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Gaza Wall Is Blown Up By Desperate Palestinians

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The internet is exposing these Zionists who built that horrible cement wall.

And who put this up on their website?

A young American called Brandon Schaefer whose friends hang out at Malls (Bray, his friends call him for short, was destitute when his family home was flooded to the roof with Hurricane Katrina, and I remember getting email saying that scuba divers jumped in and took samplings and scraping from the Levee bricks, sent it to an Army Base in Alabama and the results showed up as Class 1, Military Explosion ordinances, duh, but that aside) , Brandon’s teenager buddies hang out at the Malls, and loiter at McDonald’s and their girlfriends do the symbols of their superficial existences, eyebrow pencil, mascara, eye-shadow, stiletto heel pumps etc While this young chap has his head screwed on right. I talked with him. This is the type of youthful enthusiasm we need and as future leaders, not Obama, Clinton, Ron Paul, McCain and all those other Zionist useful idiots.

How related are those teenagers at the Malls to the people of Gaza?

These Gaza-ians who were put in that prison for so long, no food, no nothing, no electricity, no nothing?....And you are worried about homes being foreclosed? 2 Million homes being foreclosed in the US, their homes are bull-dozed by American built bull-dozers, and there is no end in site what with

The fake Federal Reserve Bank. [Read your damn US Constitution Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5 “CONGRESS SHALL HAVE THE POWER TO COIN MONEY AND REGULATE ITS USE THEREOF” it does not say Private Corporations! The Federal Reserve Bank is Illegal. It IS a Private Corporation and does not sell its stocks on the fake Wall Street Stock Exchange, it HAS NEVER ever been audited since its sordid entry into the US from the European Central Banks in 1913 by that traitorous President Woodrow Wilson, who entered America in World War l,]

They are printing up that money from thin air. Look up “FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING”  a sophisticated way of saying illegal money counterfeiting (money backed by nothing) and USURY. These bastards charge interest not only to Governments plus to people who “Mortgage” their homes…

The Federal Reserve Banks San Francisco branch (one of 12 nation-wide) contact information cannot be found in the Government section of the SF phone book, its in the business section, listed near FederalExpress, FedCo, FedEx, duh…Get it?

The US is sending this fake monopoly money to  Israel to build a monstrosity wall to make a giant prison for these helpless Palestinians, and you wonder why no one likes the US ?

These Banks lend money to Governments (at huge interests mind you) to cause wars, because they make a killing financing wars, research all the wars the US causes, nay the Zionists cause……These greedy bastard low life’s…


Those Zionist terrorists cannot do these sorts of things for too long...Even Egyptians US shills, had to realize what these Askenazim fake Jews were doing in the Gaza strip. Its like the walls of Berlin coming down, and how come this hasn't appeared on mainstream media? Why, because these Zionists own the mainstream media, duh...This would make AIPAC (American Israeli Political Action Committee and the Christian Zionists John Hagee, Pat Robertson and the other turncoat traitors look really bad)...Why are the Mainstream Churches not knowledgeable about these facts? Why are they hiding? Why do they not tell the truth to their congregations, every Organized religion not just Christians, Buddhists and Dalai Lama, Hindu Swami’s, Catholic priests, Armenian Priests and Bishops etc?

How corrupt is Zionist influence in these Jewnited States of America?

Brandon's Site is  and another young man, Mike Delaney's site is

Send this YouTube clip to all your friends, acquaintances and enemies. Let them know how the 11 Billion dollars that America gives Israeli's annually and a lot more, how this causes such horrible hardships for all those hapless Palestinians, men women and children, and how that money goes to build those horrible walls and prisons. Did you see the size of those walls?

Wake up if you want world peace and don't just sit there, do something....

If you don't these Zionists will pull the plug on the internet (although they make millions on this Electromagnetic Radiation Cancer giving toy) and we have to do a Paul Revere horseback thing and stool pigeons will have to carry our messages. Email messages you say, think again…These swine’s will pay the mercenary soldiers to come to your homes, confiscate your computers and you say…that’ll never happen. Think again…Remember they can pay those fake dollars to hit men to do this dirty work while the Rothschild dynasty wallows around in the Cayman Islands and Exotic hide-outs on this planet…But not for long, too many people are finding out about these murderers, counterfeiters and scumbags. We will not have this electronic messaging system any more because it will topple their deck of cards…This morning I picked up a brochure at Wells Fargo Bank (the original owners were Kuhn-Laub, one of the original drafters of the Federal Reserve Act) Well, this brochure, printed in Glossy ink (I wonder if the printing company knows that these banks are illegal?, Oh well they probably own the printing company, duh…) This brochure said in red letters “WORKING WITH YOU TO PREVENT FRAUD” then in lower case “Valuable Tips on How to Safeguard Yourself against Financial Fraud, Identity Theft, and Scams” how funny and ironic.