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Night Raid in Nabi Saleh-- West Bank, Israel

Joseph Dana

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The pattern has been used many times in the past. The army raids a house in the middle of the night. Soldiers take a photograph of a 15 or 16 child and match the photograph with ID information. Then, some days later, during the weekly nonviolent demonstration, soldiers go from house to house with a picture book of people and arrest them. It does not matter if the suspected person is in the middle of the demonstration or inside the house watching television.

Palestinian Youth Flee Tear Gas in Nabi Saleh. Photo: Joseph Dana

Palestinian Youth Flee Tear Gas in Nabi Saleh. Photo: Joseph Dana

Once soldiers apprehend the suspect, they create a story that the person was throwing stones or ‘rioting”. This story is usually based on zero evidence and it does not have to be in order to be used in an Israeli military court. The only thing necessary is for a soldier to say that he saw the person throwing stones. No photographic or video evidence is needed. Not even another witness.

Last night’s raid was the second time this week for Nabi Saleh. Bassam Tamimi, one of the Popular Committee leaders of Nabi Saleh, said that the army has raided almost every house in the village this week. Every male between the ages of 12 and 22 have been photographed by the army and their ID numbers have been taken..

Nabi Saleh, a small village west of Ramallah, has engaged in an unarmed demonstration against the confiscation of their land by the neighboring Jewish settlement of Halamish for the past year There have been countless injuries, arrests and collective punishment against the village over the past year as the army has tried to crush the protest. This Friday afternoon, Nabi Saleh will once again march to its land and demand an end to the Israeli occupation.

These night raids are used throughout the West Bank against villages that are engaged in unarmed resistance to Israel’s occupation and separation barrier. When the media cameras and activists are not around, Israeli soldiers harass villagers in a form of collective punishment. The youth of these villages are wanted men (well children) in the eyes of the Israeli government and many end up in Israeli jails.