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Jim Kirwan

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le that each of the various governments are suppose to represent. The crime involved is the seizure of national resources, taken from the state and its people and diverted to the pockets of those chosen by governments to share in the stolen wealth. It has taken five decades to get to this point: where those who theoretically 'have-it-all' can now go for even more. The triumph of this level of corruption can be seen in the State, County and City governments throughout America, as well as in the national and international charade that passes for what is casually accepted as "leadership" around the world.

Corruption has always been a part of life, but beginning with Greed-is Good-Reaganism, traditional corruption moved up the ladder to acceptability under GHW Bush; then finally became the major necessary component for high-office, under the bushes of the criminal dictatorship of George W. Bush and his light & shadow show of 'good & evil.' The end result of this sea-change in the way governments at all levels work has been to disenfranchise all those people in the what used to be the middle classes that are now only the burnt and dying, lower-upper crust that thinly veils the swelling of poverty and that disillusionment which rules the remainder of walking dead. "Bullshit"? No, this is just the bare-bones outline of the template that was used to catch the unwary and divert the public's attention from those real events that are redrawing the maps of the world.

Only in the Middle East has there been any real resistance to this New World Order. What we're seeing now is only a forerunner for the much wider conflict that will soon engulf the planet - unless the roots of these problems are exposed for all to see. Governments are supposed to serve the people that elect them - not the other way round!

Real authority for any leadership has always rested on that careful and joint analysis of any situation, backed up by taking responsibility for whatever actions are then entered into. Whenever nations choose to ignore or just delete the opinions of those states or people with whom they disagree; this invites the violence that has begun to rip apart the fabric of the global world today. The arrogance shown by the governments in Israel, Britain, Canada and the US is at the root of what has caused the current shredding of civility everywhere. This in turn created catastrophic problems that are rearranging the current global power structure - so that all thought of governing, according to the wishes of people everywhere is now held hostage - to criminal greed and to the barbarity that rogue governments are now using to dictate the terms of their New World Order to the farthest reaches of this world.

That said; the causes beneath the violence come from the disparity created by those with the-weapons-of-mass-destruction who are threatening to imprison or kill anyone or any nation that dares challenge the military-industrial-political might of the New World Order. What has been overlooked by these international outlaws, in their rage against the bulk of humanity - is that the numbers of people to be enslaved far exceeds their capacity to impose their will upon the rest of us. We outnumber them and we should never forget that fact!

This 'war' in the Middle East has gone on since 1948, when the UN tried to insert Israel into Palestine. Israel, from that day to this has ignored all other UN resolutions, refused to cooperate with the world or with the regional powers that surround them. But just as any territory that has to be held at gunpoint can never be secure: making claims and issuing edicts does not necessarily create the desired effect. Hezbollah and Hamas are homegrown organisms that burst forth from the flames of flagrant abuse, and from the torture and murder of Palestinians that, under the Geneva Conventions, Israel was bound to legally protect. International protection for the people, their properties, and their culture was never given to the Palestinians, yet those who have been victimized have continued to resist. This response is common to any population living under a siege-mentality. Just as any person would resist the senseless slaughter of loved ones and friends - the Palestinians have fought to protect themselves (for 60 years) with whatever they could find - and when that failed - they made bombs of their bodies to break the chains of an untenable occupation. This is the short form of what these wars in Palestine are all about, and this is not what today's leaders want to have discussed!

Some background from Noam Chomsky speaking on Democracy Now, June 14:

"This began with Israel and the United States knowing that they were going to punish the people of Palestine for voting the wrong way in a free election; and that punishment has been severe.

On June 24, Israel abducted two Gaza civilians, a doctor and his brother. They were taken to Israel and nobody knows their fate. The next day, militants in Gaza, probably Islamic Jihad abducted an Israeli soldier - this was well known, while the first abduction of the two Gaza men was not. Then followed the escalation of Israel's attacks on Gaza, which is public knowledge.

The next stage was the abduction of two Israeli soldiers on the Lebanese border. Their official reason for this is that they were aiming for a prisoner release. Officially there are three Lebanese prisoners in Israel - there are a couple of hundred people missing but nobody knows where they are. But the real reason, I think it's generally agreed ~ from the Financial Times ~ 'The timing and scale of these attacks were designed to reduce the pressure on the Palestinians, by forcing Israel to fight on two fronts simultaneously.'"

