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Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

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is a drunk and cocaine addict.  The CIA deals drugs.  Fox News is a Mossad front meant to destroy America.  The holocaust never happened.  Israel is a poor threatened country with powerful neighbors.  The US never went to the moon.  John F. Kennedy, his brother Robert and Martin Luther King shot each other after killing Jimmie Hoffa.  Is any of this true?  Is all of it a lie, or are we constantly bombarded with outlandish conspiracies because many of them are very true?

We have two sources of information today, the “media” and the internet.  Currently 95% of the “media,” meaning TV, newspapers and the most powerful internet sites are controlled by people tied to Israel.  They make the movies, print the magazines and decide what TV shows we watch, including the ones we actually like.  Is this good or bad?  I am a big fan of a number of Jewish writers, directors, producers and without Jews in our society, America would be bland.  Where things have gotten out of hand is that extremists, not the Jews we know, live with or have as family members, but some genuinely crazy folks in Israel and in the US, “Rupert Murdoch (yes, he is Jewish)” people have taken on some of the same type of ideas that Hitler and his crew had years ago. 

Now its them.  Before that, it was the McCarthy folks telling us all Jews were communists and before that America was run by people who thought African Americans were a type of monkey.  One of these folks, Strom Thurmond from South Carolina, was in the Senate until 2003.  What’s the point?  We like to think of ourselves as a country of decent working people who want to do what is right, value truth and honesty and have a sense of honor and morality.

That is total bull.

That was another generation.  I was reading an article by Jeff Gates about the movie, Exodus, a movie about Israel and how it began.  Gates tells me that the movie was almost entirely untrue and was made to fool people into hating Palestinians and Arabs and not looking at some of the really bad things Israel was doing long ago, and, as we are told now, is still doing.  But when I read the papers, I am told Israel is a poor country surrounded by enemies, facing destruction every minute.

Then I stop and think.  If Israel and American Jews that support Israel, some over the United States, control 95% of our news, how do I know if anything is true.  For months, Fox News told us of constant rockets from Gaza killing busloads of Israeli children.  Then I remembered.  It was Fox News that showed us the film after 9/11 of the “dancing Palestinians.”  

 I will remember that every day of my life, that lie.  When, years later I learned that the film was a phony, as was most of the news I had gotten about Israel during my life, and I learned the only “dancing” on 9/11 was an Israeli film crew that seemed to be expecting the planes to hit the towers, I gave up MSM/corporate news and started doing my own “truth check” on every email I got.

Most emails I get turn out to be totally false.

Currently, Americans hear nothing about Gaza or the Israeli “defensive attack” or the “Israeli genocide” as it is called everywhere else in the world.  Since I am absolutely certain that our MSM lies in favor of Israel because a simple check shows Israeli companies or Jews own and run everything then should we look elsewhere?  How do you compare one lie to another?  Do we believe Fox News because we like to watch Fringe or because we are continually told that we should be blaming other people?  Does that make you feel good?

Let’s check out this simple film on the Gaza problem, one that seems to say that something extremely illegal, murderous and evil went on, paid for and supported by America and covered up by our news.  If any of this is true, then any act of terror against the United States, the ones unlike the Detroit “Crotch Bomber” which we know was an Israeli holiday prank, is easy to understand.

Are we begging for terror attacks?  It seems so.  Why would we do that?  Is somone getting rich by us actually taking part in outlandish crimes to start a “war on terror.”  Hey, I know what you can do.  Turn on your TV and wait for the Israeli run news to tell you the truth.  Make sure you are comfortable, it is going to be a long wait.

Feb. 8, 2010