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How Will Obama & the World Respond to Israeli War Crimes?

Christopher Bollyn This is what white phosphorus looks like as it falls on the civilians of Gaza. Below are photos of what it does to buildings -- and human beings. "I am simply horrified and I am unable to explain how I feel in this place." - General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon at the destroyed UN compound in Gaza, January 20, 2009. The food and medical warehouse was still burning after being bombed on January 15 by at least three white phosphorus shells. Israel's use of white phosphorus and the destruction of the warehouse are both egregious war crimes. Israeli forces also targeted hospitals, ambulances, and the homes of known doctors. Ha'aretz - a leading Israeli newspaper also reported on Jan. 11 that Israel was using Arabic-speaking Israeli soldiers disguised as Hamas militants. Speaking in front of the still burning remains of the UN food warehouse destroyed by Israeli shells on January 20, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he was appalled and horrified by Israeli attacks on a UN compound in Gaza after seeing the destruction for himself. "I am just appalled. I am not able to describe how I am feeling. This was an outrageous and totally unacceptable attack against the United Nations." Ban called the Israeli attacks on Gaza "outrageous" and said that those responsible should be held accountable and demanded a "full investigation" through proper judiciary systems. “There must be a full investigation, a full explanation to make sure it never happens again. There should be accountabilty through a proper judiciary system.” "I have protested many times. I am today protesting again in the strongest terms. I have asked (for a) full investigation and (to) make those responsible people accountable," he said. "Ban 'appalled' by Gaza's damage," BBC News, January 20, 2009 THE ISRAELI ASSAULT ON GAZA: THE NAZI BURNING OF THE WARSAW GHETTO REVISITED -- THIS TIME WITH WHITE PHOSPHORUS The Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip is strikingly similar to the Nazi attack on the Warsaw ghetto in 1943. Like Gaza, the Warsaw ghetto was densely populated with refugees and displaced people who were deprived of food for years, forcing the people to smuggle food in order to survive. In 1943 there was an uprising that led to the Nazi burning of the ghetto. This is very similar to the situation of the Gaza Strip, where Palestinian refugees had to build tunnels to bring food into the area which has been under complete closure by the Israeli military since 2007. The Israelis have used white phosphorus incendiary bombs and other banned weapons on the civilian population, acts which are clearly inhumane and illegal. The New Weapons Committee, an independent Italian group of academics, researchers and professionals, released a report in early January about Israel's criminal use of conventional and unconventional weapons in Gaza: "It is happening again what we saw in Lebanon two years ago, when Israel used white phosphorus, dense inert metal explosives, and thermobaric bombs, against Hezbollah" said Paola Manduca, a genetics teacher and researcher at the University of Genoa and member of the committee in a media release. "(These) three types of offensive instruments, are known for the kind of wounds they cause," she said. One of the doctors currently treating injured Palestinians in Gaza described the situation of the victims on the ground. "Many arrive with extreme amputations, with both legs crushed, (wounds) that I suspect are wounds inflicted by Dime (Dense inert metal explosive)," said Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert. Source: "Middle East: Israel may be using 'banned' weapons in Gaza," AKI Rome, Rome, 9 January 2009 Mahmoud Mattar, a 14-year-old from Jabalya refugee camp is one of the many victims of Israel's illegal use of white phosphorus bombs. He was unable to watch the inauguration of Barack Obama -- he is blind for life. Will President Obama condemn Israel's criminal use of white phosphorus on the civilian population of Gaza? The Nazis ordered a wall built around the Warsaw ghetto in the same way Zionists from Poland and Russia, like Shimon (Persky) Peres, have built walls around the native Palestinians in Gaza Strip and West Bank. The Israeli military prevents the people of the Gaza Strip from leaving -- as it bombs them relentlessly. This is clear evidence of a genocidal war crime. Will the Obama administration, run by extreme Zionists like Rahm Emanuel, hold the Israeli war criminals accountable? The U.S. response to the egregious Israeli war crimes in Gaza will be the first real litmus test of the Obama administration. How it responds will show its true colors -- is it a real American administration -- or is it another Zionist/Israeli controlled regime. The Israeli wall of separation is similar to the Nazi-built wall of the Warsaw ghetto. The Zionists of the Irgun and the Nazis were allies in World War II and share the same tactics -- and racist belief that Jews cannot live with other people. Zionism is a racist ideology that discriminates between people based on whether they are Jewish or not. How could any American support such a racial ideology that has created an apartheid/fortress state that has been at war with all of its neighbors for 60 years? The Zionist-controlled U.S. government blames the neighbors -- not the apartheid and racist regime of Israel. New York's Mayor Bloomberg Supports Israeli State Terrorism Michael Bloomberg visited Sderot on January 4 and gave his support to Israel's criminal aggression in Gaza. His grandfather, Elick, was a Talmudic rabbi who came to the U.S. from Lithuania, then part of the Pale of Settlement. Michael Bloomberg, grandson of a rabbi from Russian Lithuania and the Democrat who changed parties to become the Republican mayor of New York City shortly after 9-11, visited Israel 9 days after it began its terror and white phosporus bombing of Gaza to support the Israeli aggression against the civilian population of the Gaza Strip. The Israeli press reported that Bloomberg had said that both U.S. President George Bush and President-elect Barack Obama gave legitimacy for the Gaza operation. At the same time, Obama refused to comment on the egregious war crimes being committed in Gaza. Bloomberg is very close with Ehud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister who made a secret visit to New York City on September 10-11, 2001. What does Mayor Bloomberg know about Olmert's top-secret mission in New York City on the eve of 9-11? Bloomberg has been the mayor of New York since shortly after the false-flag Israeli terror attacks destroyed the World Trade Center. He obviously plays a key role in shaping and interpreting the events of 9-11 in order to suit the Zionist agenda. His recent visit to Gaza is part of that role. In an interview with CNN, Bloomberg drew the false Zionist parallel between the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11 and the Islamic resistance movement, Hamas. Bloomberg supported Israel criminal actions in Gaza, saying, "If terrorists win there, the terrorists will be on our doorstep next." Bloomberg talked about the "special bond" between Israel and New York City and said he had come to express "admiration for the courage of the Israeli people in standing up to terrorism." "New Yorkers know what terrorism is about; we’ve certainly suffered ourselves," Bloomberg said. "But when we suffered it was a discrete point in time. We were struck by al Qaeda twice as you know - once in 1993 and then the terrible attack on the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. The people of Ashkelon face this every day." "Israel has been attacked by Hamas since 2005 when the Israelis pulled out of Gaza, and I think I speak for an awful lot of - almost all - Americans who think that Israel is doing the right thing in defending itself. It has a responsibility to defend the citizens. President Bush has said that and President-Elect Obama has said exactly the same thing." Wrong. Bloomberg spoke only for himself when he supported Israel's cruel and criminal aggression against the people of Gaza. More to the point, he revealed his personal involvement in the Zionist criminal network behind 9-11 -- and a series of other major terror and financial crimes. U.N. OFFICIALS CALL FOR "FULL AND INDEPENDENT" INVESTIGATIONS OF ISRAELI WAR CRIMES The three week Israeli bombardment has destroyed the homes of thousands of Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip. "Gaza is unique in the annals of contemporary suffering in that it is a conflict with a fence around it," said Christopher Gunness, an UNRWA spokesman. A tiny strip of land holding more than 1 million defenseless Palestinian refugees has been pounded for three weeks with U.S.-supplied high explosives, tanks, artillery, bombs, and white phosphorus. Will the criminal regime of Israel be held accountable for the many war crimes its forces have committed? Author's note: I visited Gaza the first time in 1976. The last time I was in Gaza was in the spring of 1991, after the first phase of the 18-year U.S. war against Iraq. I went to Gaza with two other photo-journalists I had brought along from Santa Cruz, California as part of my journalism studies at the university. We were taken on an extensive tour of Gaza with Edmund L. Browning, then presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States. After a long day of visiting refugee camps, schools, and hospitals, Bishop Browning told me that when I returned to America, I should tell the people what I had seen in Gaza. The degree of suffering inflicted on the people of Gaza is almost beyond description. What I remember most of all is the smiles and happiness of the young Palestinian children. Thousands of these children have been killed and injured in the latest Israeli aggression, which U.S. leaders have refused to stop or condemn. This is very sad. In the aftermath of yet another Israeli shelling of a U.N. school, this time of the school in Beit Lahiya in which 1,600 Palestinians were sheltering, John Ging, the head of the U.N. agency UNRWA in Gaza, has demanded a full and independent investigation of war crimes committed during the Israeli aggression in Gaza. White phosphorus burns at the U.N. school at Beit Lahiya on January 16, 2009. The Beit Lahiya school was intentionally shelled by Israeli forces with white phosphorus and high explosive shells on the evening of January 16. Several shells landed in the compound while the roof took a direct hit. Two small boys were killed instantly. The failure to demand a full and independent war crimes investigation of such incidents would mean that international law is meaningless, Ging said. The school in which 1,600 refugees were sheltering was hit by several white phosphorus and high explosive shells fired by Israeli forces. "These two little boys are as innocent, indisputably, as they are dead," Ging said. Israeli tank fire killed the two brothers, aged 5 and 7, as they were sheltering at the U.N. school in the northern town of Beit Lahiya. Their mother, who was among 14 wounded, had her legs blown off and later died. A U.N. spokesman said there is no excuse for the shelling of its schools and compound as Israel knew the precise locations of all its operations in Gaza. "The question now being asked is: Is this and the killing of all other innocent civilians in Gaza a war crime?" Ging said. Dozens of schools run by the U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), set up in 1949 to help the Palestinian refugees who were forcibly expelled from their homes and villages by Zionist forces in 1948, are now sheltering some 45,000 Gaza residents due to the ongoing conflict. On January 6, Israeli shelling killed 42 people who had taken refuge at another U.N. school, and the main UNRWA compound was hit twice on Jan.15, wounding three staff. A visibly angry Ban ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, speaking to reporters in Beirut, demanded a "full investigation into these incidents and the punishment of those responsible for these appalling acts." "Top Israeli leaders had given me their assurances two days ago when I was visiting Israel that UN premises would be fully respected. I strongly demand a thorough investigation," Ban told the media conference. The fact that Ehud Barak had promised Secretary General Ban ki-Moon that there would be no further targeting of UN schools or facilities and then just two days later another UN school was hit by Israeli bombs and white phosphorus indicates that one or both of the following conditions exist in Israel: a.) either the Israeli army is out of control and operates like a rogue elephant, or, b.) the Israeli government and military staff does not give a damn what the United Nations thinks because the Israeli generals know they control the U.S. and U.K. governments, who have veto power, and the UN can't do a thing against Israeli war crimes. In the face of a great deal of evidence of hundreds of Israeli war crimes committed in the three-week assault, the real question is what will the nations of the so-called civilized world do in response? If nothing is done and Israel's crimes and lies are allowed to pass then it will indeed be true that international law and the Geneva Conventions have become meaningless. On January 17, at least 1,201 Palestinians had been killed, including 410 children, and 5,300 wounded, among them 1,630 children, according to the health ministry in Gaza. Sources: "Israel plans ceasefire as tank fire kills two boys at UN school," Daily Mail (U.K.), 17 January 2009 ISRAEL BOMBS U.N. COMPOUND WITH WHITE PHOSPHORUS "The Israeli military may be using legal weapons, but it is using the weapons in an illegal manner." - Marc Garlasco, Human Rights Watch military analyst. "UN accuses Israel over phosphorus," BBC News, January 15, 2009 Mahmoud Mattar, a 14-year-old victim of Israeli white phosphorus bombs. Mahmoud Mattar, 14, is a young Palestinian from the Jabalya refugee camp in Gaza. Mahmoud is one of the many victims of Israel's illegal use of white phosphorus as a weapon on the civilians of Gaza. He is now blind in both eyes and has third-degree burns over much of his torso. “He was walking to the mosque when the attack started,” his uncle, Nahad Mattar, said. “Two of his friends who were walking with him were killed instantly. Their bodies are in pieces. He was hit by something and his body began to burn. “There were bits of blood and skin all over him. We couldn't tell what was his and what was other people.” Source: "Blind and burnt: Mahmoud, 14, young victim of banned white phosphorus shelling," The Times (U.K.), January 20, 2009 January 15 - Israel bombed the United Nations (UNRWA) compound in Gaza this morning with at least 5 missiles, three of which were white phosphorus, according to BBC World News reports. This is clear evidence of a war crime. A warehouse containing tons of relief supplies was ablaze after the compound was hit by what UNRWA spokesman, Chris Gunness, said appeared to be three white phosphorous shells. John Ging, the head of UN operations in Gaza, said the Israeli military had fired white phosphorus shells at the UNRWA compound. In spite of discussions with the Israeli liaison, "three rounds that emitted phosphorus" hit the UN facility, Ging said. "This is going to burn down the entire warehouse," he said, "...thousands and thousands of tons of food, medical supplies and other emergency assistance is there." Destroying food and medical supplies is another war crime. Workers fight a fire at the UNRWA compound in Gaza City, which was hit by several white phosphorus shells fired by Israeli forces. The Israeli military knows the exact coordinates of every UN facility in Gaza; the incendiary attack was clearly not a mistake. Photo: Mohammed Saber/European Pressphoto Agency Ging said the phosphorus fires were impossible to extinguish "because if you put water on it, it will just generate toxic fumes and do nothing to stop the burning". Phosphorous munitions are banned under international law. UN staff inspect a lump of burning matter at their bombed compound which Human Rights Watch says appears to be white phosphorus, although Israel has denied using it in built-up areas. Asked by the BBC about the shelling of the compound as it burned, Mark Regev, Israeli government spokesman, denied that Israel had struck the UN compound with white phosphorus. Israel, however, has clearly been using white phosphorus illegally since the beginning of its aerial bombing campaign of the defenseless civilian population of Gaza. With more than 1,100 Palestinians killed and 4,000 injured, Regev claims that Israel has done nothing wrong. The UNRWA compound, the main U.N. aid compound in the city of Gaza, where some 700 Palestinians were being sheltered, was hit twice by fire and white phosphorus shells. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak apologized to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in the afternoon saying it was a "grave mistake." Apologies, however, do not erase the fact that Israel has committed egregious war crimes in their aggression against the civilian population of Gaza. Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak and his commanders should all be arrested and taken to The Hague. They are not above international law. WANTED FOR WAR CRIMES Israeli War Crime Suspects: Foreign Minister Tzipora Livni (a.k.a. "Tzipi"), Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and Defence Minister Ehud Barak; for planning and waging war(s) of aggression, war crimes, and false-flag terrorism (9-11) attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. on Sept. 11, 2001. The international community is obliged to arrest these people as soon as they arrive in a nation party to the Geneva Conventions. Israeli War Crime Suspects: Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi (L), Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak, and Yoav Galant, head of the Southern Command, at an army base in southern Israel, January 8, 2009. Their military assault on the Gaza Strip is every bit as criminal as the Nazi destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto. U.S. Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice votes to abstain after Ehud Olmert, the terrorist leader of Israel, ordered the U.S. president not to support the Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Rice had been instrumental in writing the resolution which was voted on January 8, a full 13 days after the U.S.-supplied Israeli air force began attacking the defenseless civilian population. 75 percent of the population of Gaza Strip is refugees who lost their homes and land when their families were subjected to "ethnic cleansing" by Zionist forces from Poland and Russia in 1948. Rice and Bush have long followed Zionist dictates and are largely responsible for the disaster that has befallen the Palestinians -- particularly those of the Gaza Strip. Bush and Rice caused the Palestinian civil war of 2007 with a covert policy designed to destroy Hamas, the Islamic party that won the majority in the Palestinian parliament in the free and fair election of January 2006. The Bush-Rice policy fiasco led to the intra-Palestinian conflict, a three-year illegal siege, and wide-scale destruction of life and property in Gaza. In January 2006, when Hamas, formally known as the Islamic Resistance Movement, won the elections for Palestinian parliament the Israeli government and Bush administration tried to overthrow the results of the democratic process they claimed to support. When Hamas swept the elections, co-founder Mahmoud Zahhar explained to BBC World TV the organization's refusal to renounce violence: We are not playing terrorism or violence. We are under occupation. The Israelis are continuing their aggression against our people, killing, detention, demolition and in order to stop these processes, we run effective self defence by all means, including using guns. THE COVERT U.S. POLICY TO PROVOKE A PALESTINIAN CIVIL WAR David Rose of Vanity Fair wrote an investigative article in April 2008, entitled "The Gaza Bombshell," in which he revealed State Dept. documents that revealed "a covert initiative, approved by Bush and implemented by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Deputy National Security Adviser Elliott Abrams, to provoke a Palestinian civil war." "After failing to anticipate Hamas’ victory over Fatah in the 2006 Palestinian election, the White House cooked up yet another scandalously covert and self-defeating Middle East debacle: part Iran-contra, part Bay of Pigs," Rose wrote. A State Dept. document found in a Fatah office of Gaza revealed the U.S. policy to overthrow the elected Hamas-led Palestinian parliament and install an Abbas-led dictatorship. So much for U.S. support for governments chosen through democratic elections in the Middle East. (Second page of document is here.) Condoleezza Rice and George Bush pushed the disastrous plan, which resulted in the intra-Palestinian conflict between Hamas and Fatah supporters in June 2007. There is no question that this policy was approved by the Israeli government, although Rose does not discuss this in his article. Bush and Rice would not dare take a single step in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict without the approval of their Zionist masters. "It is impossible to say for sure whether the outcome in Gaza would have been any better—for the Palestinian people, for the Israelis, and for America’s allies in Fatah—if the Bush administration had pursued a different policy," Rose concluded. "One thing, however, seems certain: it could not be any worse." Much of the blame for the current crisis in Gaza is due to the corrupt and spineless diplomacy of the Bush administration -- particularly that of Condoleezza Rice. The Zionist policies pursued by George W. Bush and his administration have created an unmitigated disaster for the people across the Middle East and around the world -- that is an historical fact. The Guardian (U.K.) published this photo of a young girl found in the rubble of her destroyed house following an Israeli air strike in Zeitoun. Photograph: Mohammed Abed/AFP/Getty Images How do we respond to