However the net effect of what is happening now seems to be that to "free" three captured Israeli soldiers, there are now three countries under-siege by Israel: Palestine and Lebanon, and Syria. In what realm could this even be remotely thought of as 'a balanced response'? Yet the "world's leaders" for their part, seem to see no reason to call on Israel to stop. Israel is the metaphorical 'barroom bully' gone berserk, and in response to an insult he is determined to trash the building and kill everyone who might have witnessed his embarrassment. That might have been expected from such a brutally primitive government like Olmert's Israel, but the rest of the world has the responsibility to ORDER Israel to not only stop, but to withdraw to the original borders that 1948 called for. That's what is really at issue, and until this is decided clearly in the world community, the murderous hatreds and the wanton death and destruction will only intensify!

Those being displaced by the wars, being raped and abused daily, as well as those being subjected to inhuman degradations for nearly sixty years - cry out to the world for relief. Yet, thanks to the corrupted leaders, the world's governments remain deaf to the plight of millions. The Palestinians have continued with appeal after appeal, not just to Europe and the Americas, but to the corrupted and compromised Arab governments as well. Those appeals still lie where they fell - in the fallow and blood-smeared muck of the aftermath of Israeli bombs and tanks and armored American bulldozers.

The Palestinians threw words and rocks at the occupying forces, and were murdered for their anger, in the face of the continuous daily tyrannies committed against them. Finally Palestinians began to throw their literal flesh and bones against their tormentors, as there was nothing left to lose. The Palestinians are an imprisoned people; they do not have access to serious weapons, so a middle ground of hostile and effective independent factions came into being, in answer to the need for rational proportionality.

Today the plot has further thickened. When Syrian military influence was forcibly removed from Lebanon, over the bogusly attributed murder of a Lebanese patriot: that was the beginning of the latest war on Lebanon: because now that country has no real defense against Israeli aggression. Bush and his masters now want to attack Syria for "harboring terrorists" and Iran for financing these same two groups which they (we) have designated as terrorists (the enemies of all law-abiding peoples everywhere). This represents a total break with reality, and presents the world with several lies as the-one-and-only truth of this situation. Unless these lies are challenged by other nation-states, then this farce will be used to shield this naked bid to consolidate the core of the Middle East into 'Greater Israel.' There's a map that Israel drew up in the 1970's, and it includes Iran and Iraq, and parts of Lebanon and Syria. *Scroll down to locate the map (1)*

Israel says that Hezbollah has taken over the area between the weakened state of Lebanon and the Israeli border and Proportionality again comes into play: Israel is demanding that Lebanon disarm the 'terrorists.' Yet Israel did not confine her attacks to the Hezbollah controlled area. Instead Israel launched near total war against all of Lebanon, and against all the civil and military rules regarding non-combatants in a war zone. The rocket attacks on Israel were in response to the destruction of the civilian Beirut airport, and the severing of civilian roads and bridges in Lebanon.

This happened because for over five decades Israel has been ignoring international laws, UN resolutions, and the opinions of the rest of the world; relying on the protection of USA to intimidate and coerce anyone who objects to whatever Israel decides to do. No one in these confrontations places any stock in international diplomacy or in the humanitarian needs of the affected captive populations, (including the 25,000 Americans now stranded inside Lebanon). The reason cited is always about whatever Israel may want at that moment - and all laws, conventions or agreements to the contrary, according to the US-Israeli duopoly - must be damned! No country has the right to place itself and the needs of its people beyond international law, or above all other life on the planet, in the way that Israel and the US currently have.

Here's a more concise view of all of this: "whoever follows the Bush/Cheney/Olmert/Blair Zionist philosophy that conducts terrorism through wars, invasions, occupations, tortures, lies and fabricated evidence, planted news, passing laws to reduce opposition to their serial wars, intimidation and firing of critics, financial and physical rape of other countries, etc. The 20th Century caused the deaths of about 90 million Christians in Europe. Zionists plan to repeat this strategy now to get control of the Middle East in the 21st Century. The Bank-lords are laughing all the way to their banks while the unsuspecting masses kill each other."

Iran and now possibly Russia will bring new factors into this equation, but this also brings a real threat to the continuation of this pipe-dream that US-Israel and Britain have been dreaming about for far too long. Condi spoke about 'terrorism showing its hand' and she was right! Terrorism has shown its hand but it's coming from the USA and from the outrageous demands of the Israeli leadership. The US Secretary of State wants to eliminate all challengers to the might of these two rogue governments, so that 'Lebanon can join Iraq in becoming another shining example of Freedom & Democracy in the Middle-East.' That's what Condi says she sees, and that's just another crime by obfuscation - and one that threatens to widen this conflict, rather than defuse it.

Suddenly new wars are beginning to sprout like mold on rotting timber. These things are not new, and they are not wars in the conventional sense - they are rogue seizures by bullies against lesser equipped nations meant to show that the world is a two-tiered system built on the backs of the disenfranchised for the exclusive benefit of their elites. But no amount of intimidation or covert threats will be able to keep these barbarically criminal acts from finally being exposed... The USA is out of troops, out of money, and now is spending what few pennies of international standing that might remain, from our two previous excursions into the world of global politics, on that laughable 'diplomacy' that we no longer have any interest in practicing. We have cut ties to almost all of those being attacked, and so have no diplomatic cards to play except more belligerence and threats.

These circumstances have left the USA naked when it counts most - because we can no longer talk to most of those nations that are currently part of this multi-dimensional situation. Thanks to 'Cowboy-Capitalism,' and the apparent belief that the only lives worth saving are either Israeli or American. This disproportionality begs to be corrected, by a world that will suffer even more if Bush and his backers are allowed to pour jet-fuel on the flames of war, rather than actually trying to change things on the ground.

The people in the US are becoming terrified of what we have become, and are even more worried about the human garbage that pretends to lead us. But at the same time 'the people' are caught up in a major Catch 22. To date this has prevented many from taking a stand. Instead of simply following all the 'rules' of both corporate and governmental traitors to the very ideals that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were founded on, people should be concerned that in their rush to seize their own personal goals, they have forgotten that without a country to live in, nothing can really matter very much at all. When the USA unofficially replaced the word citizen with the word consumer - and there was no outcry - that pretty much said it all.

Once upon a time, Americans knew something about innovations and creativity in both business and in life. We had a reputation for excellence in business. This was true, in that after WWII we taught the Japanese how to compete and win in America. They went on to crush American competition, for a time, until they succumbed to the same sloth that we initially caught, from too much money and too little self-responsibility. Now, we're still clinging to that "number-oneness" as if life is some kind of football game, and everyday is the Super-Bowl. But all the games have changed, and while Americans still swagger with hollow-superiority while they mouth those trite and empty phrases that defy what anyone can see is true. How can Americans keep on falling for the same tired lies, from the same failed hucksters who use murder and torture for each 'new' version of their opening acts? These thinly veiled criminals are grifters without a real plan, they just make this stuff up as they go along - and 'Americans' let them do it, with almost no protest except occasionally from those protest areas that are miles away from any microphones.

Like Ronnie before him, Bush claims that he OWNS the national microphone, along with the international mega-phone with which he has ordained himself as the first and only ruler of the world! Who buys this stuff - who could believe, even for a moment, the colossal nature of this farce?

The real American spirit is still very much alive and well now. That would be in the Mexico that is sending us it's poor but ambitious people, because their economy is non-existent. Part of the reasoning for this interesting exception, are the extremes in Mexican society that do not include permanence in the job markets, or much of a future as is: consequently Mexicans can demand that the Mexican government "Count each and every vote" which proves that this 'spirit' is still possible in that America (2). Mexicans are doing what the USA should have done in both 2000 and 2004 - but we lacked the guts - too many bills to pay to bother about who really won the elections: so we got what we deserved. This apparently that isn't good enough for the Mexican people, and that just might start something unforeseen in this country - something that's been in hibernation since Newt Gingrich first announced his Contract-ON-America, and his proposed shutdown of the US government. Think about that: Is this the real government that you elected, does it serve your needs - are you represented at all by this behemoth that you pay into each and every minute of your life?

How does it feel to know that all of the above has been used against you - just to keep you and yours in that private little rut without a reality or a future? You've known all this while people like me have been blathering on and on about "why do you refuse to listen," or "why will the public not respond;" and all the while you've trusted that 'something will happen' - that 'everything will all work out." Well - both you and I are out of time and the big day is rapidly approaching - There's a dilemma that we need to face - now!



1) The Map of Greater Israel

2) Massive March in Mexico 900,000 Protest


7:11 AM 7/20/2006Proportionality

By Jim Kirwan


Proportionality is the rule of nature that determines the viability of any undertaking that's worth the time it takes to consider whatever might work; in nature or in the world at large. This is what is missing in all of Israel's wars for conquest.

