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Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

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April 3, 2013

What America Has Planned for Syria

This week, the Guardian released the feature film, James Steele, America’s Mystery Man in Iraq.  The video below is an excerpt from that film, the culmination of a fifteen month investigation into America’s war crimes in Iraq.


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The investigation details how the Bush administration with full knowledge and complicity of President Bush (43), Vice President Cheney, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld and General Petraeus, set up death squads, funded Al Qaeda groups, set up militias that killed over 2000 American soldiers and purposefully and systematically pushed Iraq into a civil war that continues to this day.

The Guardian’s story revolves around Colonel James Steele, the Texas based “counter-terrorism expert” who, allied with drug cartels and right wing extremists, helped create a decade of murder and mayhem in Central America.  It was Rumsfeld who brought Steele to Petraeus and Petraeus who put Steele to work, turning rag-tag militia groups into an effective force, death squads, organized groups to continue the slaughter of American troops and the basis of, not just civil war in Iraq but terrorism that would spread from Pakistan to the Congo.

Where so many of us were misled was in being willing to believe Petraeus was something he wasn’t simply because he seemed reasonable.

He wasn’t.

His record in Afghanistan, total defeat for America, a 100,000 percent growth in narcotics exports, a trail of war crimes America will never outlive, the least of the assaults on his “reputation” is the sex scandal that brought him down as CIA director.

What was President Obama thinking, not only placing Petraeus in charge of the CIA but, as we now note, keeping Gates on as Secretary of Defense.

The carefully groomed public persona of both was paper thin, both holdovers of America’s worst, Petraeus and Gates replacing McChrystal and Rumsfeld, allowing both to slink away into obscurity before their combined reputations overwhelmed even the most barbaric of history’s super villains.

Even Stalin, Hitler, Netanyahu and, perhaps even Tony Blair had, at times at least, shown some loyalty to a political doctrine or a form of “national interest,” though perhaps twisted and unrecognizable.

What we see having taken hold in Iraq, an American policy “cooked” in the kitchens of Washington’s “beltway bandit” think tanks, plots hatched by neocons, “greater Israel/Zionist” fanatics and the “apocalypse freaks” of America’s service academies.

The end purpose was clear, guaranteeing a Middle East enslaved by what we all see now, the coalition between the Arabs and Zionists, the real “axis of evil.”

Behind that is a “resource war,” pipelines, choking off oil to play the markets, manipulating tensions against Iraq, threats of world war over Syria and, most of all, maintaining the drug exports from Afghanistan, now totaling over $8,000,000,000,000 so far. (eight trillion dollars)

When you add the other cartels and the Pentagon theft, the total comes to well above America’s sixteen trillion dollar national debt.

When you add three quadrillion in phony derivative debt, created by a cabal of Rockefeller/Rothschild banks and their “enforcer” friends (according to Michael Shrimpton and Benjamin Fulford, the German ‘DVD’), we are talking about enough money to buy every automobile, every barrel of oil, every airliner, every weapon, every morsel of food produced on earth for a thousand years.

Do the math.

Maybe they simply love torturing and murdering people for fun.  After all, shouldn’t we all be used to it by now?

During meetings in Iraq in 2007, I met with some of the militia leaders and clerics mentioned in the Guardian’s article.  I’d like to say I saw everything that was going on.  I didn’t but, when I met people I had been told were enemies of the United States and saw them arrive in bulletproof Chevy Tahoe’s with Blackwater security, it all began to fit together.

The Mossad was operating out of an America base in Mosul and had just killed a Christian Bishop, a member of the Chaldean community.  This was only spoken of in whispers.

We knew millions were being paid to militia groups to keep the Sunni/Shia war going forever and we all knew the reason for that.

Petraeus had been tasked to buy a temporary respite in the war while certain members of the US Navy’s 5th Fleet were tasked with staging a series of terrorist acts in the Persian Gulf region including phony attacks on American ships, terror bombings of “clubs” used by American servicemen and the assassination of selected key American officials including but not limited to Chief Political Officer of the 5th Fleet, Gwyneth Todd.

From 2005 to 2007, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld/Gates and Petraeus were tasked by their “handlers” among the unseen “elites,” to begin a slaughter in Iran.

Having failed at that, those same unseen “elites” are directing a similar methodology against Syria.

As things stand now, the moment Assad is murdered, a new “Petraeus” will be brought in, perhaps Steele himself will return and a decade of slaughter will ensue.

A few things have to happen to allow this:

  1. Imran Khan has to be prevented from being elected to head the government of Pakistan.  The idea of a competent and strong Islamic leader who is respected in America and Europe, taking a major role in world affairs, would be devastating to plans now in motion.
  2. Kurdistan and Iraq have to be split with Turkey and Israel sharing control of Kurdistan and Iraq falling into full scale civil war.
  3. Jordan’s semblance of independence will disappear and the Israeli/American military occupation will begin.
  4. The regional “axis,” Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar will be exposed as the real agents of biblical apocalypse.

I sometimes think of those who believe America would never have done 9/11 with or without Israel.

I ask myself:  “What have we come to that makes so many around us blind, ignorant and cowardly?”

Then I turn on the TV.  Read the names after each show.

See who “makes” what we call news and entertainment.