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Between Games and Propaganda: The Removal of Checkpoints and Roadblocks in the West Bank / B'TSelem Shooting Back

Palestine Monitor

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At the beginning of April, Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak announced to US Secretary of state Condoleezza Rice the removal of 61 roadblocks throughout the West Bank. This was supposed to “make life easier for Palestinians” and to show that Israel is doing its best to prepare for peace talks later this year.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has examined the Israeli claim carefully and has found that only 44 roadblocks had been removed, well short of the promised 61. According to OCHA, 6 more of the roadblocks on Barak’s list have been left in place. The remaining 11 simply never existed.

A close examination of the 44 roadblocks which existed and were removed reveals that most of them had no implications whatsoever for Palestinians’ freedom of movement. Only 5 of these 44 obstacles were classified by the U.N. as “significant” for Palestinians living in the area. The remaining obstacles were classified as of “little”, “no”, or “questionable” significance, often noting that there were other major roadblocks nearby, that they were located in insignificant areas (such as open fields) or even that some had been built and removed on the same day.

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Tulkarm and villages around
OCHA map (detail)

Building roadblocks in the morning, removing them in the afternoon

This is what happened in the area of Tulkarm, more specifically on the roads connecting the villages of Bal’a to Anabta and Dhinnaba to Izbat Abu Khmeish.

On 31 March, Israeli soldiers went to this area and closed both roads by blocking them with stones and sand, preventing anyone from getting through. The main roads in between the villages were closed as well as the smaller alternative dirt roads, leaving would-be travellers no option but to return from where they came.

Later that day, soldiers returned to the area and removed a few of these roadblocks. The Israeli army then published an official statement explaining that they had removed the promised number of roadblocks. Their list included the roadblocks near Tulkarm established in the morning and removed in the afternoon.

The Israeli statement obviously did not mention the absurd character of these roadblock removals, neither did it mention that several roadblocks on the road between Dhinnaba and Izbat Abu Khmeish were also established on the same day, but were not removed.

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Erected in the morning, removed in the afternoon...
Photo: Palestine Monitor

The soldiers’ game

These sand or earth mounds are but one technique often used by the Israeli military throughout the West Bank to restrict the Palestinians’ ability to move. There are now 580 permanent “points of closure” throughout the West Bank, from trenches and other obstacles to manned checkpoints.

In the Tulkarm district, new Israeli roadblocks and checkpoints suddenly established on unexpected roads have become a daily reality for Palestinians. A local resident explains that there is almost never any specific reason for these checkpoints or roadblocks, “it just depends on the mood of the soldiers”. People in Tulkarm cynically refer to it as “the soldiers’ game”.

Around the villages of Deir Al Ghusun and Al Jarushiya, north of Tulkarm, there seems to be a lot of these ‘games’ going on. Israeli soldiers regularly decide to place their jeeps or tanks in the middle of the roads, forbidding any vehicle to cross. There is almost never a reason for these actions.

A student at the Arab American University of Jenin explains the difficulties he has faced in the past: “sometimes the soldiers put a heap of sand and stones in the middle of the only passable road, obliging everybody to get out of the bus and to carry on by foot, searching for other alternative routes”. The people here are forced to be creative, because every day a new obstacle can be erected on the road to their jobs, schools, families or friends. Whether it is an earth mound, a manned checkpoint or just an Israeli jeep or tank stationed in the middle of the road, each time the Palestinians have to find new ways to get around.

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Erected the same morning, not removed...
Photo: Palestine Monitor

One story among tens of thousands

For a Palestinian born and raised in a refugee camp, finding a decent, well-paid job in a financial institution in Ramallah - Palestine’s business-capital - sounds like the perfect solution to get one’s family out of the misery and despair of the camp. But the reality proves to be different.

Although the distance between the Tulkarm Refugee Camp and Ramallah is only about 50 km, the journey takes between one and a half to four hours, or more. The roads that are ‘allowed for Palestinian use’ are in bad condition but one has also to take into account unpredictable waiting times at checkpoints and the daily possibility of newly erected checkpoints or roadblocks on the way.

T., a young, well educated and motivated Palestinian man is employed in Ramallah, and thus able to contribute financially to help his family. But he was born in Tulkarm Refugee Camp. “When I arrive at a checkpoint”, T. explains, “the soldiers will ask me why a guy from the refugee camp wants to go to Ramallah.”

Explaining about his job or even showing his official employee’s card has often proved insufficient for the soldiers, who refused him passage many times. Once again, T. says, “it just depends on the mood of the soldiers, for them it’s all just a game.”

Trying to avoid these difficulties, T. decided to rent a flat in Ramallah, near his work. “At this moment I’m living in Ramallah, making a living for myself and supporting the rest of my family in the camp.”

Every other week T. returns to Tulkarm to spend the weekend with his family. But his problems are not solved. Reaching one of the several checkpoints on his road, and showing his official new address in Ramallah, the soldiers now ask him for what reason a young man from Ramallah would want to go the refugee camp in Tulkarm. And they often deny him access.

Misleading propaganda

The Israeli military or the Defence Ministry regularly announce the removal of roadblocks or checkpoints to “make life easier for Palestinians”, or as a “gesture of goodwill towards the Palestinians”. These announcements are always well covered in international media, serving as a perfect propaganda tool for Israel.

Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak has become a specialist in proudly announcing these removals. But careful research on the ground reveals that the Israeli claims are consistently misleading or even downright lies. Each time the same techniques are used: removing checkpoints that had been abandoned years ago or that had been replaced by other checkpoints nearby, erecting new roadblocks and removing them on the same day, removing roadblocks in the middle of open fields or just claiming to have removed certain roadblocks that did not actually exist in the first place.

At Annapolis, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had promised Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas that the number of roadblocks would be reduced. However data from OCHA, B’Tselem and Machsom Watch proves that the numbers have increased, from 563 to 580.

Checkpoints, roadblocks and segregated roads, have all become a grim part of daily life for Palestinians living in the West Bank, where the Israeli occupation has evolved into a fully fledged Apartheid system. Soldiers play their games with impunity while everybody knows who will be the winners and the losers.



In January 2007, B'Tselem launched "Shooting Back", a video advocacy project focusing on the Occupied Territories. We provide Palestinians living in high-conflict areas with video cameras, with the goal of bringing the reality of their lives under occupation to the attention of the Israeli and international public, exposing and seeking redress for violations of human rights.
"Shooting Back" works with families who live in close proximity to settlements, to military bases or at the sites of frequent army incursions. Settlers daily harassing a family in Hebron or attacking farmers in the South Hebron Hills, soldiers invading Qalqilya, daily life in the village of Yanun… these are just some examples of the material filmed by over 100 cameras that we have distributed to families throughout the Occupied Territories. B'Tselem has succeeded in airing this material on major Israeli and international news networks, exposing global audiences to the previously unseen.
Settlers throw stones at children from the village of a-Tuba in the southern Hebron Hills. Filmed by Muhammad Jundiyeh, 15, Shooting Back project, 11 August 2007.

Settlers throw stones at children from the village of a-Tuba in the southern Hebron Hills. Filmed by Muhammad Jundiyeh, 15, Shooting Back project, 11 August 2007.

Citizen journalism – a phenomenon that has garnered much attention of late – is particularly relevant in the context of the Israeli occupation, in which various types of abuse occur on a frequent basis and impact the daily lives of Palestinians. The ever-present violations of human rights constitute the mundane, ongoing reality of military occupation and settler enterprise, and are too often overlooked.
Settler curses Fida' Abu 'Ayesha in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood of Hebron. Filmed by Fida' Abu 'Ayesha,  Shooting Back project,July 2006.

Settler curses Fida' Abu 'Ayesha in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood of Hebron. Filmed by Fida' Abu 'Ayesha, 14, Shooting Back project, 4 July 2006.

B'Tselem also uses this footage as a powerful tool for filing complaints with the army and the police, and as supporting evidence in court cases. In the West Bank, victims of abuse by settlers or soldiers are often discouraged from lodging complaints by weighty bureaucratic obstacles. B'Tselem now uses video as one way to promote accountability and seek legal redress for Palestinian complainants.
See Videos
Israeli Terrorism:

GET INVOLVED: Join the Friends of Ahmad Sa'adat!

The Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat is calling upon all supporters of the Campaign, and all supporters of the struggle of Palestinian prisoners, and the Palestinian people, for justice and liberation, to come together, network, and coordinate in order to educate and mobilize people around the world to work to free Ahmad Sa'adat and all Palestinian political prisoners!

The Friends of Ahmad Sa'adat is a new international network for coordination of support and solidarity activities, from events in Palestine and the Arab world, to Europe, to North America, to Latin America, to Australia, to Asia, to Africa. This network will coordinate internationally through e-mail communication - exclusively for the purposes of the Friends of Ahmad Sa'adat - for events, activities, literature distribution, and more.

Immediate needs and activities for the Friends of Ahmad Sa'adat include:

TRANSLATION. Many materials are available in Arabic and English, but few, if any, other languages. Local Friends of Ahmad Sa'adat committees and supporters can play a critical role in translating campaign materials into your local language. Those translations can then be made available to all on the Campaign website,, as well as distributed via the Friends email communication line.

LOCAL EDUCATION. Local Friends of Ahmad Sa'adat committees, subcommittees of existing organizations, and networks can play a key role in educating the public: holding local events, distributing campaign information electronically, at events, and in your community. European Friends of Ahmad Sa'adat may hold meetings with Members of the European Parliament to encourage them to take a strong stand in support of freedom for Ahmad Sa'adat and all Palestinian political prisoners.

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ACTION. Supporters and committees of the Friends of Ahmad Sa'adat will coordinate to plan an international day of action in support of freedom for Ahmad Sa'adat - including advertising, literature distribution, local and national events, and many more plans.

Your active involvement is very important. Get involved with Friends of Ahmad Sa'adat - join the international network, form a local group or committee or act as a supporter with other groups in your area - and help to raise awareness and work to free Ahmad Sa'adat and all Palestinian political prisoners!

To join the Friends of Ahmad Sa'adat coordination email list, for discussion and planning of local, national and international actions, please email:

With any other questions, please email We look forward to working together!

The Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat
The Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat