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US False Flag Operation Using Mohammed Ghalan in Gaza Expljained; US Envoy David Welch Sayas He Likes the Violence In Gaza

Paul Woodward, War in Context

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g/2007_06_10_archive.html#2369796006009353298> "I like this violence"

By Paul Woodward, War in Context, June 13, 2007

It is often assumed that "men of violence" always wear masks and brandish weapons, but those who stand on the sidelines and cheer the fight are also men of violence, none more so than Assistant Secretary of State and US Envoy to the Middle East, David Welch.

"I like the violence" -- these were Welch's words when fighting erupted between Hamas and Fatah in Gaza earlier this year. Welch may be in a less celebratory mood right now, but not because the violence is worse -- simply because his side (a small faction inside Fatah) is losing.

The fact that the Bush administration has been instrumental in trying to foment a Palestinian civil war has been clearly documented by Conflicts Forum, but since the press in Washington has been too timid to dig in to this story, it has largely been ignored.

But now Conflicts Forum's accusations are backed up by a diplomat of the highest rank. Just-retired UN coordinator for the Middle East, Alvaro de Soto, wrote the following in May, 2007, in a confidential report [PDF] addressed to Ban Ki-Moon, UN secretary-general:

...the US clearly pushed for a confrontation between Fateh and Hamas -- so much so that, a week before Mecca, the US envoy declared twice in an envoys meeting in Washington how much "I like this violence", referring to the near-civil war that was erupting in Gaza in which civilians were being regularly killed and injured, because "it means that other Palestinians are resisting Hamas".

Today, a State Department spokesman said:

We have called on others in the region to express their support for President Abbas and those Palestinian moderate political elements who have foresworn the use of violence and who have an interest in reaching a political settlement with Israel via the negotiating table and we're going to continue to support those elements and we're going to continue to support President Abbas.

Yet clearly, envoy Welch has far less interest in who foreswears the use of violence than who wins. And what seems remarkable is that Welch would shamelessly display his credentials as a man of violence in the company of those who would take offense at his blood thirst.

When you want to stage a false-flag operation, do you need a vast conspiracy?


The formula is always the same.

You only need to find one man who is willing to do your dirty work.

One man who is ruthless and power-mad.

One man who is murderous, psychopathic, and weak.

Such a man can accomplish a great deal of evil.

In Gaza, that one man is Mohammed Dahlan.

When Hamas and Fatah agreed to join two months ago, Palestinians wanted a unified government so badly that there seemed no way to stop it. Bush and israel had a problem.

Enter Elliot Abrams, the ultra-zionist Jew who is Bush's Middle East policy chief. He went to Fatah President Mahmoud Abbas, and told Abbas to install Mohammed Dahlan as "security advisor" for Fatah.

Elliot Abrams, you may recall, recently told zionist Jew Republicans in the U.S. Congress that Condoleeza Rice's words meant nothing. Abrams assured zionists that nothing would change in Palestine.

Technically, Mohammed Dahlan is subordinate to Abbas, but everyone in Gaza knows that Dahlan controls the Fatah group. Abbas has no political base of his own. He is entirely dependent on Mohammed Dahlan. He is the public face for Dahlan, and will probably retire to his former exile lodgings in Qatar soon. He will be replaced by Mohammed Dahlan -- unless Hamas can get Dahlan first.

Abbas was enthusiastic about the merger of Fatah and Hamas. He has always favored negotiation and cooperation.

Mohammed Dahlan, by contrast, is a warlord. He gets arms and money from Elliot Abrams. Whenever Fatah and Hamas get too cozy, Dahlan sends out his thugs to kill fellow Palestinians, thus increasing tensions again.

Hamas knows their enemy is not Fatah, or Abbas. Their enemy is Bush, israel, and Mohammed Dahlan. If they can find Mohammed Dahlan, they will liquidate him.

Hamas is not fighting against Fatah, but against a corrupt warlord.




In perpetrating false flag operations, you only need to find one person, or a handful of persons, that have no morals whatever. Then you give them arms and cash. Since a psychopath has no morals, he has no shame or remorse, and is therefore hard to catch. Even if he is caught, you work your magic to get him free.

Therefore, when we see false flag killing and bombings in Iraq, Palestine, and elsewhere, the perpetrators are not necessarily Mossad.

They are often home-grown psychopaths that work for Mossad, or for Bush.

You already know this, but it is good to pinpoint the exact people involved, like Elliot Abrams and Mohammed Dahlan.

Another US puppet bites the dust!

The Empire's plans suffer another major setback in the Middle-East: Hamas seems to have taken control of the Gaza strip and the Abbas regime is preparing to major repression against the Palestinian population.

Here is my take on it:

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