What's at stake now happened because of an unspoken war between the elites in governments both large and small - and all those people that each of the various governments are suppose to represent. The crime involved is the seizure of national resources, taken from the state and its people and diverted to the pockets of those chosen by governments to share in the stolen wealth. It has taken five decades to get to this point: where those who theoretically 'have-it-all' can now go for even more. The triumph of this level of corruption can be seen in the State, County and City governments throughout America, as well as in the national and international charade that passes for what is casually accepted as "leadership" around the world.

Corruption has always been a part of life, but beginning with Greed-is Good-Reaganism, traditional corruption moved up the ladder to acceptability under GHW Bush; then finally became the major necessary component for high-office, under the bushes of the criminal dictatorship of George W. Bush and his light & shadow show of 'good & evil.' The end result of this sea-change in the way governments at all levels work has been to disenfranchise all those people in the what used to be the middle classes that are now only the burnt and dying, lower-upper crust that thinly veils the swelling of poverty and that disillusionment which rules the remainder of walking dead. "Bullshit"? No, this is just the bare-bones outline of the template that was used to catch the unwary and divert the public's attention from those real events that are redrawing the maps of the world.

Only in the Middle East has there been any real resistance to this New World Order. What we're seeing now is only a forerunner for the much wider conflict that will soon engulf the planet - unless the roots of these problems are exposed for all to see. Governments are supposed to serve the people that elect them - not the other way round!

Real authority for any leadership has always rested on that careful and joint analysis of any situation, backed up by taking responsibility for whatever actions are then entered into. Whenever nations choose to ignore or just delete the opinions of those states or people with whom they disagree; this invites the violence that has begun to rip apart the fabric of the global world today. The arrogance shown by the governments in Israel, Britain, Canada and the US is at the root of what has caused the current shredding of civility everywhere. This in turn created catastrophic problems that are rearranging the current global power structure - so that all thought of governing, according to the wishes of people everywhere is now held hostage - to criminal greed and to the barbarity that rogue governments are now using to dictate the terms of their New World Order to the farthest reaches of this world.

That said; the causes beneath the violence come from the disparity created by those with the-weapons-of-mass-destruction who are threatening to imprison or kill anyone or any nation that dares challenge the military-industrial-political might of the New World Order. What has been overlooked by these international outlaws, in their rage against the bulk of humanity - is that the numbers of people to be enslaved far exceeds their capacity to impose their will upon the rest of us. We outnumber them and we should never forget that fact!

This 'war' in the Middle East has gone on since 1948, when the UN tried to insert Israel into Palestine. Israel, from that day to this has ignored all other UN resolutions, refused to cooperate with the world or with the regional powers that surround them. But just as any territory that has to be held at gunpoint can never be secure: making claims and issuing edicts does not necessarily create the desired effect. Hezbollah and Hamas are homegrown organisms that burst forth from the flames of flagrant abuse, and from the torture and murder of Palestinians that, under the Geneva Conventions, Israel was bound to legally protect. International protection for the people, their properties, and their culture was never given to the Palestinians, yet those who have been victimized have continued to resist. This response is common to any population living under a siege-mentality. Just as any person would resist the senseless slaughter of loved ones and friends - the Palestinians have fought to protect themselves (for 60 years) with whatever they could find - and when that failed - they made bombs of their bodies to break the chains of an untenable occupation. This is the short form of what these wars in Palestine are all about, and this is not what today's leaders want to have discussed!

Some background from Noam Chomsky speaking on Democracy Now, June 14:

"This began with Israel and the United States knowing that they were going to punish the people of Palestine for voting the wrong way in a free election; and that punishment has been severe.

On June 24, Israel abducted two Gaza civilians, a doctor and his brother. They were taken to Israel and nobody knows their fate. The next day, militants in Gaza, probably Islamic Jihad abducted an Israeli soldier - this was well known, while the first abduction of the two Gaza men was not. Then followed the escalation of Israel's attacks on Gaza, which is public knowledge.

The next stage was the abduction of two Israeli soldiers on the Lebanese border. Their official reason for this is that they were aiming for a prisoner release. Officially there are three Lebanese prisoners in Israel - there are a couple of hundred people missing but nobody knows where they are. But the real reason, I think it's generally agreed ~ from the Financial Times ~ 'The timing and scale of these attacks were designed to reduce the pressure on the Palestinians, by forcing Israel to fight on two fronts simultaneously.'"

However the net effect of what is happening now seems to be that to "free" three captured Israeli soldiers, there are now three countries under-siege by Israel: Palestine and Lebanon, and Syria. In what realm could this even be remotely thought of as 'a balanced response'? Yet the "world's leaders" for their part, seem to see no reason to call on Israel to stop. Israel is the metaphorical 'barroom bully' gone berserk, and in response to an insult he is determined to trash the building and kill everyone who might have witnessed his embarrassment. That might have been expected from such a brutally primitive government like Olmert's Israel, but the rest of the world has the responsibility to ORDER Israel to not only stop, but to withdraw to the original borders that 1948 called for. That's what is really at issue, and until this is decided clearly in the world community, the murderous hatreds and the wanton death and destruction will only intensify!

Those being displaced by the wars, being raped and abused daily, as well as those being subjected to inhuman degradations for nearly sixty years - cry out to the world for relief. Yet, thanks to the corrupted leaders, the world's governments remain deaf to the plight of millions. The Palestinians have continued with appeal after appeal, not just to Europe and the Americas, but to the corrupted and compromised Arab governments as well. Those appeals still lie where they fell - in the fallow and blood-smeared muck of the aftermath of Israeli bombs and tanks and armored American bulldozers.

The Palestinians threw words and rocks at the occupying forces, and were murdered for their anger, in the face of the continuous daily tyrannies committed against them. Finally Palestinians began to throw their literal flesh and bones against their tormentors, as there was nothing left to lose. The Palestinians are an imprisoned people; they do not have access to serious weapons, so a middle ground of hostile and effective independent factions came into being, in answer to the need for rational proportionality.

Today the plot has further thickened. When Syrian military influence was forcibly removed from Lebanon, over the bogusly attributed murder of a Lebanese patriot: that was the beginning of the latest war on Lebanon: because now that country has no real defense against Israeli aggression. Bush and his masters now want to attack Syria for "harboring terrorists" and Iran for financing these same two groups which they (we) have designated as terrorists (the enemies of all law-abiding peoples everywhere). This represents a total break with reality, and presents the world with several lies as the-one-and-only truth of this situation. Unless these lies are challenged by other nation-states, then this farce will be used to shield this naked bid to consolidate the core of the Middle East into 'Greater Israel.' There's a map that Israel drew up in the 1970's, and it includes Iran and Iraq, and parts of Lebanon and Syria. *Scroll down to locate the map (1)*

Israel says that Hezbollah has taken over the area between the weakened state of Lebanon and the Israeli border and Proportionality again comes into play: Israel is demanding that Lebanon disarm the 'terrorists.' Yet Israel did not confine her attacks to the Hezbollah controlled area. Instead Israel launched near total war against all of Lebanon, and against all the civil and military rules regarding non-combatants in a war zone. The rocket attacks on Israel were in response to the destruction of the civilian Beirut airport, and the severing of civilian roads and bridges in Lebanon.

This happened because for over five decades Israel has been ignoring international laws, UN resolutions, and the opinions of the rest of the world; relying on the protection of USA to intimidate and coerce anyone who objects to whatever Israel decides to do. No one in these confrontations places any stock in international diplomacy or in the humanitarian needs of the affected captive populations, (including the 25,000 Americans now stranded inside Lebanon). The reason cited is always about whatever Israel may want at that moment - and all laws, conventions or agreements to the contrary, according to the US-Israeli duopoly - must be damned! No country has the right to place itself and the needs of its people beyond international law, or above all other life on the planet, in the way that Israel and the US currently have.

Here's a more concise view of all of this: "whoever follows the Bush/Cheney/Olmert/Blair Zionist philosophy that conducts terrorism through wars, invasions, occupations, tortures, lies and fabricated evidence, planted news, passing laws to reduce opposition to their serial wars, intimidation and firing of critics, financial and physical rape of other countries, etc. The 20th Century caused the deaths of about 90 million Christians in Europe. Zionists plan to repeat this strategy now to get control of the Middle East in the 21st Century. The Bank-lords are laughing all the way to their banks while the unsuspecting masses kill each other."

