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Letter to the Editor of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Allowing the terrorists to win

Brigadier General James J. David (Ret.)

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n describing how the civilized world has failed in its attempt to deal with terrorists, Jay Bookman states that “In the Middle East, Palestinian terrorists have attacked repeatedly in hopes of disrupting peace efforts,” (“Time after time, we have allowed the terrorists to win,” Altlanta Journal-Constitution A20, Dec.4.)

This is one time that I must disagree with Mr. Bookman. I can cite numerous accounts where the opposite is true but I will just mention the most recent.

It wasn't the Palestinians who just violated the 5 month cease fire in Gaza; it was the Israelis when they raided villages and fired missiles killing 6 Palestinians just last month. (ei: Israel breaks Gaza ceasefire, assassinates six) And just yesteday the Isarelis fired more missiles into Gaza killing two innocent teenage boys and another in the West Bank. (BBC News: Israeli military raids kill three)

Jewish settlers have taken over Palestinian homes, stoned innocent families and desecrated Muslim property and sprayed graffiti on Hebron Mosques with such slogans as "Muhammad Pig" and "Death to the Arabs." (Jewish settlers desecrate property in Hebron row - The Irish Times)

The Arab League met just two months ago and offered complete peace with Israel in exchange for the Isarelis to give back the land they stole from the Palestinians. Once again, the Israelis refused, just as they did 16 months ago. ( Israel Considers Saudi 'Land-for-Peace' Plan)

It's easy for Jay Bookman to put the blame on the Palestinians because this is the way our system works. There is no doubt that journalists and politicians generally understand critical words about Israel to be hazadous to their careers. Their gutless refusal to tell the truth and the fear of being slandered as "anti-Semites" may be the most contributing factor in "allowing the terrorists to win."

James J. David is a retired brigadier general and a graduate of the National Defense University, Washington, D.C.