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FW:  April 18k 2015


 Fri, 17 Apr 2015 21:55:58 GMT





BOMBSHELL: Obama’s Pentagon Caught in Criminal Cover-Up of Mass Murder of U.S. Troops [DETAILS]


The killer in the Kabul massacre was paid off, possibly as part of a Pentagon cover-up. What? You haven’t heard of the Kabul massacre?


That’s no surprise. The incident has hardly received any media coverage, yet it involves the death of American military advisors in Afghanistan.


Specifically, on April 27, 2011, eight U.S. Air Force personnel and one civilian contractor were at Afghan Air Force headquarters on the grounds of the Kabul airport, investigating Afghan military corruption, when Afghan Air Force Col. Ahmad Gul gunned them down.


Subsequent investigations by the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Central Command could not find any motive for the killing. Yet others questioned how armed American military personnel were killed so quickly without signs of having defended themselves in a room with 14 Afghans who weren’t hurt at all.


Even more suspicious was that the Pentagon investigators never questioned the 14 other Afghans. In fact, the investigation was not started until four days after the incident, which allowed the Afghans to clean up the murder scene.


When other U.S. military personnel protested the Pentagon conclusion that such killings were an isolated incident and the result of “cultural incompatibility,” they were punished with changes of assignments that effectively muzzled them.


In retrospect, the Pentagon appeared to be covering up motives for the Kabul massacre possibly to avoid embarrassing those Afghans considered to be allied with the Americans.


This resulted in, for example, the Pentagon statement that the Taliban was not involved in the incident, although the group had immediately claimed credit soon after the killings.


In addition, although the Pentagon could not determine the reason for Gul’s actions, investigations revealed that Gul had begun following the teachings of the Taliban in the mid-1990s and had told many people that he wanted to kill Americans.


Brian Fairchild, a former CIA case officer, believes the Afghans were reacting to President Obama’s announcement that the Americans would be out of Afghanistan by 2014. The Afghan military was keeping the pressure on Americans through these killings to make sure the U.S. withdrawal became a reality.


Now it is being revealed by Thomas Creal, a task-force investigator for the Pentagon looking into terror financing in Afghanistan, that Col. Gul had connections to criminal networks. For killing the U.S. Air Force personnel in Kabul, he reportedly received a sizable deposit in his family bank account, his debts were erased and his loans paid off, for a grand total of $250,000.


According to retired Air Force Lt. Col. Sally Stenton, a former civilian police investigator who was a legal officer assigned to the Kabul airport the day of the attack, either the Pentagon investigators were “completely inept or they were complete, bald-faced liars” (H/T PJ Media).


In other words, the Pentagon is either incompetent or involved in a cover-up. That isn’t much of a choice. In either case, U.S. troops cannot even trust their superiors to watch their backs.


This is a sad state of affairs being totally ignored by American news outlets.


Let’s get this information out to everyone. Please spread the news by sharing this article on Facebook. Our troops apparently need protection from a leadership structure that will not support them if that means contradicting an overriding Obama administration agenda.



----- Original Message -----
From:  RB
To:  bellringer@fourwinds10.lcom
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2015 9:01 PM