Iran and now possibly Russia will bring new factors into this equation, but this also brings a real threat to the continuation of this pipe-dream that US-Israel and Britain have been dreaming about for far too long. Condi spoke about 'terrorism showing its hand' and she was right! Terrorism has shown its hand but it's coming from the USA and from the outrageous demands of the Israeli leadership. The US Secretary of State wants to eliminate all challengers to the might of these two rogue governments, so that 'Lebanon can join Iraq in becoming another shining example of Freedom & Democracy in the Middle-East.' That's what Condi says she sees, and that's just another crime by obfuscation - and one that threatens to widen this conflict, rather than defuse it.

Suddenly new wars are beginning to sprout like mold on rotting timber. These things are not new, and they are not wars in the conventional sense - they are rogue seizures by bullies against lesser equipped nations meant to show that the world is a two-tiered system built on the backs of the disenfranchised for the exclusive benefit of their elites. But no amount of intimidation or covert threats will be able to keep these barbarically criminal acts from finally being exposed... The USA is out of troops, out of money, and now is spending what few pennies of international standing that might remain, from our two previous excursions into the world of global politics, on that laughable 'diplomacy' that we no longer have any interest in practicing. We have cut ties to almost all of those being attacked, and so have no diplomatic cards to play except more belligerence and threats.

These circumstances have left the USA naked when it counts most - because we can no longer talk to most of those nations that are currently part of this multi-dimensional situation. Thanks to 'Cowboy-Capitalism,' and the apparent belief that the only lives worth saving are either Israeli or American. This disproportionality begs to be corrected, by a world that will suffer even more if Bush and his backers are allowed to pour jet-fuel on the flames of war, rather than actually trying to change things on the ground.

The people in the US are becoming terrified of what we have become, and are even more worried about the human garbage that pretends to lead us. But at the same time 'the people' are caught up in a major Catch 22. To date this has prevented many from taking a stand. Instead of simply following all the 'rules' of both corporate and governmental traitors to the very ideals that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were founded on, people should be concerned that in their rush to seize their own personal goals, they have forgotten that without a country to live in, nothing can really matter very much at all. When the USA unofficially replaced the word citizen with the word consumer - and there was no outcry - that pretty much said it all.

Once upon a time, Americans knew something about innovations and creativity in both business and in life. We had a reputation for excellence in business. This was true, in that after WWII we taught the Japanese how to compete and win in America. They went on to crush American competition, for a time, until they succumbed to the same sloth that we initially caught, from too much money and too little self-responsibility. Now, we're still clinging to that "number-oneness" as if life is some kind of football game, and everyday is the Super-Bowl. But all the games have changed, and while Americans still swagger with hollow-superiority while they mouth those trite and empty phrases that defy what anyone can see is true. How can Americans keep on falling for the same tired lies, from the same failed hucksters who use murder and torture for each 'new' version of their opening acts? These thinly veiled criminals are grifters without a real plan, they just make this stuff up as they go along - and 'Americans' let them do it, with almost no protest except occasionally from those protest areas that are miles away from any microphones.

Like Ronnie before him, Bush claims that he OWNS the national microphone, along with the international mega-phone with which he has ordained himself as the first and only ruler of the world! Who buys this stuff - who could believe, even for a moment, the colossal nature of this farce?

The real American spirit is still very much alive and well now. That would be in the Mexico that is sending us it's poor but ambitious people, because their economy is non-existent. Part of the reasoning for this interesting exception, are the extremes in Mexican society that do not include permanence in the job markets, or much of a future as is: consequently Mexicans can demand that the Mexican government "Count each and every vote" which proves that this 'spirit' is still possible in that America (2). Mexicans are doing what the USA should have done in both 2000 and 2004 - but we lacked the guts - too many bills to pay to bother about who really won the elections: so we got what we deserved. This apparently that isn't good enough for the Mexican people, and that just might start something unforeseen in this country - something that's been in hibernation since Newt Gingrich first announced his Contract-ON-America, and his proposed shutdown of the US government. Think about that: Is this the real government that you elected, does it serve your needs - are you represented at all by this behemoth that you pay into each and every minute of your life?

How does it feel to know that all of the above has been used against you - just to keep you and yours in that private little rut without a reality or a future? You've known all this while people like me have been blathering on and on about "why do you refuse to listen," or "why will the public not respond;" and all the while you've trusted that 'something will happen' - that 'everything will all work out." Well - both you and I are out of time and the big day is rapidly approaching - There's a dilemma that we need to face - now!



1) The Map of Greater Israel

2) Massive March in Mexico 900,000 Protest