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Barry Chamish

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Just a typical week in Israel. A Hamas rocket wounds eight Israeli soldiers, PM Olmert and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni lie that they will order retaliation and instead, pardon 230 convicted "Palestinian" prisoners. What they forgot to announce was that a think tank in New York called the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) has banned all real military measures against the "Palestinian" leadership, and they obey the CFR.

     Then a legitimately bought building in Hebron is evacuated in less than an hour using the same tactics previously employed against Gush Katif. Provocateur Itamar Ben Gvir brings in his hoodlums, and they scare and disgust the minions of good Hebron residents away from the building. Those remaining wear no protection against the police and will offer no serious opposition. While Defence Minister Ehud Barak pretends to negotiate with the Yesha Council, he is awaiting a message from inside the building that everyone has sat down to lunch. Then the order to evacuate is given and Peace House falls like a piece of halvah in an hour.

     And the Jews don't blame the real enemy, the CFR, which has banned all Jewish expansion in Judea and Samaria. And Barak obeys the CFR.

     This is just the beginning of the end, as PM Olmert promises that Peace House is the first step in a mass uprooting of Jews from Judea and Samaria, as dictated by the CFR.

Olmert alludes to looming 'West Bank' evacuations

PM says an unstoppable process has started that will ultimately

uproot 'tens of thousands' of Jews.

      Someone put a knife under the throat of Presidential Regent Obama warning him that he may have won the election but Hillary Clinton is the real President of Israel (if not, the US). The Clinton gang is back in power, taking over from Condi Rice (CFR) et al with their plans to castrate Israel into extinction and set the Middle East ablaze for sport. Shall we begin with the Australian rat Martin Indyk who put together a new CFR program for Pres.To Be Obama, that, my goodness, is precisely the Oslo, Saudi, Quartet recipe for the end of Israel?:

Dear Colleague,

Because of your interest in issues affecting the Middle East, I wanted to

share with you a major series of Middle East policy recommendations for the

Obama transition team. "Restoring the Balance: A Middle East Strategy for

the Next President" advocates a new approach to pursuing U.S. interests in

the region, one that refocuses attention from the war in Iraq and the war on

terror, to the challenges of Arab-Israeli peacemaking and Iran's nuclear

program. The report addresses the six most pressing Middle East challenges

facing president-elect Obama: Iran, Iraq, the Arab-Israeli conflict,

proliferation, terrorism, and political and economic development. You can

find summaries of the recommendations here:

This report is the culmination of an eighteen-month long project in which

Middle East experts from the Council on Foreign Relations and the Saban

Center at Brookings worked together in small teams, travelled to the region,

interviewed its leaders, and reviewed their ideas with a prominent Board of

Advisors. The project was co-directed by Martin Indyk, Director of the Saban

Center at Brookings and Gary Samore, Director of Studies at the Council on

Foreign Relations.

I hope you find this report useful. The recommendations are also available

in book form from the Brookings Institution Press:

Best regards,

Martin Indyk

     Thank you, Marty. That was beautiful. Would you mind if the guys at the CFR appointed some really loyal members to make your visionary scheme work?

Samantha Powers - She called for an invasion of Israel to impose a

solution to the Palestinian Issue. She has also complained about the

undue influence of the "Jews" in American Foreign Policy.

Obama rehires advisor who wants to invade Israel

President-elect Barack Obama is considering the appointment of Daniel

Kurtzer, former American Ambassador to Egypt (1997-2001) and Israel

(2001-2005), to become his administration's presidential envoy to the Middle

East, a senior Israeli diplomatic source said this week.

Kurtzer, 59, joined Obama's primary and presidential campaigns as a senior

member of the president-elect's foreign advisers.