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Jewish Academic Cited as Promoter of DELIBERATE Targeting of Palestinian Children

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May 23, 2009

1 Samuel 15:2-4 (King James Version)

3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.


Did you know the Palestinians are called "Amalek" by the Jews in current day Israel? Did you know the scholar Hannah Kasher from a major Israeli University wrote in 2001 that liquidating the fathers of Palestinian Resistance fighters was acceptable and called Palestinians DIRECTLY..."Amalek". Not to mention these particular comments...

[quote]"The war of annihilation against Amalek is a war against a CONTEMPORARY foe in which one does not refrain from killing women and children". [end quote]

This is from a well respected CONTEMPORARY Jewish Professor at a major University! That paper has since been taken down once it was given publicity and a redacted "acceptable" one put back up.