genocide? Boycott Israeli products? Obama is talking about the economy but completely tight-lipped about the Israeli aggression against the civilian population of Gaza. As president, will Obama demand an investigation of the Israeli massacres and war crimes in Gaza? "The Israeli army is cowardly attacking worn-out, innocent people, while they claim that they are defending their people. I call on the people of Israel to stand up against that government, to demand, to put a hand on their hearts and look at their children, and I call on the world to stop this madness." - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez as he banished the Israeli embassy President Hugo Chavez shows the headline about the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador from Venezuela. How Will the World Respond to Israeli War Crimes in 2009? By Christopher Bollyn Israel has used white phosphorus bombs on the civilian population since the beginning of their aggression against Gaza. This is a war crime, one which has been witnessed by millions of people watching television coverage from Gaza since December 27. Oddly, CNN's military expert, Brig. Gen. David Grange (ret.), failed to mention Israel's use of white phosphorus although CNN has repeatedly played video clips of the banned weapon exploding over Gaza. White phosphorus burns flesh - without stopping - as long as oxygen is present. Grange admitted that he had worked closely with the Israeli military. As Israeli planes, tanks, and artillery bombarded the homes, schools, mosques, and medical clinics of the Palestinian refugees of Gaza, the Venezuelan government took a stand against the Zionist aggression. On January 6, the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry sent a telegram to the Israeli mission in Caracas informing Ambassador Shlomo Cohen that he was persona non grata in the Bolivarian republic. Shlomo and his cohort of six at the Israeli mission were banished and given 72 hours to leave Venezuela. Venezuela issued a statement calling Israel's operation in the Gaza Strip a "flagrant violation of international law" and "state terrorism." "For the reasons mentioned above, the government of Venezuela has decided to expel the ambassador of Israel and part of the personnel of the Embassy of Israel," the statement read. The expulsion of the Israeli mission is the result of Israel's brutal aggression in the Gaza Strip, which President Hugo Chavez characterized as "genocide." The extreme suffering of the Palestinians of Gaza is generally not understood in the West due to the censorship and distortion of the Zionist-controlled media. The Palestinians of Gaza have been victims of Israeli war crimes since 1947-48 when they were expelled from their homes and villages, which were stolen by Israeli forces. Refugees from Zionist ethnic cleansing comprise more than 75 percent of the population of Gaza Strip. Due to an illegal three-year blockade, which became complete closure in mid-2007, imposed by Israel, the population of Gaza has suffered at near starvation level for several years. "The holocaust -- that is what is happening right now in Gaza," Chavez said in televised comments on January 6. "The president of Israel at this moment should be taken to the International Criminal Court together with the President of the United States." The president of Israel is Shimon Peres, who has a long history of weapons smuggling and false-flag terrorism (at least as far back as the Lavon Affair in the early 1950s). Peres is also the chief architect of Israel's illegal nuclear arsenal. ISRAEL DEMANDED U.S. ABSTAIN IN U.N. CEASEFIRE VOTE Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, the man behind the war of aggression and state terrorism being carried out against the people of Gaza, took credit for the U.S. abstention in the Security Council vote for a ceasefire, saying he had "demanded" from President George W. Bush that the U.S. to abstain from voting for the ceasefire it had helped negotiate. "I said: 'Get me President Bush on the phone,'" Olmert said in a speech on January 12 in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon. "They said he was in the middle of giving a speech in Philadelphia." I said, 'I don't care. I have to talk to him now,'" Olmert said, describing Bush, who leaves office on Jan. 20, as "an unparalleled friend" of Israel. "YOU CAN'T VOTE IN FAVOR OF THIS RESOLUTION" "They got him off the podium, brought him to another room and I spoke to him. I told him, 'You can't vote in favour of this resolution.' He [Bush] said, 'Listen, I don't know about it, I didn't see it, I'm not familiar with the phrasing.'" Olmert said he then told Bush: "'I'm familiar with it. You can't vote in favour.' "He gave an order to the secretary of state and she did not vote in favour of it -- a resolution she cooked up, phrased, organised and manoeuvred for. She was left pretty shamed and abstained on a resolution she arranged," Olmert said. Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki said he was surprised by the U.S. abstention. "We were told that the Americans were going to vote in favor," he said on January 9, the day after the vote. When Rice came in to the Security Council chamber, she unexpectedly informed the Saudi foreign minister, with an apology, that she would have to abstain but would clarify later that the U.S. supported the resolution nonetheless, according to Malki. "What happened in the last 10 or 15 minutes, what kind of pressure she received, from whom, this is really something that maybe we will know about later," he said. Now we know what happened. Ehud Olmert, the Israeli leader who is behind the criminal aggression and terror attacks against Gaza and Lebanon -- and the Israeli deputy prime minister who made a secret visit to New York City on September 10-11, 2001 -- demanded from George W. Bush that the U.S. abstain. To understand the basics about Ehud Olmert's connection to 9-11 and the razing of Gaza, read my article, "Olmert, the Israeli Fascist Behind 9-11, Plans to Raze Parts of Biblical Gaza." Ehud Olmert What political power does Ehud Olmert have to order the U.S. president around? This relationship illustrates the real reason George W. Bush's life is in danger as he leaves the White House -- he knows too much about the Zionist crimes of 9-11 and the illegal wars of aggression in the Middle East. Bush is likely to reveal the names and details about how Zionist pressure forced him to make the unpopular and disastrous decisions that he will be forced to defend. The Zionist architects of 9-11 are certainly afraid of what Bush, Cheney, and Rice might divulge when they leave office. Sources: Landler, Mark, "Olmert Says He Made Rice Change Vote," New York Times, January 12, 2009 Keyser, Jason, "Israel's Olmert: Rice embarrassed over UN vote," Associated Press, January 12, 2009 Kessler, Glenn, "Rice, Eager to Depart, Heartily Defends Record," Washington Post, January 13, 2009 BBC REPORTS ISRAELI MASS MURDER IN ZEITOUN - GAZA STRIP Reports of another Israeli war crime, an intentional mass killing of civilians in the Gaza Strip, surfaced on January 9. The BBC is reporting that eyewitnesses have reported a mass murder on January 4, of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza neighborhood of Zeitoun. Allegra Pacheco, who received some of the reports, is an Israeli-American lawyer who works with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Pacheco called it "one of the gravest incidents" since the beginning of the Israeli criminal aggression. On Sunday, January 4, Israel forces rounded up between 110 and 125 Palestinians in the village of Zeitoun and forced them into the single family home of the Samouni family and ordered them to stay in the house. The next day, Israeli forces then repeatedly shelled the house. Pacheco, a human rights lawyer, was born in the United States to an Orthodox Jewish family from Long Island, New York. After working with the famous Israeli human rights lawyer Lea Tsemel in 1988 during the Intifada, Pacheco completed her law studies, emigrated to Israel in 1994 and began a legal practice. On January 9, Pacheco told the BBC World News (TV) that the eyewitness reports had come directly from adult survivors who had carried wounded children to the hospital. A five-month old child died on arrival at the hospital. The Israeli army prevents any international reporters from entering the Gaza Strip. "According to several testimonies, on 4 January Israeli foot soldiers evacuated approximately 110 Palestinians into a single-residence house in Zeitoun (half of whom were children) warning them to stay indoors," the OCHA report said. "Twenty-four hours later, Israeli forces shelled the home repeatedly, killing approximately 30." At least nine of those killed in the house were from the Samouni family, including his mother. A picture of three of the family's children in blood-stained clothing laid on a morgue floor and in front of their grieving father was shown in The Guardian. The father, Wael Samouni, said dozens of people had been sheltering in the house after Israeli troops ordered them and neighbors to stay inside. Wael Samouni grieves over his three children that he carried to the hospital. Nine members of the Samouni family were killed when Israeli forces shelled his house, where they had ordered some 110 people to stay. The UN said there had been extensive destruction in Zeitoun. For three days, from 3-7 January, the Israeli Defence Force prevented Red Cross medical teams from entering the area to evacuate the wounded. Yesterday the Red Cross vented its fury at Israel after the strike, saying it had found four starving children at the house clinging to the corpses of their dead mothers. 'Those who survived and were able walked two kilometres to Salah Ed Din road before being transported to hospital in civilian vehicles. Three children, the youngest of whom was five months old, died upon arrival at the hospital,' OCHA was quoted as saying in a report on the situation in the battered Gaza Strip. 'This is a shocking incident,' Pierre Wettach, Red Cross head for Israel and the Palestinian territories, said. 'The Israeli military must have been aware of the situation but did not assist the wounded.' The accusation came as a 'credible' report from Gaza claimed one third of the 760 reported killed in the conflict have been children. The UN said those who survived had walked 2 km (1.25 miles) to the main north-south road and were taken to hospital in civilian vehicles, the BBC reported. "Three children, the youngest of whom was five months old, died upon arrival at the hospital," the report said. "In Gaza, there is a severe protection of civilians crisis. There is no safe haven, no safe space, for all the civilians, particularly children," Ms Pacheco told the BBC. "Since the ground operation, the number of children killed has risen by 250 percent." As of January 8, 257 children were among the approximately 760 reported dead in Gaza. There were another 1,080 children among the 3,100 injured in the conflict, according to statistics from Gaza's health ministry. HOW DO WE RESPOND TO ISRAELI STATE TERRORISM? The Venezuelan response is correct and proper. The criminal aggression against the defenseless population of Gaza demands a strong response from the leaders of the world. On an individual level, we should boycott Israeli produce and abstain from anything affiliated with the state of Israel. Why support an outlaw, racist, and terrorist regime with our hard-earned dollars? Check your produce before you buy it and make sure it comes from a nation that respects human rights. The Israeli government headed by Ehud Olmert and Shimon Peres has amply demonstrated its utter disregard for international law and world opinion. There should be more national leaders like Chavez expelling Israeli missions. What does the global campaign against terrorism mean if Western nations coddle a terrorist regime like that of Ehud Olmert? Obama with Olmert in July 2008 Will President Obama investigate Olmert's secret visit to New York City on September 10-11, 2001? There is certainly more than enough evidence for Western nations to call for Ehud Olmert and his cronies to be arrested for war crimes, as has been done with the former warlords of Serbia and Croatia. Israel belongs to many European organizations and should be treated like any other state. When Serbian forces attacked civilian populations, Serbia was attacked by NATO. Serbian tanks were struck and Belgrade was bombed. Why is Israel treated differently? Why isn't Israel forced to comply with international norms and law, as every other nation is? The Zionist state's egregious criminal acts cannot be allowed to pass without punishment. Having studied the history of the Zionist movement in Palestine for more than three decades, I have seen Israel commit many criminal atrocities like the current aggression in Gaza Strip and have read about many other crimes, including genocide, going back to the 1940s. Anyone born before 1970 has been able to witness similar Israeli war crimes on television, such as the aggression against Lebanon in 1982 and the massacres in Sabra and Shatila camps, the Israeli massacres at Qana (Cana) in 1996, and again in 2006, and the flattening of the Jenin refugee camp in April 2002. Like the current Israeli onslaught against the defenseless population of Gaza, these events clearly involved serious war crimes in which senior Israeli politicians and military officers were culpable. In some of these cases the same people, such as Olmert and Peres, have been involved more than once; they are, in fact, repeat offenders of the most serious war crimes -- but have never been held accountable. No Israeli, in fact, has ever been held accountable for war crimes in an international court. While special international tribunals have been established to investigate and prosecute war crimes in Nazi Germany, the former Yugoslavia, and Africa, there has never been an international tribunal dedicated to prosecute Israeli war criminals. If there had, we probably would have avoided 9-11 and certainly would have prevented the carnage in Gaza today. Proper and non-selective enforcement of international law is essential for world peace. It would have checked Israeli ambitions and protected Israel and the world from the war criminals that control the Zionist state today. How will the United States and the world respond to Israeli war crimes in 2009? The United States is Israel's essential ally and supporter. President George W. Bush has been a devoted Zionist and has never honestly addressed the Palestinian plight. President-elect Barack Obama was elected on a shallow one-word platform - "change." Does "change" under Obama mean the U.S. government will call for an international investigation of the Israeli war crimes being committed in Gaza? That would be a real change. Obama has been very tight-lipped on the crisis in the Middle East. He commented for the first time on the Israeli offensive in Washington on January 6, saying that "the loss of civilian life in Gaza and in Israel is a source of deep concern to me, and after January 20th I'll have plenty to say about the issue." The question is how many more lives will be lost in the meantime. Thousands of Palestinian children have been injured due to the Israeli bombings of the Gaza Strip. This girl was wounded on December 27, 2008. Why is Obama silent in the face of such incredible suffering? Where is his concern and compassion? Why does he not speak out as a human being concerned about his fellow man? As Obama was holding his tongue on January 6, Israelis shelled a U.N.-run school where Palestinians had sought refuge from the fighting, killing at least 42 civilians and injuring 55 others. The Israeli military said its soldiers had fired in "self-defense" after Hamas fighters had launched mortar shells from the school. This appears to be another Israeli government lie. The United Nations has opened 23 of its schools as emergency shelters for the 1.5 million residents of Gaza, who are prevented from leaving the territory. The Gaza Strip is often called the largest open-air prison in the world. By the night of January 6, the number of displaced Palestinians flooding into the schools had reached 15,000. The people of Gaza are treated like prisoners and are not allowed to leave the territory although there are check points to Israel and Egypt. How can this be accepted in the 21st Century? Why are the people of the Holy Land forced to suffer so? This is certainly not the first time Israeli forces have intentionally massacred refugees seeking shelter in U.N. camps and facilities. On 18 April 1996, for example, an Israeli artillery assault on the U.N. camp in Qana (Cana), Lebanon, killed 106 Lebanese civilians and left at least 116 injured. John Ging, the head of the U.N. agency that runs the schools, UNRWA, told BBC World television on January 7 that the Israeli military's claim that it had been fired on from the school was "categorically untrue." The school, Ging said, had been under UNRWA control the entire time. Ging and the U.N. agency is demanding an investigation to find those accountable for the 97 Palestinians who were killed and injured in the attack on the school. "I am appealing to political leaders here and in the region and the world to get their act together and stop this," Ging said, speaking at Gaza's largest hospital. "They are responsible for these deaths." Dr. Bassam Abu Warda, director of Kamal Radwan Hospital, spoke about the injuries of the civilians from the U.N. school: "The wounded arrived with multiple fractures, ripped stomachs, amputated limbs," he said. "The bodies were ripped apart." "I saw a lot of women and children wheeled in," said Fares Ghanem, a hospital official. "A lot of the wounded were missing limbs and a lot of the dead were in pieces." Majed Hamdan, an AP photographer, rushed to the scene shortly after the attacks. He said many children were among the dead: I saw women and men — parents — slapping their faces in grief, screaming, some of them collapsed to the floor. They knew their children were dead. In the morgue, most of the killed appeared to be children. In the hospital, there wasn't enough space for the wounded. He said there were marks of five separate explosions, all in the same area outside the school. At the time of the attack, people were standing in a crowd outside the gate of the school, where hundreds of families had sought shelter. The Israeli attack on the U.N. school came only hours after an Israeli missile struck a residential area in al-Bureij refugee camp, injuring seven U.N. workers in a nearby medical clinic. The day before, January 5, an Israeli airstrike on a U.N. school in Gaza City had killed three members of a family. CNN reported on January 7 that at least 5 ambulances had been shelled, a war crime Israeli forces have committed since at least 1982. "There's nowhere safe in Gaza. Everyone here is terrorized and traumatized," Ging, the top U.N. official in Gaza, said after the first strike on the U.N. school that killed three people. U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called the attacks on the schools "totally unacceptable." This should mean that these heinous war crimes will be investigated and the guilty brought to justice. This should mean that Israel's illegal 18-month blockade of the Gaza Strip, an act of aggression, and its flagrant use of white phosphorus bombs on the civilian population will also be investigated and punished. Finally, this should mean, after 6 decades of egregious Zionist crimes going unpunished, that an international tribunal for Israeli war crimes will be established. With the Zionist-controlled governments of Britain and the United States having veto power on the Security Council, the chances of a U.N. special tribunal being seated to investigate Israeli war crimes are very slim, a situation which allows Israel to commit war crimes with impunity. But the times -- and attitudes toward Israel -- are clearly changing. Evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11 and the global economic crisis has seriously eroded support for the Zionist state around the world. People around the world are starting to feel like Palestinians. As the protests against the Israeli assault reveal, the world is being split between the people who demand peace and justice and the Zionists, who demand security for their belligerent and rapacious tribe. The Zionist enterprise has clearly failed. Without constant stealing, begging, and bribing, Israel would be nothing but a failed state. Born in the sin of genocide and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, Israel has completely failed, after 6 decades, to make peace with its neighbors. Israelis live in stolen homes and sell the stolen fruit from the orchards of stolen land. The rightful owners of Palestine are the people of Gaza, the West Bank, and the Palestinian refugee camps across the Middle East. This is the simple truth. Without justice for the Palestinians there will be no peace in the Middle East. The Israelis have to learn to live with the Palestinians -- not instead of them -- in Palestine. The Palestinians are very kind and civilized people. The Israelis could benefit from living with them and learning from them. The Palestinians are, after all, the people of the Holy Land. The Israeli "Separation Wall" in Bethlehem -- The Zionist ideology prevents Israelis from living in peace with the Palestinians -- the people of the Holy Land. How long will the apartheid regime of Israel last? Its days are clearly numbered. History has shown that such artificial and criminal regimes cannot last long. How can any enlightened human being support a racist ideology like Zionism? The days of the Israeli apartheid state are numbered and it will pass, just like the other monstrosity created by the communist Jews of Russia, the Soviet Union. One of the signs in a recent protest said, "Cleanse the world of Zionism." This sign does not reflect radical thinking but a logical and rational understanding of the real problem in the Middle East. The answer to the Palestinian problem has never been a two-state solution. The solution is one state in which all men are equal. How could an American president, especially a black man, support anything else? Last Updated ( Thursday, 22 January 2009 )

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January 8, 2009 -- Updated January 22, 2009














This is what white phosphorus looks like as it falls on the civilians of Gaza.  Below are photos of what it does to buildings -- and human beings.

"I am simply horrified and I am unable to explain how I feel in this place."

- General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon at the destroyed UN compound in Gaza, January 20, 2009.  The food and medical warehouse was still burning after being bombed on January 15 by at least three white phosphorus shells. Israel's use of white phosphorus and the destruction of the warehouse are both egregious war crimes.  Israeli forces also targeted hospitals, ambulances, and the homes of known doctorsHa'aretz - a leading Israeli newspaper also reported on Jan. 11 that Israel was using Arabic-speaking Israeli soldiers disguised as Hamas militants.

Speaking in front of the still burning remains of the UN food warehouse destroyed by Israeli shells on January 20, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he was appalled and horrified by Israeli attacks on a UN compound in Gaza after seeing the destruction for himself.

"I am just appalled. I am not able to describe how I am feeling. This was an outrageous and totally unacceptable attack against the United Nations."

Ban called the Israeli attacks on Gaza "outrageous" and said that those responsible should be held accountable and demanded a "full investigation" through proper judiciary systems.

“There must be a full investigation, a full explanation to make sure it never happens again. There should be accountabilty through a proper judiciary system.”

"I have protested many times. I am today protesting again in the strongest terms. I have asked (for a) full investigation and (to) make those responsible people accountable," he said.

"Ban 'appalled' by Gaza's damage," BBC News, January 20, 2009




The Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip is strikingly similar to the Nazi attack on the Warsaw ghetto in 1943.  Like Gaza, the Warsaw ghetto was densely populated with refugees and displaced people who were deprived of food for years, forcing the people to smuggle food in order to survive.  In 1943 there was an uprising that led to the Nazi burning of the ghetto.  This is very similar to the situation of the Gaza Strip, where Palestinian refugees had to build tunnels to bring food into the area which has been under complete closure by the Israeli military since 2007.  The Israelis have used white phosphorus incendiary bombs and other banned weapons on the civilian population, acts which are clearly inhumane and illegal.

The New Weapons Committee, an independent Italian group of academics, researchers and professionals, released a report in early January about Israel's criminal use of conventional and unconventional weapons in Gaza:

"It is happening again what we saw in Lebanon two years ago, when Israel used white phosphorus, dense inert metal explosives, and thermobaric bombs, against Hezbollah" said Paola Manduca, a genetics teacher and researcher at the University of Genoa and member of the committee in a media release.

"(These) three types of offensive instruments, are known for the kind of wounds they cause," she said.  One of the doctors currently treating injured Palestinians in Gaza described the situation of the victims on the ground.

"Many arrive with extreme amputations, with both legs crushed, (wounds) that I suspect are wounds inflicted by Dime (Dense inert metal explosive)," said Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert.

Source: "Middle East: Israel may be using 'banned' weapons in Gaza," AKI Rome, Rome, 9 January 2009

Mahmoud Mattar, a 14-year-old from Jabalya refugee camp is one of the many victims of Israel's illegal use of white phosphorus bombs.  He was unable to watch the inauguration of Barack Obama -- he is blind for life.  Will President Obama condemn Israel's criminal use of white phosphorus on the civilian population of Gaza?

The Nazis ordered a wall built around the Warsaw ghetto in the same way Zionists from Poland and Russia, like Shimon (Persky) Peres, have built walls around the native Palestinians in Gaza Strip and West Bank.  The Israeli military prevents the people of the Gaza Strip from leaving -- as it bombs them relentlessly.  This is clear evidence of a genocidal war crime.  Will the Obama administration, run by extreme Zionists like Rahm Emanuel, hold the Israeli war criminals accountable?  The U.S. response to the egregious Israeli war crimes in Gaza will be the first real litmus test of the Obama administration.  How it responds will show its true colors -- is it a real American administration -- or is it another Zionist/Israeli controlled regime.

The Israeli wall of separation is similar to the Nazi-built wall of the Warsaw ghetto.  The Zionists of the Irgun and the Nazis were allies in World War II and share the same tactics -- and racist belief that Jews cannot live with other people.  Zionism is a racist ideology that discriminates between people based on whether they are Jewish or not.  How could any American support such a racial ideology that has created an apartheid/fortress state that has been at war with all of its neighbors for 60 years?  The Zionist-controlled U.S. government blames the neighbors -- not the apartheid and racist regime of Israel.

New York's Mayor Bloomberg Supports Israeli State Terrorism

Michael Bloomberg visited Sderot on January 4 and gave his support to Israel's criminal aggression in Gaza.  His grandfather, Elick, was a Talmudic rabbi who came to the U.S. from Lithuania, then part of the Pale of Settlement.

Michael Bloomberg, grandson of a rabbi from Russian Lithuania and the Democrat who changed parties to become the Republican mayor of New York City shortly after 9-11, visited Israel 9 days after it began its terror and white phosporus bombing of Gaza to support the Israeli aggression against the civilian population of the Gaza Strip.  The Israeli press reported that Bloomberg had said that both U.S. President George Bush and President-elect Barack Obama gave legitimacy for the Gaza operation.  At the same time, Obama refused to comment on the egregious war crimes being committed in Gaza.

Bloomberg is very close with Ehud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister who made a secret visit to New York City on September 10-11, 2001.  What does Mayor Bloomberg know about Olmert's top-secret mission in New York City on the eve of 9-11?  Bloomberg has been the mayor of New York since shortly after the false-flag Israeli terror attacks destroyed the World Trade Center.  He obviously plays a key role in shaping and interpreting the events of 9-11 in order to suit the Zionist agenda.  His recent visit to Gaza is part of that role.

In an interview with CNN, Bloomberg drew the false Zionist parallel between the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11 and the Islamic resistance movement, Hamas.  Bloomberg supported Israel criminal actions in Gaza, saying, "If terrorists win there, the terrorists will be on our doorstep next."

Bloomberg talked about the "special bond" between Israel and New York City and said he had come to express "admiration for the courage of the Israeli people in standing up to terrorism."

"New Yorkers know what terrorism is about; we’ve certainly suffered ourselves," Bloomberg said. "But when we suffered it was a discrete point in time. We were struck by al Qaeda twice as you know - once in 1993 and then the terrible attack on the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. The people of Ashkelon face this every day."

"Israel has been attacked by Hamas since 2005 when the Israelis pulled out of Gaza, and I think I speak for an awful lot of - almost all - Americans who think that Israel is doing the right thing in defending itself. It has a responsibility to defend the citizens. President Bush has said that and President-Elect Obama has said exactly the same thing."

Wrong.  Bloomberg spoke only for himself when he supported Israel's cruel and criminal aggression against the people of Gaza.   More to the point, he revealed his personal involvement in the Zionist criminal network behind 9-11 -- and a series of other major terror and financial crimes.


The three week Israeli bombardment has destroyed the homes of thousands of Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip.  "Gaza is unique in the annals of contemporary suffering in that it is a conflict with a fence around it," said Christopher Gunness, an UNRWA spokesman.  A tiny strip of land holding more than 1 million defenseless Palestinian refugees has been pounded for three weeks with U.S.-supplied high explosives, tanks, artillery, bombs, and white phosphorus.  Will the criminal regime of Israel be held accountable for the many war crimes its forces have committed? 

Author's note:  I visited Gaza the first time in 1976.  The last time I was in Gaza was in the spring of 1991, after the first phase of the 18-year U.S. war against Iraq.  I went to Gaza with two other photo-journalists I had brought along from Santa Cruz, California as part of my journalism studies at the university.  We were taken on an extensive tour of Gaza with Edmund L. Browning, then presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States.  After a long day of visiting refugee camps, schools, and hospitals, Bishop Browning told me that when I returned to America, I should tell the people what I had seen in Gaza.  The degree of suffering inflicted on the people of Gaza is almost beyond description.  What I remember most of all is the smiles and happiness of the young Palestinian children.  Thousands of these children have been killed and injured in the latest Israeli aggression, which U.S. leaders have refused to stop or condemn.  This is very sad.

In the aftermath of yet another Israeli shelling of a U.N. school, this time of the school in Beit Lahiya in which 1,600 Palestinians were sheltering, John Ging, the head of the U.N. agency UNRWA in Gaza, has demanded a full and independent investigation of war crimes committed during the Israeli aggression in Gaza. 

White phosphorus burns at the U.N. school at Beit Lahiya on January 16, 2009.

The Beit Lahiya school was intentionally shelled by Israeli forces with white phosphorus and high explosive shells on the evening of January 16.  Several shells landed in the compound while the roof took a direct hit.  Two small boys were killed instantly. The failure to demand a full and independent war crimes investigation of such incidents would mean that international law is meaningless, Ging said.

The school in which 1,600 refugees were sheltering was hit by several white phosphorus and high explosive shells fired by Israeli forces.

"These two little boys are as innocent, indisputably, as they are dead," Ging said.  Israeli tank fire killed the two brothers, aged 5 and 7, as they were sheltering at the U.N. school in the northern town of Beit Lahiya. Their mother, who was among 14 wounded, had her legs blown off and later died.

