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America and Israel...Two of a Kind...GENOCIDE

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From: "$_Zio-Nazi_GAZA_"NEVER_FORGET"" <>
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 7:59 AM
Subject: [WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED] -<America & Israel...GENOCIDE>-A Revulsion THEY CAN'T STOP>

America and Israel two of a kind...GENOCIDE

Arabian Sights.....


"...What happened to us was the genesis and example for all land appropriations the world over —that includes Palestine.

Our people are being exterminated, much like the African slaves were exterminated from their homeland and separated from their way of life. The apartheid system is the most lethal colonial policy ever created, and you have to hand it to the United States of America.

They are very good at eradicating human beings in all ways physically, spiritually and economically..."


Russell Means

One-on-One Interview with Russell Means

"...The original Europeans in what is now the US were not immigrants, but colonists. And the US is not a nation of immigrants - - it is a white colonial settler state, like South Africa under Apartheid, the former Rhodesia , Australia and Israel . Like those states the US has always operated on a sometimes hidden, sometimes overt system of Apartheid.


Like those places, the US is a nation of colonists -- and race laws. It is a place where white colonists arrived, seized the land, and dispossessed, exterminated or attempted to exclude

the original “non-white” peoples -- all of them. They did so at the point of a gun -- by open terror and genocide, which was the precursor and the necessary pre-condition

of European “immigration.” And, of course, they didn’t only use guns and overt terror. Where “necessary,” they operated by “law.” ...Juan Santos

Immigration: A Nation of Colonists and Race Laws

Zionism is the Israeli version of the racist, murderous, and hypocritical U.S. ‘Manifest Destiny,’ which despicable ideology supported and rationalized the wholesale thievery of indigenous people’s lands, genocide, and slavery on this so-called North American continent.

Zionism has become the 21st Century reality of apartheid, especially as it is practiced towards the Palestinian peoples in particular and Arab peoples in general, in what is known geographically as the Middle East... Larry Pinkney

An Obama Presidency: More of the Same - Only Worse (Part 2)


Zionism and the Art of Genocide Denial

The Angry indian

"We cannot allow the Arabs to block so valuable a piece of historic reconstruction ... And therefore we must generally persuade them to 'trek.' After all, they have all Arabia

with its million square miles .... There is no particular reason for the Arabs to cling to these few kilometers. 'To fold their tents and silently steal away' is their proverbial habit: let them exemplify it now."Israel Zangwill, Expulsion Of The Palestinians


"The antisemites will become our most loyal friends, the antisemite nations will become our allies."Theodor Herzl, One Palestine Complete


...So, let's communicate. Let's discuss how the leadership of a government can plan the destruction of an entire population and not be perceived and acknowledged by the world as monsters.

As of right now in the midst of this incredible mishegoss, the silence of the clearly impotent United Nations, the deficiency of integrity shown by the adulterous Arab League

and the unspoken racism of the morally-ambiguous American Jew is as deafening as it is illuminating. In the wake of the clobbering of Afghanistan and the rape of Iraq, it is also a sign of things to come.When genocides can occur and the weight of the worldsides with the perpetrators, the clock is ticking, for all of us...


"Israel" is Guilty of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity

The Angry indian

“Thus we conclude that we cannot promise anything to the Arabs of the Land of Israel or the Arab countries. Their voluntary agreement is out of the question. Hence those who hold that an agreement with the natives is an essential condition for Zionism can now say “no” and depart from Zionism.

Zionist colonization, even the most restricted, must either be terminated or carried out in defiance of the will of the native population. This colonization can, therefore, continue and develop only under the protection of a force independent of the local population – an iron wall which the native population cannot break through. This is, in toto, our policy towards the Arabs. To formulate it any other way would only be hypocrisy.”

Vladimir Jabotinsky - The Iron Wall, (We and the Arabs)


...At the very certain risk of being condemned as an anti-Semite for saying what needs to be said, I will say it openly and without reservation: the State of Israel is guilty of Arab Palestinian Genocide and crimes against humanity. As I write this, the Euro-settler Zionist State of Israel has officially entered its seventh day of deliberate ethnocide against what is left of indigenous Palestine. More than 420 Palestinians have been killed, more than 2000 critically injured and its utility and transportation infrastructure has been ground to a complete halt...

And make no mistake, this is a genocide. It is a Euro-supremacist war of ethnic extermination against a people long regarded in mythic European Orientalism as a sub-human, oversexed collection of racial inferiors. Caricatured as dusky, robed sand-dwellers carelessly beheading each other in the hot sun, the Arab represents to the bigot a cipher, a nonentity that the European Israeli-colonialist is under no obligation to respect.

In this light, the Israeli Jew has indeed spiritually come full circle with his post-WW2 credentials as a “white” group. Now accepted as an ethnic European, he has finally found common ground between his theological tradition, his own struggle with anti-Jewish ethnic hatred and the ideological trappings of historical White racialism by colonially characterizing the Arab as a non-person therefore deserving of castigation. An outlandish variation on what they themselves have long endured at the hands of Europeans since the salad days of the pagan Roman Empire.

But with liberal backing from the gentile American Empire, the Jew, once branded the plague of the world, can pretend that what is happening in occupied Palestine is not a matter

of anti-Arab racial prejudice. This is an ethical injustice within itself but it needs to be pointed out that the entire push behind U.S. and European support for Israel is the deep-seated desire to defend White Power in Western Asia.

This is an issue of global European hegemony and the Israeli Jew knows that this is the currency, not a love for Jews, which keeps Israel afloat. So while the obvious analogies to German Nazism are undeniably accurate, it does not convey the reality that Israel is allowed to kill Arabs at will purely because it supplements an already extant pro-White racist agenda. And the Israeli Jew has bought into this paradigm hook, line and sinker...

This is possible because after World War Two, Jews, primarily the Ashkenazim, have become “White enough” to merit all the assumed rights of pillage and colonial spoils theoretically accorded to each and every White person at birth. The string of arbitrary unearned privileges traditionally enjoyed by Whites that mechanically supersede the human rights of others groups.

Some Jews have even joined the overtly Judeophobic Ku Klux Klan in the United States and neo-Nazi Israelis are not unheard of these days. White makes right and the reverse engineering the State of Israel has done with German fascism is a fascinating thing to see.I suspect that Josef Goebbels would find it all perversely humorous

had he not blown his brains out at the end of the war...



Desperately Seeking Obama

Dr. Sunera Thobani

"That Obama chooses to remain silent is nothing short of cowardice."

The New Year has begun with Muslims around the world being taught a lesson in the crudity of racial equations:

400 Palestinian lives equal four Israeli lives.

Reeling from having learnt that over a million Iraqi and Afghan lives equal 3,000 American lives, the logic of this racial mathematics is certainly no new thing. After all, the first U.S. Constitution engaged in just such calculations of human worth, and Katrina demonstrated their ongoing effects.

But the lesson has the power to shock every time: the images of Palestinian bodies being pulled out of the rubble in Gaza that flood news reports are unbearable to witness.

Surely the lesson cannot be lost on President-elect Barack Obama. That such violence can be waged on so defenseless a population with the support of the Bush Administration is unconscionable. That Obama chooses to remain silent is nothing short of cowardice.

Why is Israel able to continue its deadly assault on Palestinians in Gaza? Because western governments (and their Arab quislings) are willing to allow the carnage to carry on into day three, four, five ... After all, these governments enabled the Israeli blockade of Gaza for the last year and a half, they aided and abetted Israel's criminal meting out of collective punishment to the population for daring to vote for Hamas...


The Right to Sacrifice the Other: The American Genocides

Munir Akash, Beirut: Riad El-Rayyes Books, June 2002.


By Abdullah Mohammad Sindi -- Ph.D. International Relations:

...Being an Arab writer writing in Arabic for Arab readers, Akash then proceeded to make a brilliant analogical comparison between the WASP's brutal racist colonization of North America and the ancient Hebrew's gruesome colonization of Canaan (old Palestine), as well as the current savage colonization of Arab Palestine since 1948 by the Western Zionist Jews. In order to replace the native people and steal their lands and properties, both the WASPs and the Hebrews/Zionists had to commit genocides and brutal racism against the rightful owners of the lands.

Both of these two racist colonizers have justified their massacres and thefts as "doing God's work on earth"... Akash then eloquently argued that the "biblical Jewish/Zionist" philosophy, espoused by the American founding WASP fathers, has naturally evolved into the following 5 basic doctrines, which have guided American policies from the earliest blood baths in Plymouth to the current butchery in Afghanistan [Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, Lebanon, Palestine, etc. GZ]:

1. The Israeli meaning of the US (the Hebrew mythology that created the nation).

2. The Divine Election doctrine, "Chosen People" imagery, and the superiority of the WASP race and culture.

3. The right to lead and "save" the world (errand in the wilderness).

4. The predestined expansion (the divine right and ability to expand US domains endlessly).

5. The right to sacrifice the other.

Accordingly, as a direct result of these 5 ingrained doctrines in the American political and social psyches,

the author correctly concluded that the intentional annihilation of Native Americans by the "super race" WASPs was not a unique or abnormal occurrence in American history. Rather, "the right to sacrifice the other" has always been a constant and systematic American 'norm' from the dawn of the American 'nation' to the present.

In fact, many others groups and races throughout the world, both in past and current US history, have also been brutally killed en masse for a variety of reasons. Among these victims are millions of innocent Black Americans who died during the long history of the American brutal slavery system and the Jim Crow laws that followed it; hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese who were horrifically incinerated by Atomic bombs in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the final days of W.W.II at a time when Japan was already too weak to continue the war

and was actually willing to surrender; and millions of innocent Latin Americans, Filipinos, Koreans, Vietnamese, Arabs, Asians, Africans, and other groups throughout the world who have lost their lives as a direct or indirect result of America's military interventionism World-Wide to promote US national (i.e., corporate) "interest"...


Arabian Sights


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A Revulsion THEY CAN'T STOP!!!