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U.S. Republicans submit resolution giving Israel right to annex West Bank

Natasha Mozgovaya

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Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) introduces House resolution that supports annexation if the Palestinian Authority continues to push for UN vote.

U.S. Representative Joe Walsh (R-IL), introduced on Monday a resolution (with 30 co-sponsors) to support Israel’s right to annex the West Bank in the event that the Palestinian Authority continues to push for vote at the United Nations.


He was quoted as saying that "it’s clear that the United States needs to make a very strong statement. I would argue that the president should make this statement, but he’s not capable of making it. So, the House needs to make this statement, if the [Palestinian Authority] continues down this road of trying to get recognition of statehood, the U.S. will not stand for it. And we will respect Israel’s right to annex Judea and Samaria.”


Meanwhile on Sunday, Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) delivered the keynote address at the Jewish National Fund’s 2011 National Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio. Boehner said that it is the U.S.'s duty to stand by Israel "not just as a broker or observer – but as a strong partner and reliable ally.”


Referring to the Palestinian statehood bid at the UN, Boehner said that “Israel has demonstrated time and again it seeks nothing more than peace … a peace agreed to by the two states and only the two states. Like every prime minister before him, Prime Minister Netanyahu knows peace will require compromise – and he accepts that. He welcomes that."

Lawrence O'Donnell: Joe Walsh Is 'Deadbeat Dad Congressman' Over Back Child Support (VIDEO)

Lawrence O'Donnell tore into Congressman Joe Walsh for continuing to not pay child support on Thursday's "Last Word," reiterating his ban on the congressman and asking other programs to do the same.

O'Donnell first banned Walsh from his show in July, after revelations that the Illinois Republican and Tea Party favorite owes more than $100,000 in back child support to his ex-wife Laura Walsh for their three children. On Wednesday, Walsh failed to show up for a court hearing to provide proof of payment.

On Thursday, a seething O'Donnell denounced Walsh as a "deadbeat dad Congressman" and a "disgrace" to the House of Representatives and the Republican Party. He revealed that the congressman had missed a child support hearing for a vote that Republicans won by a landslide, and where Walsh had simply voted "present" anyway. He said that paying child support was a serious matter that "is in fact more important than being a congressman."

The MSNBC found it equally revolting that one of Walsh's excuses for missing his hearing was that he had to make media appearances. He reiterated his one rule for guests: "I don't allow anyone to come on this show unless and until they pay their child support obligations in full," and asked other programs to do the same.


Sept. 20, 2011