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The Slaughter will Continue after these Messages

Andrew Hughes

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Politics and reality.The two are woven like two disparate threads into a garment that attempts to fit all. Belief in what comes out of the mouths of politicians is a flaw that has led to the justification of horrendous acts that ordinary people would never normally tolerate. Politicians, supported by a bought and paid for media machine, have an uncanny ability to distort reality and that which would be normally morally repugnant to a reasonable person becomes acceptable on the grounds of the perceived exigencies of the day. Thus we have the wanton slaughter of children justified by "self defence"; the justification of wanton slaughter justified by what happened on 11 September 2001; wanton slaughter justified by the need for natural resources. What has happened to the concept of moral obligation, even the respect of one's neighbour ? These are indeed dark days when someone has to spend hours recounting historical facts, not politically polite half truths, to impress upon someone that burning a five year old child to death with molten phosphorous is actually not such a humane thing to do.

Looking at the mainstream reporting from Gaza right now, one has to leave one's conscience at the door and don the hat of an ignorant dolt to lap up the mendacious palaver that passes for impartial reporting these days. Would anyone seriously want to murder a child ? Well, looking at the various commentaries around the print and internet media, one would have to assume that it's perfectly OK. If it was not OK then the evident crime would be pointed out and outrage would ensue. But, alas, no.

We have been informed by the almighty ones that.."Well, if someone was firing rockets at my family, then I would retaliate". What would they say if their family had been treated like beasts for generations, had seen their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends, sons and daughters ripped apart limb from limb with no accountability, with no punishment, with the act been supported by a conspiratorial alliance that is secretly beholden to the murderer ? Would they want to strike back ? Would they want justice ? What kind of malfeasance would it take to provoke a reaction ? Blaming the victim has been the justification since time immemorial. The Romans used it; the Catholic church used it; The Crusaders used it; the U.S.cavalry used it; the Zionists use it.

Enough already! The solution to the problems in the near East is very simple. Stop trying to steal their land. Stop treating them like sub-humans.There is no middle ground;  there is no "ceasefire agreement". there is no "peace process". There is only Truth. There is only Justice. The slaughter will continue after these messages.

An Irishman born in Dublin in 1959 now living in France for the last 8 years. I write on Economics and Politics.