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Exposing The LIES About "Hamas Rocket Attacks"!

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unched from these territories against Israel itself.

Right now, I want to present a great set of two videos, entitled:  "The Lies About Hamas Rockets, Parts I and II", that exposes the lies about so called "Hamas Rocket Attacks", and how these false attacks have been used by the controlled media,  and as this video shows,  some very nefarious so called "charities" to raise money for Israel itself!   The evidence speaks for itself, and the facts presented here are sickening.  Here are the videos, in parts I, and II:

NTS Notes: For the longest time, I have shown evidence that backs up the facts that these so called "rocket" attacks are totally bogus and an outright lie.

In almost ALL cases over the years, these "rocket" attacks have been exposed as being performed by Mossad agents of Israel that set up small rocket platforms, and launch these "rockets" back into Israel itself.   "By Way Of Deception...." indeed

The facts do speak for themselves... These rockets almost always are aimed purposely at open farm fields, and in almost all cases never seem to kill anyone!   Israel claims thousands of rocket attacks all the time, but there has never been any more than a few dozen at most in any given year!

However, we have witnessed the Israeli response to these "rocket attacks" as being absolutely brutal.  These bogus attacks have led to a constant pounding of the Gaza Strip by Israeli warplanes and tanks that has killed hundreds of innocent Palestinian civilians.    AND we should be fully aware that Israel may use the phony existence of thousands of "Hezbollah rockets" as their newest pretext for a new war against Lebanon so that they can get their cherished new source of fresh water....

It is time for some real truth to come out again, and this exposure of how these criminals have been using these bogus rocket attacks to raise money for the criminal state of Israel is absolutely priceless....

More to come



Nov. 12, 2010