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Are the Israelis Worthy and Capable of Leading a State of Their Own ?

Hiyam Noir

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GAZA - The Israelis have been given the green light to starve 1.5 milj. Palestinians to death,the US legitimation of Zionism. The Israeli blockade of Gaza Strip is the result of US unconditional moral and financial support to Israel.Billions in US tax money have been payed out through many years to the Zionist state, not to forget high tech weapon technology give away, without preconditions.The first mistake, the failure of the Palestinian Liberation Organization,the PLO extension of its careless mistakes 15 years ago,the unconditional recognition of Israel.

One Solitary Olive Tree Remains Standing

One Solitary Olive Tree Remains Standing

No words can express the harsh situation inside the the Gaza Strip.The siege was completed two weeks ago, when the Israelis decided to prevent the entry of funds (Israeli shekel and us dollar) to the banks and currency exchange offices in Gaza.

Due to the economic embargo,many Gaza'ns are today unemployed, in addition,some ten thousand of servant workers have not received their pay checks from the PA Ramalla office. Gaza residents can not afford to pay the high price of food and other necessities as medicine, electric batteries, that is being smuggled trough the Gaza life-nerve, the underground tunnels.

The electricity is turn off/on in an unpredictable manner,as a consequence here are many complications: the sewer systems, are collapsing, there is not enough hot water, and the drinking water is unfiltered, a problem in particular in the refuge camps.These rigorously coordinated Israeli measures, are meant to cause a great physical and mental harm to the Palestinian society in Gaza.

On Sunday evening,the first day of the Eid Al-Adhaa, when the fasting normally begins,people have no money to buy food or toys for the children,and other supplies to celebrate this major Palestinian Holy day.People are standing in lines,other sits around nearby, waiting by the ATM machines, hoping the money transfer systems will open its service.

This time,for two weeks, (it has happened before,)the Israels have deliberately manipulated with the transactions of funds (Israeli shekel and us dollar) to the banks in Gaza.The Israeli disruption of the money flow in Gaza is coordinated with the blockade of food transports, medicine and fuel to complete the devastation against 1.5 million Palestinian citizens, suffering from the Israelis ill will,in the largest concentration camp in the world, the besieged Gaza Strip.

On Thursday, the Palestinian Monetary Authority in Gaza announced that all Palestinian banks based across the Gaza Strip are closed. "The bank will be closed, because of the Israeli ban on cash entry to Gaza" - signs, were placed in all Gaza bank offices on Thursday afternoon. Jihad Alwazir the minister in the Gaza, Monetary Authority said that money are available to be transferred,though the Palestinian monetary authority is unable to ensure the funds, due to the Israelis stop of money transferees to Gaza."

Alwazir said that "the Gaza monetary authority will exert every possible effort to ensure the funds as the Palestinians in a few days will begin the Eid Al-Adha celebration ".There are indications that the Gaza monetary authority has been in contact with the World Bank, the Quartet Committee and Israeli Central Bank, in order to solve the Gaza monetary crisis.

One moth ago the Israelis let through two boats,the "Free Gaza Movements Breaking the Siege" ships, "Liberty" and "Free Gaza" to dock in the Gaza seaport.The people in Gaza had been patiently waiting since early morning hours,for what they expected,a boat loaded with humanitarian aid. When they disappointed found out that the cargo was not what they had hoped for,much needed food and other basic supply,instead the ship was loaded with Israeli and International activists.

One month later a ship from socialist Libya, Al Marva, set to sail to Gaza Strip,was turned away on international waters.The crew was threatened at gunpoint,by Israelis in navy war vessels.Al-Marwa carried over 3.000 tons of humanitarian aid, including medicine and food to the starving Palestinians in Gaza, after a short stay on Egyptian waters, the ship Al Marwa,was forced to reroute her course back to Libya.

At a meeting in the United Nations on Wednesday, past week, the Libyan government accused Israel of piracy,breaching the law of the sea.Libya called the United Nations Security Council to convene for a special emergency session, in protest of the Israelis interdiction of the ship.The Libyan UN Ambassador Giadallah Ettalhi, told the Security Council and its delegates from 15 nations, that the Israeli action was "an act of piracy" as it is defined by the UN law of the sea.

Ettalhi said that, the Libyan ship Al-Marwa was " explicitly threatened" with destruction in case it failed to follow orders from Israeli authorities".Ettalhi also reminded the UN Security Council of the Israelis measures against the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the prevention of delivery of supplies to over 700.000 starving Palestinians living in refuge camps across the Gaza Strip.

1.500.000 Gaza'ns, are suffering from a criminal embargo.Under pretext of security, the Israelis, its ally United States and other Zionists supporters and lobbyists, are strangling Gaza to death.

Can we deny, that Palestinians citizens in both Gaza Strip and in the West Bank, actually are the part in this conflict, in need of security? The people who's life has been violated and oppressed by Israel on a daily basis, since decades back in time,

Should we ask the Palestinians to lay down on the ground as humble meek lambs, at a time when their homes are being robbed of small savings and bulldozed,farmers working on their fields are killed, and their fertile land razed from the ground. When fisherman in their boats on Palestinian territorial waters, are being shot at and killed, their lively hood,boats and fishing equipments destroyed. When Palestinian civiians including the children, are targeted and assassinated by Israeli ballistic missiles, rocket fire and high tech automatic guns.

Can we deny that it is Israel and its supporters of Nazi-Zionism, who are violating International Human Rights Laws ? Regarding the facts and judging their importance, can we believe that the Israelis are worthy and also capable of leading a state of their own, what do we do about it?