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Caroline Kennedy Death Threats Update

Tom Heneghan

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Caroline Kennedy Death Threats Update

by Tom Heneghan

International Intelligence Expert


Thursday  January 22, 2009

President-elect, now President Barack Obama, with active supporter Caroline Kennedy


United States of America – It can now be reported that Caroline Kennedy, daughter of assassinated President John F. Kennedy, received at least THIRTY (30) DEATH THREATS by email correspondence from known sources within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Israeli Mossad.

"...Herzilya, Israel, the small town north of Tel Aviv, which happens to be where Mossad's headquarters are located."

"...Mossad's Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzilya..."  Christopher Bollyn

One death threat, which originated from Herzliya, Israel (Mossad headquarters), stated that should she (Caroline) continue her quest to become a U.S. Senator, she would be a statistic like her brother, a direct reference to the assassination of her brother John F. Kennedy Jr., who was likewise murdered when threatening to take the New York U.S. Senate seat that he had been told belonged to then First Lady Hillary Clinton, the wife of the departing President.

Note: A friendly foreign intelligence agency has told this reporter that both loser and lesbian in-the-closet, KHAZARIAN Jew Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, and current President Barack Obama White House Legal Counsel Greg Craig were aware of the death threats for the last two weeks and did nothing to alert then president-elect Barack Obama.

Item: It is both KHAZARIAN Jew Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton and White House Legal Counsel Greg Craig (Skull and Bonesman and year 2000 Elian Gonzalez attorney), who are currently leaking dirt and bogus rumors about Caroline to both FOX News and media internet mogul KHAZARIAN Jew Matt Drudge aka Drecht.

It was only through the patriotic work of former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a current member of the joint U.S.-French Anti-Terrorist Task Force, who alerted then president-elect Barack Obama of the death threats against Caroline Kennedy and, accordingly, offered 24 hour, around the clock, full Secret Service protection to the daughter of the assassinated President.

P.S. Remember, folks, the KHAZARIAN Jew, Mossad-controlled American media filth is paranoid about Caroline because she is not a crook and not part of the massive New York state Bernard Madoff money laundry ponzi scheme that has bankrupted the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the brokerage firm Merrill Lynch, and one of the major banks in the United States, the Bank of America.

Note: Bank of America is still on the verge of collapse, which will lead to the collapse of 54 major American banks within 48 hours.

When media stooges and mouthpieces, like Chrissy Pooh Matthews of MSNBC and his KHAZARIAN Jew Washington Post puppets talk about Caroline’s nanny problems, tax problems and alleged affair, dismiss it all folks as dis-information to disguise the DEATH THREATS made against Caroline.
Anti-Catholic Bigots and KHAZARIAN Jews

Joe Klein, TIME magazine and Tina Brown, British Intelligence asset

P.P.S. The major reason Caroline Kennedy was forced to withdraw from the Senate race was not only the death threats but unprecedented corporate, Mossad-controlled personal media attacks against the daughter of our late assassinated President with the lynch mob being led by anti-Catholic bigots, KHAZARIAN Jew Joe Klein of TIME magazine and noted KHAZARIAN Jew, British Intelligence asset and monarchist Tina Brown of a satanic website called “the daily beast”.

Reference: Both Joe Klein and Tina Brown covered up the Bush-Clinton-Mossad “TRUE COLORS” assassination teams that started in the 1990s and still exist today, and KHAZARIAN Jew Joe Klein actually received a $3 MILLION BRIBE from former Clinton Administration official, and now ABC talk show host, George Stephanopoulos, in return for being the anonymous author of the “TRUE COLORS” assassination manuscript.

Be sure to call MSNBC at (202) 885-4200 and tell them you want the "Morning Joe" show, which promotes both Joe Klein and Tina Brown, canceled immediately.

Tell them this anti-Catholic, pro KHAZARIAN Jew program enables two alleged journalists, who enable assassination and death threats.

P.P.P.S. As you can see, folks, we have never left Dealey Plaza.

In defiance of the TREASONOUS Federal Reserve,

U.S. President John F. Kennedy issued a $2 United States Note

NOT a Federal Reserve Note -- he was assassinated shorthly after

$2 1963 series - view the words "United States Note"

above Jefferson's pic, click here to enlarge

Remember, Caroline’s father, President John F. Kennedy, opposed the TREASONOUS Federal Reserve system, which has looted the United States of America and had stopped the state of Israel from pursuing a nuclear bomb in the early 1960s.

The coup d'état versus Caroline was a clear KHAZARIAN Jew media psyop of the highest order.

We can promise you, though, there will be pay back for this criminal, personal savage attack against the Irish Catholic, Caroline Kennedy.

Final notes: To all of those foreign nations who are allies of the United States:

Do you really want to do business with an assassin, blackmailer, extortionist and criminal like Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, who will continue to use the State Department’s International Development Fund to finance private mercenaries, assassins and terrorists throughout the world.


Bush-Clinton Crime Family


This woman is an associate and full partner in the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate that has looted the United States and destroyed the foundation of our Republic with the assistance of the media enablers who will soon face justice of the highest order, with due prejudice.

In closing, at this hour, the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols continue to be delayed by Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke.

What makes this criminal is that Bernanke has already testified against former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Under Treasury Secretary Stuart Levey and fingered them for criminal money laundry activities in reference to the misuse of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds as it relates to the Bernard Madoff ponzi scheme.

President Barack Obama

(AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

It is 6:30 p.m. PST.  Message to President Barack Obama:

Are you the President of the United States of America or is it Hillary?

One last note: Be sure to call KHAZARIAN Jew Senator Chuck Schumer, (D-NY), (202) 224-311, and tell him what you think of this anti-Catholic attack against Caroline. Be sure to call FOX News at (212) 301-3000, and ask them when are they going to hire someone to oppose Bush-Clinton Crime Family mouthpiece Sean Hannity


Tell them that their owner, KHAZARIAN Jew Rupert Murdoch Greenberg, may soon face Anti-Trust problems at the Department of Justice.  Also ask them when KHAZARIAN Jew, anti-Catholic bigot Rupert Murdoch Greenberg is going to open up his books as it relates to his investments with ponzi scheme artist, Mossad asset Bernard Madoff.


We live free or die as we continue to identify the enemies of the American Republic and the 2nd American Revolution in the 21st Century and eradicate them.

Overlord at Yorktown remains relentless and victorious. 

Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the  REAL  year 2000 President of the United States.

Year 2000 non-inaugurated, duly elected

President Albert Gore Jr.


International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL-- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.






Patriotic, God-loving, peaceful Jewish People are  NOT  the same as the war mongering ZIONIST KHAZARIAN Jews.

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