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Israel Approved Killing of Hamas Commander Amid Talks on Long-Term Truce

John Glaser

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Nov. 15, 2012


Of course, and to have considered otherwise, shows the level of naive-ness on the part of Hamas. The Palestinians know who the Jew is, and so do the other middle eastern countries, so why would they have ever bothered discussing peace with them? The Jew will never make peace with any other people, no more than a Tiger would be expected to stop hunting in the wild for their food. The Jew only knows one way of existing, and that is the life of a parasite, attaching themselves to every other nationality and culture they come into contact with; it has always been so, in unceasing fashion.

The Jew does have the superior intellect for creating masterful subterfuge, deception, and feigning all suspicion away from themselves. They are also masters at projecting themselves as a race of victims, and downtrodden -- their most effective ploy used --  tailored especially for the stupid goyim.

Americans will never catch on to who the Jew is, mostly because they are inextricably ladened, distracted and preoccupied in a world full of manufactured Jew titillation's of unending vices and self indulgences.   ---Rod Remelin



Just hours before Israel assassinated Hamas commander Ahmed Jabari on Tuesday, he received the draft proposal of a permanent truce agreement with Israel. But Israel approved the airstrike anyways, choosing escalation over resolution.

Israeli peace activist Gershon Baskin, who helped negotiate the release of Gilad Shalit and maintained contacts with Hamas leaders, said the truce agreement included protocols for maintaining a cease-fire in the case of cross-border violence between Israel and Gaza.

Baskin told Haaretz that senior officials in Israel knew about the pending truce agreement, but nevertheless approved the assassination, presumably knowing it would terminate the truce and escalate the conflict with Gaza.

“I think that they have made a strategic mistake,” Baskin said, “which will cost the lives of quite a number of innocent people on both sides.” He added that Jabari’s assassination “killed the possibility of achieving a truce.”

“This blood could have been spared. Those who made the decision must be judged by the voters, but to my regret they will get more votes because of this,” he added.

“According to Baskin,” Haaretz reports, “during the past two years Jabari internalized the realization that the rounds of hostilities with Israel were beneficial neither to Hamas nor to the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip and only caused suffering, and several times he acted to prevent firing by Hamas into Israel.”

Even when Hamas was pulled into participating in rocket fire, its rockets would always land in open spaces. “And that was intentional,” Baskin said.