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GAZA: Photos from the World's Biggest Concentration Camp

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From: Dick Eastman
Sent: Saturday, January 02, 2010 6:14 AM
Subject: [frameup] Gaza: Photos from the World's biggest concentration camp --

Photos from the World's biggest concentration camp
Here are some recent photos from the World's biggest concentration camp: Gaza. The pictures come from an Arabic web site that can be found here.

 - اضغط هنا لعرض الصورة بحجمها الطبيعي

رغم الحصار اهالى غزة يتبضعون الملابس لاطفالهم

التبضع وشراء الفاكه والمكسرات وما يلزم لاستقبال العيد

صناعة كعك العيد وشراء الحلويات استعداداُ للعيد

الابناء والاباء يتزينون احتفالاُ بهذا اليوم


واخيرا شراء الاضاحى وتجهزهاا لهذا اليوم يوم عيد الاضحى المبارك


عدسة وكالة "فلسطين اليوم" الاخبارية يحيي تمراز

It looks like they're starving and suffering, doesn't it? Now, the same group that maintains that Arabic web site also maintains an English language web site that gives a far different picture of 'Palestinian' life in Gaza. They learned well from that old double talker Arafat, didn't they?

The pictures on the Arabic-language site were posted for the Eid al Adha Muslim festival, which recalls the forefather Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son, who the Bible states was Isaac. The Muslim tradition substitutes him with Ishmael.

The pictures on the Arabic-language site are headlined with the caption, "Clothes for their children despite the siege," referring to the partial blockade Israel placed on Gaza following the Hamas military coup more than two year ago.

Israel has allowed thousands of trucks, bearing tens of thousands of tons of food, goods and equipment into Gaza, but the United Nations has claimed several times that a humanitarian crisis is "imminent."

Statistics provided by the Palestinian Authority show that unemployment in the Gaza area dropped in the second quarter this year by 20 percent from 45.5 percent in the second quarter of 2008.

Hmmm. Read the whole thing.

But what I'm really curious about is how they have all those fancy baked goods. After all, Richard Goldstone told us that Gaza's 'only flour mill' was 'cruelly destroyed by Israel. So where has all the flour gone? Seemingly to that one bakery in Gaza.
