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Israel Orders Deadly Attack On UN For Gathering Evidence For War Crime Trials

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Russian Subscr

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d as we can read as reported by Israel’s Ynet News Service in their article titled "Lebanese president: Israel uses phosphorous arms", and which says:

"Lebanon's president accused Israel on Monday of using phosphorous bombs in its 13-day offensive and urged the United Nations to demand an immediate ceasefire. "According to the Geneva Convention, when they use phosphorous bombs and laser bombs, is that allowed against civilians and children?" President Emile Lahoud asked on France's RFI radio."

Reports from Lebanon are also stating that Israel has also begun use of chemical weapons in their effort to dislodge Hezbollah fighters from their deep underground bunkers.

Aside from an Israeli bombing attack upon the UN Base in Lebanon that had been tasked with gathering War Crime evidence, and which killed 4 UN Soldiers, Israel Military Leaders have also ordered attacks upon UN and Red Crescent Ambulances for the ‘crime’ of transporting War Crime evidences to UN forces.

Not just to the use of Internationally Banned weapons, but Israeli Military Leaders have also begun an illegal campaign against Lebanonese civilians by targeting them for the sole purpose of revenge, and to which even Israeli Civil Rights Groups have become appalled at, and as we can read as reported by Israel’s Ynet News Service in their article titled "Civil rights group challenges Halutz", and which says:

"The Association for Civil Rights in Israel appealed to Defense Minister Amir Peretz after IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz apparently said that “for every Katyusha barrage on Haifa, 10 more buildings in the Dahiya neighborhood of south Beirut will be bombed.” The association complained that Peretz must clarify to Halutz that it is completely unacceptable to motivate military activity on revenge.

“The grave and illegal targeting of Israeli citizens does not justify such illegal orders, which means the indiscriminate targeting of civilians and civilian interests,” the association said."

Reports from Lebanon today are also showing that Israel has now begun the targeting of hospitals, and which again is a War Crime against International Law.

At some point in the future, as history has always shown, the committers of War Crime will be brought to final justice as the whole World is indeed a witness to these horrific acts, and the UN has likewise given warning, and as we can read as reported by the American Jurist News Service in their article titled "UN rights commissioner warns of war crimes liability in Middle East conflict", and which says:

"UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour Wednesday threatened perpetrators of wanton violence against civilians in the current Middle East conflict with liability for war crimes. In a pointed statement [press release] directed equally at Israel and Hezbollah and warning both combatants and their leaders, Arbour said:

“Indiscriminate shelling of cities constitutes a foreseeable and unacceptable targeting of civilians. Similarly, the bombardment of sites with alleged military significance, but resulting invariably in the killing of innocent civilians, is unjustifiable. International humanitarian law is clear on the supreme obligation to protect civilians during hostilities. This obligation is also expressed in international criminal law, which defines war crimes and crimes against humanity. International law demands accountability. The scale of the killings in the region, and their predictability, could engage the personal criminal responsibility of those involved, particularly those in a position of command and control."

But perhaps most alarming about these shocking and horrific events are that the American people are not allowed to know of these War Crimes being committed, and provides us once again with another clear example of how strong, and to what extent, the US Military Leaders campaign to militarize their citizens is succeeding, and which the World has not seen since the German Nazis efforts of last century to turn their nation into a total war society.

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[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one. No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors to protect their safety.]