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Shocking Report Says Israeli Troops “Stomping Heads” Of Palestinian Babies

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

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A most shocking report against the Israeli Military Forces currently exterminating the Palestinian peoples in Gaza states that Norwegian doctors have turned over evidence to the United Nations showing that IDF Troops have ‘stomped’ the heads of at least 18 Arab babies causing immediate death due to the ‘ejection of mass brain matter’.

One of these Arab babies brutally stomped to death [pictured 2nd photo left] was reported to be one-and-a-half years old and upon his skull being crushed so that his brain matter expelled, the Israeli soldier were reported to have ‘screamed with delight’ that this babies death was ‘one less vermin we’ll have to fight in the future’. 

So senseless to the human mind have the Israeli atrocities against the Palestinian become that the United Nations Human Rights Council has scheduled an emergency meeting in yet another attempt to stop the mass death of women and children by Israeli forces, and the Vatican's justice and peace minister, Cardinal Renato Martino, has issued a warning to the World that Israel has turned Gaza into a ‘Nazi concentration camp’.

London’s Times News Service is further reporting that:  “The International Committee of the Red Cross has accused the Israeli military of "unacceptable" conduct and breaching international humanitarian law after discovering four emaciated children living next to the corpses of their mothers and other adults in bomb-shattered houses in Gaza City.

The ICRC said that it had spent four days seeking Israeli guarantees of safe passage so that it could gain access to the houses in the badly damaged Zaytun neighbourhood of the city. It was finally allowed to send in a rescue team and four Palestine Red Crescent Society ambulances yesterday afternoon and said today that what they found was shocking.

In one house they discovered four small children, alive but too weak to stand, next to the bodies of their dead mothers. In all their were 12 dead bodies lying on mattresses.

In another house they found 15 survivors of the Israeli bombardment, several of them wounded, and in a third, three corpses. At that point they were ordered to leave by Israeli soldiers manning a post some 80 metres away, but they refused to do so.”

Israeli government reaction to the growing Global outrage over the atrocities being committed by their soldiers continues to be indifferent, and as we had previously stated in our January 5th report, “Israeli ‘Sound Bombs’ Reported ‘Exploding’ Wombs Of Pregnant Palestinian Woman And Girls”:

“Top diplomatic officials said that even if the Security Council does approve a resolution that conflicts with Israel's interests in its next meeting, "it's no big deal", and certainly will not interfere with the continuation of Israel's operation.”

Sadly, the American people are remaining silent about this brutal carnage even though it is their aircraft, tanks, artillery and bombs that are catastrophically destroying the Palestinian peoples and that they have given freely to the Israelis at the cost of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Fortunately though, this cannot be said about the rest of the World in which in the past day alone has seen:

India’s Prime Minister Singh has stated his Nations “unstinted and unwavering support to the just cause of Palestinians” and urged and end to the slaughter.

Top advisor to Brazilian President Lula, Marco Aurelio Garcia, has called the Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip “state terrorism”.

Lawmakers in Ecuador condemning Israel's military offensive in the Gaza Strip and calling for a global probe of Israel’s alleged “crimes against humanity.”

And Venezuela expelled Israel's ambassador in Caracas to protest the offensive in Gaza, a move came just hours after President Hugo Chavez called the attacks a “holocaust”.

Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has further warned that, “What our people in Gaza are facing is a humanitarian catastrophe. It's a new Nakba, of a kind that has not happened since 1949”.

But, to Israel’s cruel response to the World’s outrage over their barbaric actions we can read as reported by the Associated Press News Service:

The United Nations halted aid deliveries to the besieged Gaza Strip on Thursday, citing Israeli attacks on its staff and installations hours after it said tank fire killed one of its drivers as he went to pick up a shipment.

The United Nations has already demanded an investigation into Israel's shelling of a U.N. school in Gaza that killed nearly 40 people earlier this week. Israel and residents said militants were operating in the area at the time.”

Of all of these horrible events, however, the most important lesson of all that cannot be forgotten about these atrocities allowed to occur in our present ‘modern day’ World, the demonization by the West of all of the Muslim peoples on our Earth has succeeded beyond anyone’s expectations, even to the point where helpless Arab babies being stomped to death by Israeli soldiers evokes no emotion at all from the American people who smugly call themselves our Earth’s champions of human rights.

But, and perhaps, the simplest description of these peoples was made by George Orwell, who is considered “perhaps the 20th century’s best chronicler of English culture”, and who said: “The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.”

And with these sad words I write about the wanton destruction of so many innocents, the most assured thing about them is that they won’t even be heard by those who need to hear them most. 

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]

Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico