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Israel Hails Takeover Of US Congress As ‘Total Annihilation’ Of Palestinians Set To Begin

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

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Kremlin reports today are stating that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has made an ‘urgent’ appeal to President Medvedev for the possible use of Russian Military Forces to break the Israeli blockade strangling 1.5 million Palestinian people trapped in the Gaza Strip and who are down to their last two days of food.

Switzerland has become the latest Nation to join the United Nations in calling upon Israel to end their barbaric blockade but to which Israel’s Defense Minister has bluntly rebuffed and stated, “No. There needs to be calm in order for the crossings to be opened.”

Jordan's King Abdullah II, these reports state, became so enraged at Israel’s planned ‘Total Annihilation’ of the Palestinian peoples in Gaza that he ‘ordered’ Israel’s Prime Minister Olmert and Defense Minister Barak to a secret meeting in Amman where he told them that should the blockade not be lifted his own government would fall, but not before he would order his own Jordanian Military Forces to launch attacks against Israel.

Israel’s dysfunctional government, however, appears to be a ship of state steering itself towards its own destruction as their President, Shimon Peres, while accepting an Honorary Knighthood from the Queen of England, has warned that his Nation is nearing Civil War with its own Jewish settlers, 20,000 of whom are heading towards a massive confrontation with Israeli security forces. Its Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, forced to step down due to the many corruption charges leveled against him by Israeli police, and its Foreign Minister, and soon to be Prime Minister, Tzipi Livni, ‘demanding’ that the World not look at Israel’s starving to death of 1.5 human beings but instead condemn the Palestinians for even daring to think that they could possibly fight back against their mass imprisonment and soon to be death.

Even more perplexing is that while Israel is facing the worst crisis facing its existence since its establishment by the United Nations in 1948 it is, nevertheless, celebrating the record number of Jews elected to the US Congress where they now control over 10 percent of a government in a Nation where they comprise only 3 percent of the population and where next week President Bush will meet with Prime Minister Olmert to plan their military attacks upon Iran which they say the UN has reported now has the nuclear material needed to make an atomic bomb, but to which the Iranians have replied, and much more truthfully:

“Iran has categorically rejected a report in the New York Times which accuses the country of having enough nuclear fuel to make nuclear weapon.

Iran's ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Ali Asghar Soltaniyeh, said that the report was unjustified and politically motivated, Press TV reported. "The allegations are aimed at misleading the public and have no technical basis," Soltaniyeh said.

The New York Times cited a nuclear expert as saying that the amount of low enriched uranium at Iran's disposal could help Iran to make nuclear bomb. Soltaniyeh said that Iran's nuclear sites are under surveillance of IAEA cameras 24 hours a day.

"The nuclear material at Natanz' site is held in a container sealed by IAEA experts and recorded by the same cameras," he added. The latest report released by IAEA's chief, Mohamed ElBaradei, indicated no diversion in Iran's nuclear program.

The IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei in his latest report on Wednesday said that the agency "has been able to continue to verify the non-diversion of declared nuclear material in Iran." The IAEA also declared that there has been 'no indication' of Iran conducting nuclear reprocessing activities.”

Now one would be hard pressed to believe that a major Middle Eastern war could be started based solely upon the lies told to the American people by their propaganda media organs.  Surely, one could rightly argue, a modern and civilized Nation such as the United States could not possibly degenerate into a state where their millions of citizens would allow their government to attack another country based upon the lies of their having enough nuclear material to make a bomb.

But, that is exactly what happened before their invasion of Iraq where, and just like now, the New York Times published nothing but lies about the Iraqi ‘plan’ to acquire nuclear weapons that the American people were told by their leaders and propaganda media organs would soon fall upon their cities.

What these insane Americans keep failing to recognize is that what is happening in Israel today is what is being planned for them tomorrow, and where today it is 1.5 Palestinian men, women and children being starved to death in the largest concentration camp our World has ever known, tomorrow it will be tens of millions of them who are going to be suffering the same fate.

And just like today, where none of these American people even care about the lives of the Palestinians, so tomorrow will they not even care about their own countrymen, and like the deluded German peoples who they resemble more and more each day, will, likewise, be ‘surprised’ when the full horrors of what they have become is staring them in their own faces and profess, “we didn’t know these things”.

And to the most incredible thing of all, the vast majority of these Americans actually believe that their new President is, somehow, going to save them.  It’s as if these people have never read a history book in their entire lives that shows how ‘economic collapses’ combined with ‘charismatic leaders’ have always, ALWAYS, led to the destructions of Nations and Empires….like Rome, like France, like Russia, like Germany, like Japan, like Italy, like England, and though I could go on and on and on, like the United States too!

And the reason for our World’s history being filled with the continued chaos surrounding these staged catastrophic events one may ask? The answer is as simple as reading those aforementioned history books where anyone able to do math can see that just from 1776 to 2008 the numbers of countries, nations, tribes, kingdoms, principalities, etc., have been reduced from over 18,000 to now under 200…and which just one more BIG GLOBAL WAR will reduce to 1.

I would like to be able to tell you now to prepare yourself for the New World Order some of you fear, but most don’t even believe in, but I can’t.  What I can tell you though, no WARN you about, is that before this New World Order begins nearly all of you reading these words will be dead along with billions of others of your fellow human beings who, just like you, lived their lives never believing anything other than the lies told to them by those they believed in and, of course, calling the few of us who have risked everything to keep the truth alive the liars.  

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]

Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico