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Don Hynes

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No general penalty, pecuniary or otherwise, shall be inflicted upon the population on account of the acts of individuals for which they cannot be regarded as jointly and severally responsible. No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited. Geneva Convention, Section 11, Article 33

Israel has maintained a privileged relationship with the United States since a portion of Palestine was portioned to the newly created state of Israel in 1948 through United Nations Resolution 181, another British inspired “divide and rule” strategy which resulted in 780,000 Palestinian refugees.

This “privilege” continued to be guaranteed through a US based lobby for Israel both in the Congress and mainstream media, fortified in the American populace by a four decades long campaign to equate compassion for the suffering of European Jews during WWII and solidarity with the people of Israel into unquestioning support for the government of Israel and its foreign policies.

This “special relationship,” supported and defended by every American president since Eisenhower including president-elect Obama, became most emphatic during the last decade in which Israel retained suffering victim status under any circumstance with any and all Israeli military actions legitimized.

The recent attacks against Gaza extended this Israeli “privilege” to an unabashed bombardment of a tightly packed civilian area in which hundreds of people were killed whose only crime was being Palestinian. Review this web photo essay and evaluate Israel’s case for “self defense.”

Israel uses US financed armaments and munitions to wage war against a civilian population that it has caged for years in an urban prison camp, deprived of movement, food, energy or any reasonable degree of humanitarian support. The reported deaths extend to thousands of critically if not mortally wounded, suffering  in ghetto like compounds where medical supplies and humanitarian aid are severely limited or unavailable due to Israeli embargo and military blockade.

Although the United Nations President called for sanctions against Israel and the Assembly of Nations was near unanimous in its condemnation of Israel’s attack, the US blocked censure through its veto power in the Security Council.

Lame duck president George Bush and his inept Secretary of State continued to parrot the near insane logic of blaming the only democratically elected political entity in the Palestinian territories (with no formal military defense force) for Israel’s aerial destruction and invasion of Gaza.

The people of Gaza have no hope in the US government and will find no solace or any viable assistance among their compromised and corrupt Arab neighbors who continue to supply Israel with fuel for their jets, bombers and tanks. Their only hope is in humanity, those who will penetrate the propaganda, be they Arab or Israeli, Jew, Christian or Muslim, and call upon their governments to not only censure but stop the war crimes of Israel and save the people of Gaza.

Thank you,

Don Hynes

Vantage Point