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Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

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Disturbing reports are circulating in the Kremlin today on the FSB’s debriefing of Russian and Ukrainian medical personal evacuated from Gaza that detail the gruesome ‘explosion’ of over 188 pregnant Palestinian women and girls wombs due to the use by Israeli Air Force fighter jets of what are termed ‘sound bombs’.

Britain’s Guardian News Service reports that Israel’s use of these ‘sound bombs’ is to “warn people away before flattening the homes with missiles” and Palestinian psychiatrist Dr. Khalid Dahlan has previously stated that:

“Israel’s sonic blasts are part of a larger psy-ops war that is aimed at directly at children; it has no other conceivable purpose. The explosions have no military value except to attack the fragile psyche of the most vulnerable and sensitive. As the survey indicates, Israel’s plan has succeeded quite admirably. In fact, Israel is so pleased with the results of its psy-ops terror-campaign that it has developed "sound bombs" which are intended to create widespread fear and trauma.

This new weapon has been successfully deployed in Gaza "inducing miscarriages and traumatizing children". Israel is aware of these effects and continues to use the weapon regardless of the human suffering it causes.”

Reports from Gaza’s hospitals are stating that these women and girls are unable to be cared for as Israeli forces have caused such death and destruction that ‘bodies are lying everywhere’, and with Israel and Egypt’s not allowing humanitarian assistance or medical supplies into Gaza over 37 of these women and girls have died, the youngest being 14-years-old.

Though UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon had called for an ‘immediate ceasefire’ so that the humanitarian concerns of the Palestinian peoples could be addressed, the United States was successful in blocking the Security Council motion calling for both Israel and Hamas to stop fighting.

However, reports from Israel are stating that their government had no intention in the first place of following any UN order to stop their attacks, and as we can read as reported by the YNET News Service:

“Jerusalem expressed satisfaction Sunday with the fact that the UN Security Council's emergency meeting on the fighting in Gaza ended with no results, after the United States blocked Libya's proposal for an immediate ceasefire.

Top diplomatic officials said that even if the Security Council does approve a resolution that conflicts with Israel's interests in its next meeting, "it's no big deal", and certainly will not interfere with the continuation of Israel's operation.”

Though the governments and peoples of both the United States and Israel continue to remain solidly behind the Israelis extermination of the Palestinian peoples, the same cannot be said about other peoples in our World as Global Protests against the extermination of these human beings continue to mount, with reports from Turkey stating that over 700,000 of their citizens have risen in protest against this modern day holocaust.

It is only in the United States, however, that we can see the most glaring contradiction regarding this deliberate slaughter of Palestinian woman and girls, and their unborn children, in that their largest provider of abortions, Planned Parenthood, has voiced ‘great concern’ over the carnage in Gaza, yet the American Christian evangelical community, and their churches, who state that they firmly support the rights of the unborn, are remaining completely silent.

And in, perhaps, the most cruelest irony of all, it appears that these Israeli and American peoples have completely forgotten the heroic Jewish peoples of the Warsaw Ghetto, and who like their modern day Palestinian counterparts, were cut off from all food, water, utilities and medical supplies by the vastly more powerful German Nazi Army, and when these nearly 500,000 beleaguered souls dared to defend themselves, were exterminated to almost the very last man, woman and child.

One can only wonder if these Americans and Israeli peoples of today have gone completely insane as the horrible killing of woman and young girls by exploding their wombs with these ‘sound bombs’ can certainly lead anyone with common sense to believe so.

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]

Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico