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Iranian Ayatollah Addresses 5,000 American Patriots

5,000 American Patriots

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Wishful Thinking News (WTN)

WACO, TEXAS (WTN) -- The Ayatollah of Iran, speaking to an overflow crowd of nearly 5,000 applauding patriots at a meeting of the American Iran Public Affairs Committee, used blunt language that seemed to hint of military action or possibly the overthrow of the government in Washington D.C., though he mentioned neither option explicitly.

"For our part, Iran is keeping all options on the table in addressing the irresponsible conduct of the Bush regime," he said. "And we join other nations in sending that regime a clear message: We will not allow the US government to continue to build and proliferate more weapons of mass destruction. As President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has declared, the Middle East must be declared a nuclear-free zone, beginning with the dismantling of Israel's weapons of mass destruction."

The Ayatollah told the cheering crowd, which included survivors of the US government holocaust on a Waco church, "Of all the nations on our planet, none has less to fear from any military threat than America, which is surrounded by a vast ocean to the east and west, and thoroughly impotent neighbors on the north and south.

"Yet this fabulously powerful and wealthy country also has the most paranoid government on earth, brimming with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons to crush every imagined threat from anywhere in the world. This same paranoid government has repeatedly waged aggressive wars against countries which meant it no harm. The US government has committed the most heinous and cowardly atrocities in Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki and on a smaller but no less criminal scale, on a church full of children here in Waco, Texas.

"Meanwhile, it insists on holding everyone else accountable. The Bush regime is a government of nuclear-armed paranoids, hypocrites and rabbi-worshippers; the whole world, not just the Muslim and Arab nations, should shudder, and must work for regime change in Washington."

The Ayatollah concluded, "Iran supports the democratic aspirations of the people of the US, and the removal of its current fanatical neo-con Bush-Cheney regime."

Iranian officials stated that the Ayatollah had recently promoted a drive to bring American patriots and students to Iran, blanket the US with English-language Iranian radio and television broadcasts, and support American political dissidents.

The Iranian administration recently announced it would ask the Iranian legislature to boost 2006 funding for US-related pro-reform initiatives from $10 million to $85 million.The $85 million program will be overseen by an Iranian woman, a deputy assistant minister of state for North American affairs, who is also the Ayatollah's daughter. The money is intended to be given to American patriots for reform of corporate war profiteers, removal of corrupt judges, reform of the IRS and a return to Biblically-based, non-usurious banking and credit unions.

Iranian spokesmen said that some of the money marked by Iran for US reform, will be used to build a third party in the United States."It is two years until the US presidential elections," the Ayatollah's daughter observed. "The time to begin to build a populist-patriot third party in America, for return of the Federal government to the people, is now," she declared.

"Typically third party movements in the US are formed at the last minute and fail to get on the ballot in all fifty states. We hope to assist Americans in forming a third party this summer, two years in advance of the presidential election, so as to qualify for the ballot in all fifty states," she said.

She stated further, "Iran will also provide funds to monitor, expose and help prosecute vote fraud such as was seen in Ohio in 2004 and Florida in 2000, and to purchase extensive television advertisements for third party candidates and fund a lawsuit to ensure that a third party presidential candidate is included in the national presidential debates.

"The Iranian people are fond of the American people," she noted. "Our reform initiatives are aimed at helping Americans free themselves from the stranglehold of traitors like Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, who wage wars on behalf of Israel, the bankers and corporations, toward the goal of accumulating more unconscionable profits for Exxon-Mobil, Carlyle Group and Halliburton, and guaranteeing that more Palestinian civilians will be treated like Amalek: murdered and taken prisoner in their own land," she concluded.

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