A U.N. spokesman said there is no excuse for the shelling of its schools and compound as Israel knew the precise locations of all its operations in Gaza.  "The question now being asked is:  Is this and the killing of all other innocent civilians in Gaza a war crime?" Ging said.

Dozens of schools run by the U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), set up in 1949 to help the Palestinian refugees who were forcibly expelled from their homes and villages by Zionist forces in 1948, are now sheltering some 45,000 Gaza residents due to the ongoing conflict.  On January 6, Israeli shelling killed 42 people who had taken refuge at another U.N. school, and the main UNRWA compound was hit twice on Jan.15, wounding three staff.

A visibly angry Ban ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, speaking to reporters in Beirut, demanded a "full investigation into these incidents and the punishment of those responsible for these appalling acts."

"Top Israeli leaders had given me their assurances two days ago when I was visiting Israel that UN premises would be fully respected. I strongly demand a thorough investigation," Ban told the media conference.

The fact that Ehud Barak had promised Secretary General Ban ki-Moon that there would be no further targeting of UN schools or facilities and then just two days later another UN school was hit by Israeli bombs and white phosphorus indicates that one or both of the following conditions exist in Israel: 

a.) either the Israeli army is out of control and operates like a rogue elephant, or,

b.) the Israeli government and military staff does not give a damn what the United Nations thinks because the Israeli generals know they control the U.S. and U.K. governments, who have veto power, and the UN can't do a thing against Israeli war crimes.

In the face of a great deal of evidence of hundreds of Israeli war crimes committed in the three-week assault, the real question is what will the nations of the so-called civilized world do in response?  If nothing is done and Israel's crimes and lies are allowed to pass then it will indeed be true that international law and the Geneva Conventions have become meaningless.

On January 17, at least 1,201 Palestinians had been killed, including 410 children, and 5,300 wounded, among them 1,630 children, according to the health ministry in Gaza.

Sources:  "Israel plans ceasefire as tank fire kills two boys at UN school," Daily Mail (U.K.), 17 January 2009


"The Israeli military may be using legal weapons, but it is using the weapons in an illegal manner." - Marc Garlasco, Human Rights Watch military analyst.

 "UN accuses Israel over phosphorus," BBC News, January 15, 2009

Mahmoud Mattar, a 14-year-old victim of Israeli white phosphorus bombs.

Mahmoud Mattar, 14, is a young Palestinian from the Jabalya refugee camp in Gaza.  Mahmoud is one of the many victims of Israel's illegal use of white phosphorus as a weapon on the civilians of Gaza.  He is now blind in both eyes and has third-degree burns over much of his torso.

“He was walking to the mosque when the attack started,” his uncle, Nahad Mattar, said. “Two of his friends who were walking with him were killed instantly. Their bodies are in pieces. He was hit by something and his body began to burn.

“There were bits of blood and skin all over him. We couldn't tell what was his and what was other people.”

Source: "Blind and burnt: Mahmoud, 14, young victim of banned white phosphorus shelling," The Times (U.K.), January 20, 2009

January 15 - Israel bombed the United Nations (UNRWA) compound in Gaza this morning with at least 5 missiles, three of which were white phosphorus, according to BBC World News reports.  This is clear evidence of a war crime.  A warehouse containing tons of relief supplies was ablaze after the compound was hit by what UNRWA spokesman, Chris Gunness, said appeared to be three white phosphorous shells.

John Ging, the head of UN operations in Gaza, said the Israeli military had fired white phosphorus shells at the UNRWA compound.

In spite of discussions with the Israeli liaison, "three rounds that emitted phosphorus" hit the UN facility, Ging said. "This is going to burn down the entire warehouse," he said, "...thousands and thousands of tons of food, medical supplies and other emergency assistance is there."  Destroying food and medical supplies is another war crime.

Workers fight a fire at the UNRWA compound in Gaza City, which was hit by several white phosphorus shells fired by Israeli forces.   The Israeli military knows the exact coordinates of every UN facility in Gaza; the incendiary attack was clearly not a mistake.

Photo: Mohammed Saber/European Pressphoto Agency

Ging said the phosphorus fires were impossible to extinguish "because if you put water on it, it will just generate toxic fumes and do nothing to stop the burning".  Phosphorous munitions are banned under international law.

UN staff inspect a lump of burning matter at their bombed compound which Human Rights Watch says appears to be white phosphorus, although Israel has denied using it in built-up areas.

Asked by the BBC about the shelling of the compound as it burned, Mark Regev, Israeli government spokesman, denied that Israel had struck the UN compound with white phosphorus. Israel, however, has clearly been using white phosphorus illegally since the beginning of its aerial bombing campaign of the defenseless civilian population of Gaza.  With more than 1,100 Palestinians killed and 4,000 injured, Regev claims that Israel has done nothing wrong. 

The UNRWA compound, the main U.N. aid compound in the city of Gaza, where some 700 Palestinians were being sheltered, was hit twice by fire and white phosphorus shells.  Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak apologized to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in the afternoon saying it was a "grave mistake."
Apologies, however, do not erase the fact that Israel has committed egregious war crimes in their aggression against the civilian population of Gaza.  Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak and his commanders should all be arrested and taken to The Hague.  They are not above international law.

Israeli War Crime Suspects:  Foreign Minister Tzipora Livni (a.k.a. "Tzipi"), Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and Defence Minister Ehud Barak; for planning and waging war(s) of aggression, war crimes, and false-flag terrorism (9-11) attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. on Sept. 11, 2001.  The international community is obliged to arrest these people as soon as they arrive in a nation party to the Geneva Conventions.

Israeli War Crime Suspects:  Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi (L), Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak, and Yoav Galant, head of the Southern Command, at an army base in southern Israel, January 8, 2009.  Their military assault on the Gaza Strip is every bit as criminal as the Nazi destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto.

U.S. Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice votes to abstain after Ehud Olmert, the terrorist leader of Israel, ordered the U.S. president not to support the Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.  Rice had been instrumental in writing the resolution which was voted on January 8, a full 13 days after the U.S.-supplied Israeli air force began attacking the defenseless civilian population.  75 percent of the population of Gaza Strip is refugees who lost their homes and land when their families were subjected to "ethnic cleansing" by Zionist forces from Poland and Russia in 1948.  Rice and Bush have long followed Zionist dictates and are largely responsible for the disaster that has befallen the Palestinians -- particularly those of the Gaza Strip.

Bush and Rice caused the Palestinian civil war of 2007 with a covert policy designed to destroy Hamas, the Islamic party that won the majority in the Palestinian parliament in the free and fair election of January 2006.  The Bush-Rice policy fiasco led to the intra-Palestinian conflict, a three-year illegal siege, and wide-scale destruction of life and property in Gaza.
In January 2006, when Hamas, formally known as the Islamic Resistance Movement, won the elections for Palestinian parliament the Israeli government and Bush administration tried to overthrow the results of the democratic process they claimed to support.

When Hamas swept the elections, co-founder Mahmoud Zahhar explained to BBC World TV the organization's refusal to renounce violence:

We are not playing terrorism or violence. We are under occupation. The Israelis are continuing their aggression against our people, killing, detention, demolition and in order to stop these processes, we run effective self defence by all means, including using guns.


David Rose of Vanity Fair wrote an investigative article in April 2008, entitled "The Gaza Bombshell," in which he revealed State Dept. documents that revealed "a covert initiative, approved by Bush and implemented by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Deputy National Security Adviser Elliott Abrams, to provoke a Palestinian civil war."

"After failing to anticipate Hamas’ victory over Fatah in the 2006 Palestinian election, the White House cooked up yet another scandalously covert and self-defeating Middle East debacle: part Iran-contra, part Bay of Pigs," Rose wrote.

A State Dept. document found in a Fatah office of Gaza revealed the U.S. policy to overthrow the elected Hamas-led Palestinian parliament and install an Abbas-led dictatorship.  So much for U.S. support for governments chosen through democratic elections in the Middle East. (Second page of document is here.)

Condoleezza Rice and George Bush pushed the disastrous plan, which resulted in the intra-Palestinian conflict between Hamas and Fatah supporters in June 2007.  There is no question that this policy was approved by the Israeli government, although Rose does not discuss this in his article.  Bush and Rice would not dare take a single step in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict without the approval of their Zionist masters.

"It is impossible to say for sure whether the outcome in Gaza would have been any better—for the Palestinian people, for the Israelis, and for America’s allies in Fatah—if the Bush administration had pursued a different policy," Rose concluded. "One thing, however, seems certain: it could not be any worse."

Much of the blame for the current crisis in Gaza is due to the corrupt and spineless diplomacy of the Bush administration -- particularly that of Condoleezza Rice.  The Zionist policies pursued by George W. Bush and his administration have created an unmitigated disaster for the people across the Middle East and around the world -- that is an historical fact.

The Guardian (U.K.) published this photo of a young girl found in the rubble of her destroyed house following an Israeli air strike in Zeitoun.

Photograph: Mohammed Abed/AFP/Getty Images

How do we respond to genocide?  Boycott Israeli products?  Obama is talking about the economy but completely tight-lipped about the Israeli aggression against the civilian population of Gaza.  As president, will Obama demand an investigation of the Israeli massacres and war crimes in Gaza?

"The Israeli army is cowardly attacking worn-out, innocent people, while they claim that they are defending their people.  I call on the people of Israel to stand up against that government, to demand, to put a hand on their hearts and look at their children, and I call on the world to stop this madness."

- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

as he banished the Israeli embassy

 President Hugo Chavez shows the headline about the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador from Venezuela.

How Will the World Respond to Israeli War Crimes in 2009?

By Christopher Bollyn

Israel has used white phosphorus bombs on the civilian population since the beginning of their aggression against Gaza.  This is a war crime, one which has been witnessed by millions of people watching television coverage from Gaza since December 27.  Oddly, CNN's military expert, Brig. Gen. David Grange (ret.), failed to mention Israel's use of white phosphorus although CNN has repeatedly played video clips of the banned weapon exploding over Gaza.  White phosphorus burns flesh - without stopping - as long as oxygen is present.  Grange admitted that he had worked closely with the Israeli military.

As Israeli planes, tanks, and artillery bombarded the homes, schools, mosques, and medical clinics of the Palestinian refugees of Gaza, the Venezuelan government took a stand against the Zionist aggression.  On January 6, the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry sent a telegram to the Israeli mission in Caracas informing Ambassador Shlomo Cohen that he was persona non grata in the Bolivarian republic.  Shlomo and his cohort of six at the Israeli mission were banished and given 72 hours to leave Venezuela.

Venezuela issued a statement calling Israel's operation in the Gaza Strip a "flagrant violation of international law" and "state terrorism."

"For the reasons mentioned above, the government of Venezuela has decided to expel the ambassador of Israel and part of the personnel of the Embassy of Israel," the statement read.

The expulsion of the Israeli mission is the result of Israel's brutal aggression in the Gaza Strip, which President Hugo Chavez characterized as "genocide."

The extreme suffering of the Palestinians of Gaza is generally not understood in the West due to the censorship and distortion of the Zionist-controlled media.  The Palestinians of Gaza have been victims of Israeli war crimes since 1947-48 when they were expelled from their homes and villages, which were stolen by Israeli forces.  Refugees from Zionist ethnic cleansing comprise more than 75 percent of the population of Gaza Strip.  Due to an illegal three-year blockade, which became complete closure in mid-2007, imposed by Israel, the population of Gaza has suffered at near starvation level for several years. 

"The holocaust -- that is what is happening right now in Gaza," Chavez said in televised comments on January 6.  "The president of Israel at this moment should be taken to the International Criminal Court together with the President of the United States."  The president of Israel is Shimon Peres, who has a long history of weapons smuggling and false-flag terrorism (at least as far back as the Lavon Affair in the early 1950s).  Peres is also the chief architect of Israel's illegal nuclear arsenal.


Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, the man behind the war of aggression and state terrorism being carried out against the people of Gaza, took credit for the U.S. abstention in the Security Council vote for a ceasefire, saying he had "demanded" from President George W. Bush that the U.S. to abstain from voting for the ceasefire it had helped negotiate.

"I said: 'Get me President Bush on the phone,'" Olmert said in a speech on January 12 in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon. "They said he was in the middle of giving a speech in Philadelphia." I said, 'I don't care. I have to talk to him now,'" Olmert said, describing Bush, who leaves office on Jan. 20, as "an unparalleled friend" of Israel.


"They got him off the podium, brought him to another room and I spoke to him. I told him, 'You can't vote in favour of this resolution.' He [Bush] said, 'Listen, I don't know about it, I didn't see it, I'm not familiar with the phrasing.'" Olmert said he then told Bush: "'I'm familiar with it. You can't vote in favour.'

"He gave an order to the secretary of state and she did not vote in favour of it -- a resolution she cooked up, phrased, organised and manoeuvred for. She was left pretty shamed and abstained on a resolution she arranged," Olmert said.

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki said he was surprised by the U.S. abstention.  "We were told that the Americans were going to vote in favor," he said on January 9, the day after the vote.

When Rice came in to the Security Council chamber, she unexpectedly informed the Saudi foreign minister, with an apology, that she would have to abstain but would clarify later that the U.S. supported the resolution nonetheless, according to Malki.

"What happened in the last 10 or 15 minutes, what kind of pressure she received, from whom, this is really something that maybe we will know about later," he said. 

Now we know what happened.  Ehud Olmert, the Israeli leader who is behind the criminal aggression and terror attacks against Gaza and Lebanon -- and the Israeli deputy prime minister who made a secret visit to New York City on September 10-11, 2001 -- demanded from George W. Bush that the U.S. abstain. 

To understand the basics about Ehud Olmert's connection to 9-11 and the razing of Gaza, read my article, "Olmert, the Israeli Fascist Behind 9-11, Plans to Raze Parts of Biblical Gaza."

Ehud Olmert

What political power does Ehud Olmert have to order the U.S. president around?  This relationship illustrates the real reason George W. Bush's life is in danger as he leaves the White House -- he knows too much about the Zionist crimes of 9-11 and the illegal wars of aggression in the Middle East.  Bush is likely to reveal the names and details about how Zionist pressure forced him to make the unpopular and disastrous decisions that he will be forced to defend.  The Zionist architects of 9-11 are certainly afraid of what Bush, Cheney, and Rice might divulge when they leave office.

Sources:  Landler, Mark, "Olmert Says He Made Rice Change Vote," New York Times, January 12, 2009

    Keyser, Jason, "Israel's Olmert: Rice embarrassed over UN vote," Associated Press, January 12, 2009

    Kessler, Glenn, "Rice, Eager to Depart, Heartily Defends Record," Washington Post, January 13, 2009



Reports of another Israeli war crime, an intentional mass killing of civilians in the Gaza Strip, surfaced on January 9.  The BBC is reporting that eyewitnesses have reported a mass murder on January 4, of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza neighborhood of Zeitoun. 

Allegra Pacheco, who received some of the reports, is an Israeli-American lawyer who works with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).  Pacheco called it "one of the gravest incidents" since the beginning of the Israeli criminal aggression.

On Sunday, January 4, Israel forces rounded up between 110 and 125 Palestinians in the village of Zeitoun and forced them into the single family home of the Samouni family and ordered them to stay in the house.  The next day, Israeli forces then repeatedly shelled the house. 

Pacheco, a human rights lawyer, was born in the United States to an Orthodox Jewish family from Long Island, New York.  After working with the famous Israeli human rights lawyer Lea Tsemel in 1988 during the Intifada, Pacheco completed her law studies, emigrated to Israel in 1994 and began a legal practice. 

On January 9, Pacheco told the BBC World News (TV) that the eyewitness reports had come directly from adult survivors who had carried wounded children to the hospital.  A five-month old child died on arrival at the hospital.  The Israeli army prevents any international reporters from entering the Gaza Strip.

"According to several testimonies, on 4 January Israeli foot soldiers evacuated approximately 110 Palestinians into a single-residence house in Zeitoun (half of whom were children) warning them to stay indoors," the OCHA report said.

"Twenty-four hours later, Israeli forces shelled the home repeatedly, killing approximately 30."

At least nine of those killed in the house were from the Samouni family, including his mother.  A picture of three of the family's children in blood-stained clothing laid on a morgue floor and in front of their grieving father was shown in The Guardian. The father, Wael Samouni, said dozens of people had been sheltering in the house after Israeli troops ordered them and neighbors to stay inside.

Wael Samouni grieves over his three children that he carried to the hospital.  Nine members of the Samouni family were killed when Israeli forces shelled his house, where they had ordered some 110 people to stay.

The UN said there had been extensive destruction in Zeitoun. For three days, from 3-7 January, the Israeli Defence Force prevented Red Cross medical teams from entering the area to evacuate the wounded. Yesterday the Red Cross vented its fury at Israel after the strike, saying it had found four starving children at the house clinging to the corpses of their dead mothers.

'Those who survived and were able walked two kilometres to Salah Ed Din road before being transported to hospital in civilian vehicles. Three children, the youngest of whom was five months old, died upon arrival at the hospital,' OCHA was quoted as saying in a report on the situation in the battered Gaza Strip.

'This is a shocking incident,' Pierre Wettach, Red Cross head for Israel and the Palestinian territories, said. 'The Israeli military must have been aware of the situation but did not assist the wounded.' 

The accusation came as a 'credible' report from Gaza claimed one third of the 760 reported killed in the conflict have been children.

The UN said those who survived had walked 2 km (1.25 miles) to the main north-south road and were taken to hospital in civilian vehicles, the BBC reported.

"Three children, the youngest of whom was five months old, died upon arrival at the hospital," the report said.

"In Gaza, there is a severe protection of civilians crisis. There is no safe haven, no safe space, for all the civilians, particularly children," Ms Pacheco told the BBC.

"Since the ground operation, the number of children killed has risen by 250 percent." As of January 8, 257 children were among the approximately 760 reported dead in Gaza. There were another 1,080 children among the 3,100 injured in the conflict, according to statistics from Gaza's health ministry.


The Venezuelan response is correct and proper.  The criminal aggression against the defenseless population of Gaza demands a strong response from the leaders of the world.  On an individual level, we should boycott Israeli produce and abstain from anything affiliated with the state of Israel.  Why support an outlaw, racist, and terrorist regime with our hard-earned dollars?  Check your produce before you buy it and make sure it comes from a nation that respects human rights.

The Israeli government headed by Ehud Olmert and Shimon Peres has amply demonstrated its utter disregard for international law and world opinion.  There should be more national leaders like Chavez expelling Israeli missions.  What does the global campaign against terrorism mean if Western nations coddle a terrorist regime like that of Ehud Olmert?

Obama with Olmert in July 2008

Will President Obama investigate Olmert's secret visit to New York City on September 10-11, 2001?

There is certainly more than enough evidence for Western nations to call for Ehud Olmert and his cronies to be arrested for war crimes, as has been done with the former warlords of Serbia and Croatia.  Israel belongs to many European organizations and should be treated like any other state.  When Serbian forces attacked civilian populations, Serbia was attacked by NATO.  Serbian tanks were struck and Belgrade was bombed.  Why is Israel treated differently?  Why isn't Israel forced to comply with international norms and law, as every other nation is?  The Zionist state's egregious criminal acts cannot be allowed to pass without punishment.

Having studied the history of the Zionist movement in Palestine for more than three decades, I have seen Israel commit many criminal atrocities like the current aggression in Gaza Strip and have read about many other crimes, including genocide, going back to the 1940s.  Anyone born before 1970 has been able to witness similar Israeli war crimes on television, such as the aggression against Lebanon in 1982 and the massacres in Sabra and Shatila camps, the Israeli massacres at Qana (Cana) in 1996, and again in 2006, and the flattening of the Jenin refugee camp in April 2002.  Like the current Israeli onslaught against the defenseless population of Gaza, these events clearly involved serious war crimes in which senior Israeli politicians and military officers were culpable.  In some of these cases the same people, such as Olmert and Peres, have been involved more than once; they are, in fact, repeat offenders of the most serious war crimes -- but have never been held accountable.

No Israeli, in fact, has ever been held accountable for war crimes in an international court.  While special international tribunals have been established to investigate and prosecute war crimes in Nazi Germany, the former Yugoslavia, and Africa, there has never been an international tribunal dedicated to prosecute Israeli war criminals.  If there had, we probably would have avoided 9-11 and certainly would have prevented the carnage in Gaza today.  Proper and non-selective enforcement of international law is essential for world peace.  It would have checked Israeli ambitions and protected Israel and the world from the war criminals that control the Zionist state today. 

How will the United States and the world respond to Israeli war crimes in 2009?  The United States is Israel's essential ally and supporter.  President George W. Bush has been a devoted Zionist and has never honestly addressed the Palestinian plight.  President-elect Barack Obama was elected on a shallow one-word platform - "change."  Does "change" under Obama mean the U.S. government will call for an international investigation of the Israeli war crimes being committed in Gaza?  That would be a real change.

Obama has been very tight-lipped on the crisis in the Middle East.  He commented for the first time on the Israeli offensive in Washington on January 6, saying that "the loss of civilian life in Gaza and in Israel is a source of deep concern to me, and after January 20th I'll have plenty to say about the issue."  The question is how many more lives will be lost in the meantime.

Thousands of Palestinian children have been injured due to the Israeli bombings of the Gaza Strip.  This girl was wounded on December 27, 2008.  Why is Obama silent in the face of such incredible suffering?  Where is his concern and compassion?  Why does he not speak out as a human being concerned about his fellow man?

As Obama was holding his tongue on January 6, Israelis shelled a U.N.-run school where Palestinians had sought refuge from the fighting, killing at least 42 civilians and injuring 55 others.  The Israeli military said its soldiers had fired in "self-defense" after Hamas fighters had launched mortar shells from the school.  This appears to be another Israeli government lie.

The United Nations has opened 23 of its schools as emergency shelters for the 1.5 million residents of Gaza, who are prevented from leaving the territory.  The Gaza Strip is often called the largest open-air prison in the world.  By the night of January 6, the number of displaced Palestinians flooding into the schools had reached 15,000.

The people of Gaza are treated like prisoners and are not allowed to leave the territory although there are check points to Israel and Egypt.  How can this be accepted in the 21st Century?  Why are the people of the Holy Land forced to suffer so?

This is certainly not the first time Israeli forces have intentionally massacred refugees seeking shelter in U.N. camps and facilities.  On 18 April 1996, for example, an Israeli artillery assault on the U.N. camp in Qana (Cana), Lebanon, killed 106 Lebanese civilians and left at least 116 injured.

John Ging, the head of the U.N. agency that runs the schools, UNRWA, told BBC World television on January 7 that the Israeli military's claim that it had been fired on from the school was "categorically untrue."  The school, Ging said, had been under UNRWA control the entire time.  Ging and the U.N. agency is demanding an investigation to find those accountable for the 97 Palestinians who were killed and injured in the attack on the school.

"I am appealing to political leaders here and in the region and the world to get their act together and stop this," Ging said, speaking at Gaza's largest hospital. "They are responsible for these deaths."

Dr. Bassam Abu Warda, director of Kamal Radwan Hospital, spoke about the injuries of the civilians from the U.N. school:  "The wounded arrived with multiple fractures, ripped stomachs, amputated limbs," he said. "The bodies were ripped apart."

"I saw a lot of women and children wheeled in," said Fares Ghanem, a hospital official. "A lot of the wounded were missing limbs and a lot of the dead were in pieces."

Majed Hamdan, an AP photographer, rushed to the scene shortly after the attacks. He said many children were among the dead:

I saw women and men — parents — slapping their faces in grief, screaming, some of them collapsed to the floor. They knew their children were dead.  In the morgue, most of the killed appeared to be children. In the hospital, there wasn't enough space for the wounded.

He said there were marks of five separate explosions, all in the same area outside the school. At the time of the attack, people were standing in a crowd outside the gate of the school, where hundreds of families had sought shelter.

The Israeli attack on the U.N. school came only hours after an Israeli missile struck a residential area in al-Bureij refugee camp, injuring seven U.N. workers in a nearby medical clinic.  The day before, January 5, an Israeli airstrike on a U.N. school in Gaza City had killed three members of a family. CNN reported on January 7 that at least 5 ambulances had been shelled, a war crime Israeli forces have committed since at least 1982.

"There's nowhere safe in Gaza. Everyone here is terrorized and traumatized," Ging, the top U.N. official in Gaza, said after the first strike on the U.N. school that killed three people.

U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called the attacks on the schools "totally unacceptable."  This should mean that these heinous war crimes will be investigated and the guilty brought to justice.  This should mean that Israel's illegal 18-month blockade of the Gaza Strip, an act of aggression, and its flagrant use of white phosphorus bombs on the civilian population will also be investigated and punished.  Finally, this should mean, after 6 decades of egregious Zionist crimes going unpunished, that an international tribunal for Israeli war crimes will be established.

With the Zionist-controlled governments of Britain and the United States having veto power on the Security Council, the chances of a U.N. special tribunal being seated to investigate Israeli war crimes are very slim, a situation which allows Israel to commit war crimes with impunity.  But the times -- and attitudes toward Israel -- are clearly changing. 

Evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11 and the global economic crisis has seriously eroded support for the Zionist state around the world.  People around the world are starting to feel like Palestinians.  As the protests against the Israeli assault reveal, the world is being split between the people who demand peace and justice and the Zionists, who demand security for their belligerent and rapacious tribe. 

The Zionist enterprise has clearly failed.  Without constant stealing, begging, and bribing, Israel would be nothing but a failed state.  Born in the sin of genocide and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, Israel has completely failed, after 6 decades, to make peace with its neighbors.  Israelis live in stolen homes and sell the stolen fruit from the orchards of stolen land.  The rightful owners of Palestine are the people of Gaza, the West Bank, and the Palestinian refugee camps across the Middle East.  This is the simple truth.  Without justice for the Palestinians there will be no peace in the Middle East.  The Israelis have to learn to live with the Palestinians -- not instead of them -- in Palestine.   The Palestinians are very kind and civilized people.  The Israelis could benefit from living with them and learning from them.  The Palestinians are, after all, the people of the Holy Land.

The Israeli "Separation Wall" in Bethlehem -- The Zionist ideology prevents Israelis from living in peace with the Palestinians -- the people of the Holy Land.  How long will the apartheid regime of Israel last?  Its days are clearly numbered.  History has shown that such artificial and criminal regimes cannot last long.  How can any enlightened human being support a racist ideology like Zionism?

The days of the Israeli apartheid state are numbered and it will pass, just like the other monstrosity created by the communist Jews of Russia, the Soviet Union.  One of the signs in a recent protest said, "Cleanse the world of Zionism."  This sign does not reflect radical thinking but a logical and rational understanding of the real problem in the Middle East.  The answer to the Palestinian problem has never been a two-state solution.  The solution is one state in which all men are equal.  How could an American president, especially a black man, support anything else?   

Last Updated ( Thursday, 22 January 2009 )