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"War" In Middle East: It Is Not What We Have Been Told....

Hal Turner

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the present hostilities

happening in the Middle East.

The main stream media would have us believe that Israel has been the victim of rocket attacks and kidnapped solders for which they are acting militarily. Sadly, that is not the truth.

First, a little recap of recent history:

In January, 2006 the Palestinian people elected members of HAMAS

to political office. This did not sit well with the Israeli government or

its U.S. puppet. George W. Bush frequently told America that we

toppled Saddam Hussein to install a democracy. Yet when the

Palestinian people utilized their democracy to elect HAMAS, Bush

began acting against them! The hypocrisy is rank. Still, HAMAS

extended the hand of peace to Israel. They did so in writing. Khalid Mish'al is head of the political bureau of Hamas. Read his letter Here. (


Instead of talking with HAMAS, Israel began talking to everyone else about getting rid of HAMAS. So intent was Israel to ignore the lawfully elected Palestinian government, that less than sixty days after the election, while the HAMAS government was still brand new and

getting a feel for what to do, Israel launched an overt military

action of a most foul nature.

For years, the Palestinian Authority held in prison, a number of men convicted of assassinating an Israeli official. The men were held in the prison at Jericho and were "monitored" by the British who agreed to

keep monitors in that prison to make certain things were right.

On March 14, the British "monitors" suddenly decided to leave the

prison. The Israeli military just happened to see the monitors leave. Within minutes, the Israeli army attacked the prison with troops and tanks!

The Israelis thought that the prisoners were too comfortable; they weren't being punished with sufficient barbarity. The Israelis

decided to change that by attacking the prison and taking the men

to an Israeli prison by force. Read about that attack against

the sovereign Palestinian Government Prison Here. (

One week after attacking the sovereign Palestinian government prison

and taking its prisoners by force; Israel told the world they would UNILATERALLY decide the final borders for Israel!

This declaration flew in the face of the Oslo Accords, flew in the face

of a number of United Nations Security Council Resolutions and, of course, was a direct slap at the new HAMAS lead, Palestinian


Read the announcement of the Unilateral Border

decision from the Jerusalem Post as it was published on March 21 (


Not content to have raided another government's prison and taken its prisoners by force; not content to have announced they would

unilaterally decide their own borders, Israel went even further.

On March 23, just a week before the Israeli elections, Israel

announced outright that it simply would not deal with the lawfully, democratically-elected HAMAS government.

In a follow-up story published in the Jerusalem Post, Israel announced how they viewed resistance to anything they dictate. They stated bluntly "What is resistance if not terrorism?" So Israel not only decided what it wants and that it will IMPOSE its will on everyone, they also decided anyone who disagrees is automatically a "terrorist" against whom "Israel has a right to defend itself." There's a word for this: Totalitarian.

Read this extensive article in which the Israeli Defense Minister

makes plain: Anyone who resists Israel is a terrorist. (


With things going as badly as shown above, the newly elected

Palestinian Prime Minister ISMAIL HANIYEH, spoke to the world.

He pointed out that the Palestinians are being denied their basic

rights by Israel. He made clear that no one is asking anything of

Israel while the Palestinians themselves are being dictated to.

He made clear the situation is a recipe for conflict. No one listened. Read the Prime Minister's statement warning.(


In April, May and June, the Israeli military commenced shelling of Palestinian CIVILIANS. According to sources in both Israel and

Palestine, upward of five thousand (5,000) artillery shells PER MONTH were landing on Palestinian areas. Hundreds of innocent civilians were

injured, dozens were killed.

Sadly, the world only heard of ONE such shelling; when the Israelis

wiped out an entire family picnicking on a beach. The world was

shocked and sickened to see photos and video of a lone 7 year old girl survivor, as she clung to the dead bodies of her family on the beach.

In May and June, SEVENTY-EIGHT (78) Palestinians were killed

by Israel. Read the Death Toll here (


By mid June, the Palestinians had enough. They began retaliating

for the artillery shelling by launching a few Qassam rockets into Israel.

On June 21, an Israeli reported the situation with unusual candor; mocking "A week of Israeli restraint." (

Sadly, just ONE HOUR after the story above went to press, Israel

killed three more children in a street in northern GAZA with

additional shelling.

As Israeli shelling continued, Palestinians fought back. In a daring raid, they captured a single IDF Corporal and took him prisoner. Israel called

it a "Kidnapping."

Here in America when someone is kidnapped, we call the police. The FBI. In fact, that's generally what happens in every civilized nation on earth. Not Israel.

Israel went berserk! They launched a major military offensive, sending troops, tanks and armored personnel carriers into GAZA. They attacked people and buildings. The Israeli Air Force bombed Palestinian government buildings. The Israelis even arrested dozens of elected officials!

On what charges? No one knows.

Few even care.

Those officials they cannot arrest, they try to assassinate! In one

botched assassination attempt, Israel killed twenty three innocent Palestinians. Read about this atrocity here.(


In another assassination attempt, Israel bombed a private house,

killing a family of nine as they slept! Read about this atrocity here.

The jews have gone completely nuts, attacking, killing and arresting Palestinians. But even that wasn't enough to satisfy Israeli blood lust.

The Israelis then attacked Lebanon! They have been bombing civilian areas! Homes. Apartment buildings. The murderous carnage is disgusting.

So brutal, so murderous are the Israelis they even deliberately set-up people to be killed. In Lebanon, Israeli troops ordered people to

evacuate and area, then called in an air strike to incinerate the

evacuation convoy, incinerating at least fifteen children! UN Peace

Keepers were reportedly "in tears" at the carnage. Read

about this war crime here. (

Those killings came just after Israel killed 32 other civilians during the bombings of bridges inside Lebanon!

ALL of this violence was precipitated by Israel. ALL of the deaths and injuries are at the hands or caused by the decisions of Israel.

So the next time you hear an Israeli or one of their defenders say

'"Israel has a right to defend itself" remember, so does everyone else.

Israel are the terrorists. Israel are the aggressors. The proof is irrefutable!

If someone killed 78 Americans in one month, would YOU fight them?

If that same someone went on to kill 23 Americans in another attack, or slaughtered a family of nine while they slept, would YOU fight back?

The Arabs are the good guys. We in the U.S. have been backing the wrong side.

~Hal Turner

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