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Zionists Want To Trick America Into World War III, World Crisis, And World Government

World Crisis, And World Government

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In January of 2001, 9 months before the 9-11 attacks, a well known economist and political figure with worldwide intelligence connections issued the following prediction:

"A new Middle East war of the general type and implications indicated, will occur if certain specified incidents materialize. It will occur only if the combination of the Israeli government and certain Anglo-American circles wish to have it occur. If they should wish it to occur, the incidents to "explain" that occurrence, will be arranged."

"Contrary to widespread childish opinion, most of the important things that happen in the world, happen because powerful forces intend them to happen, not because of some so-called "sociological" or other statistical coincidence of the types reported for the popular edification of the easily deluded. A new Middle East war, bigger than any yet seen, is inevitable under presently reigning global influences. (1) (empasis added)

The man who made that prediction is the perpetual presidential "wannabe" Lyndon Larouche. Now Larouche may be a cult like figure with some really weird interpretations of history, but his intelligence contacts are legitimate and many of his political and economic forecasts have been accurate in the past. Considering all the history and recent events reviewed in this paper, and the logical conclusions which they lead us to, the above prediction was "right on the money."

An even more chilling prophecy was issued in 1984 by jewish author and anti-Zionist Jack Bernstein. Bernstein warned:

"The Zionists who rule Israel and the Zionists in America have been trying to trick the U.S. into a Mideast war on the side of Israel. They almost succeeded when U.S. Marines were sent to Lebanon in 1982. The blood of the 250 American Marines who died in Lebanon is dripping from the hands of the Israeli and American Zionists."

If more Americans are not made aware of the truth about Zionist Israel, you can be sure that, sooner or later, those atheists who claim to be God's Chosen People will trick the U.S. into a Mideast war against the Arabs who in the past have always been America's best friends. Then more AmerIcan boys will die because of these clever murderous Zionists, who, incidentally, have been responsible for pushing America into World War I, World War II, as well as the Korean War and Vietnam Wars. While Zionist international bankers and other Zionist Jews were busy counting their profits for those wars, American mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters were mourning the loss of their sons and brothers. Will YOU someday be mourning the loss of your son or brother -- because of Zionist treachery? (emphasis added) (2)

That part of Bernstein's warning has already come to pass. What's amazing is that Bernstein wrote that way back in 1984! But the other part of Bernstein's warning is far more chilling. Bernstein adds:

"At some point during the war, when the U.S. military is deeply involved and the U.S. citizens are demoralized, the Zionist-oriented Jewish international bankers will make their move. Evidence leads to the conclusion that it is these bankers who own the Class A Stock of the U.S. Federal Reserve, America's central bank. In this position of power these Zionist bankers can, and likely will, trigger an economic collapse in America -- like they did in 1929 when they caused the stock market crash and started the severe depression of the 1930's."

"Since the money system currently used in the U.S. is NOT backed by gold, silver, or anything of value, the paper dollars and tin coins now in use will be worthless. In the resulting state of confusion and in an effort to obtain food and other necessities, the American people will accept the "New States Constitution" which has already been written. This will place the American people under the dictates of one-world government run by the Zionist-oriented international bankers and Zionist/Bolshevik Jews."

Exactly what direction the war in the Mideast will take only the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv triangle and God can know. When it is all over, the main LOSERS will be: The American people. The Arab people. Those Jews who stand for justice and freedom. The only WINNERS will be: The Zionist international bankers and the Zionist/Bolshevik Jews.(3)

The Zionists (and also other Anglo-American Internationalists) do not conceal their desire for World War III and an eventual New World Order (World Government), with American boys doing the dying. Theses are the forces that pulled off 9-11, turned us into Arab hating fanatics, put an American flag in our hands, and are marching us off to fight for Zionism. Just read what Ra'anan Gissin - a senior adviser to and spokesman for Ariel "the Butcher" Sharon - said in an interview with the Arizona Daily Star in April of 2002:

"The terror attacks on Sept. 11 and extreme turmoil in the Middle East point to one thing - World War III. We've been fighting a war for the past 18 months, which is the harbinger of World War III. The world is going to fight, whether they like it or not. I'm sure.'' (4)

Here's another warmongering, inflammatory quote from Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, urging the US to attack Iraq:

"Attacking Iraq now would be "quite dangerous, but postponing it would be more dangerous." The problem today is not if but when." (5)

And here's another warmongering quote from an editorial that former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamim Netanyahu wrote for the New York Post headlined "Today We are All Americans":

"What is at stake today is nothing less than the survival of civilization.... I have absolute confidence that if we, the citizens of the free world, led by President Bush, will marshal the enormous reserves of power at our disposal, harness the steely resolve of a free people and mobilize our collective will to eradicate this evil from the face of the earth....The international terrorist network is thus based on regimes - Iran, Iraq, Syria, Taleban Afghanistan, Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Authority and several other Arab regimes such as the Sudan. For the bin Ladens of the world, Israel is merely a sideshow. America is the target" (6)

Note the ominous similarity between Netanyahu's lies and the first words that Sivan Kurzberg - one of the dancing Israeli "movers" - spoke to arresting police officer on 9-11:

"We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem." (7)

Recall Netanyahu's 9-11 comment about the attacks being "very good" for Israeli-US relations. The title of the New York Times article which carried that comment was: "Spilled Blood is Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer." (8)

Ariel Sharon used the same glinking tactich in a speech before the notoriously defamatory, Zionist Anti-Defamation League:

"There is a moral equivalency and direct connection between America's continuous operations against al Qaeda in Afghanistan and any other Israel Defense Forces operation to defeat terrorism," Sharon said in a speech Monday to the Anti-Defamation League. They are acts of self-defense against the same forces of evil and darkness bent on destroying civilized society." (9) Snip- See URL
