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Iraq Comes Home: the War of Ideas (with video)

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February 15, 2009

Hedges: 'American stalwarts' Falk, Kucinich, Chomsky, & Finkelstein 'ignored or spurned like lepers'

This took place a month ago. Great speech at a town hall on Gaza organized by the Society for Ethical Culture in New York, from Chris Hedges, a little incantatory, what you'd expect from a minister's kid:

to attack a population that has no air force, no air defense, no navy, no heavy weapons, no artillery units, no mechanized armor, no command and control, no army; and [call] it a war-- It is not a war, it is murder.

And beautiful statement about American "stalwarts" Norman Finkelstein, Dennis Kucinich, Richard Falk, and Chomsky getting shut out of the press.

ignored or spurned like lepers. They are denied a platform in the press, they are rendered nearly voiceless.

Hedges also uses the g-word

The lesson of the Holocaust is that when you have the capacity to halt genocide, and you do not, no matter who carries out that genocide and who it is against, you are culpable.