes in search of sanity and reason. Iran is surrounded by hostile American forces and that fact is compounded by continuing Israeli threats of attack as well.

Meanwhile the friends and allies of Iran and a stable Iraq are lining up in opposition to halt this blatant grab for power over the entire region-while the instigators of the strife and bloodshed continue to treat themselves as the only "legitimate" nations involved in this 'real-world' showdown. But now we must look to what has just happened here-to the outright assault upon the remains of the First Amendment to the US Constitution:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Apparently the US House of Representatives can no longer read: because they just passed by a margin of 404-6: HR 1955 titled "The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007," which flies directly in the face of all that the First Amendment was created to protect the public from. This bill that was shoved through the House by Pelosi, without debate, while the California wild-fires were burning brightly, is an attempt to write a 'thought-crimes authorization bill' that would circumvent the rights of all Americans to be protected from tyrannies and treasons being committed daily by the government of the USA. This piece of Double-Speak is vague and duplicitous at the same time, in much the same way that US policies around the world are seeking totalitarian powers, supposedly in the name of "freedom & democracy" around the planet.

For openers there is no freedom of speech, not in print, not on television, and especially not at political gatherings: There are "free speech zones several miles from the events they are meant to protest, usually surrounded by barbed wire and security. If you try to speak within the venue itself, even by using a t-shirt instead of spoken words, there is arrest and possibly tazering. Freedom of the press is a public joke as the mainstream press is totally controlled by the same interests that underwrite the legions of draconian government tyrannies. Freedom of assembly is another "quaint" thought but can never be achieved without pre- approved permits (another blatant violation of the US Constitution) but no one cares! As for "petitioning the government for redress of grievances" good luck with that one because almost everything the government does today is illegal, immoral or just plane criminal-but since everyone seems to be in on it-that hardly matters either.

The US and Israel proclaim their "outrage" and total dissatisfaction with political situations everywhere-yet their only solutions for what they see as "real threats" to world- order or any form of peace-is in reality only more of their own belligerence and barbaric military force, wherever their 'powers' are threatened. Since none of this can any longer be done with US military force alone-the use of newly privatized military forces has become the weapon of choice (and necessity) abroad. With increasing frequency these lawless mercenaries are being used against American civilians as well. It is inside this new police-state environment that Pelosi has chosen to ram through the thought-crime legislation in order to stop the natural backlash to the latest vicious actions of "the tail" that continues to "Wag the Dog."

Once upon a time in America there were these symbolic ideals, lofty thoughts and lots of brave quotations but now that literally 'everything' is up for grabs by the most criminal elements within society, the sound of silence is deafening!

"Risk" has become the most dangerous concept in America, and "Sacrifice" like "Defeat" has become the ultimate orphan and 'Victory' is nothing but a pipe dream now. http:// Double-Speak is the language of choice today and Treachery is the watchword for all our tomorrows.

Good night and Good luck America you're going to need it!
