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Countdown to Nuclear War: Update Good Friday, April 6, 2007 and Update Saturday, April 7, 2007

Ken Welch

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n deluged with stories suggesting the attack on Iran will not come until the end of April and that it will be limited to a strike on the civilian nuclear power program. Most cite the usual "anonymous sources" which clearly separates official disinformation from actual news.

Besides creating confusion, there is an obvious benefit. Experts say Iran's nuclear power program could produce a nuclear bomb by the year 2015 if they went all out. But Houston is pushing stories that are becoming increasingly hysterical, with a working bomb available next year, or even right now. These stories provide a handy excuse for the fact that military force is being concentrated for an attack. Then, when the false-flag trigger event occurs, fewer people will wonder that our massive and overwhelming response was already in place.

No doubt you have noticed the rise in gasoline prices over the last month or so. They have been increasing at twice the normal seasonal rate, with no increase in demand or restriction in supply to account for the rise. Once again we are seeing pre-event hoarding as refiners and distributors anticipate the disruption in supply that war will bring.

The prompt return of the 15 U.K. sailors and marines was a definite coup on the part of Iran. Blair also benefited by appearing statesman-like and RS showed that as a politician he appreciated this. However, my suspicion that his administration might have engineered the event was apparently wrong. Blair was definitely caught by surprise and actually felt powerless to correct a situation which he felt was simply "madness." While many "news" sources are implying that behind the scenes efforts secured the release, RS on Blair indicated he was willing to let the situation continue for at least another week, at which point we believe it would have been submerged by much more critical matters.

My friend Strider has been monitoring the U.S. Secretary of Defense and I just received a CD with huge number of reversals. Naturally, our focus is on finding the location of the false-flag event, which we expect to be the "next 9-11" that will kick off the attack on Iran. Unfortunately, SecDef Gates does a pretty good job of concentrating on the topic at hand, which lately has been the military's need for a great deal more funding. We also learned that he wants to begin a forced draft and we should begin seeing news articles hyping this. The U.S. cannot handle a long term occupation of the entire Middle East for the Houston Oil Cartel with the manpower currently available.

In a March 22nd press briefing he was asked about the Nimitz carrier group which was preparing for redeployment to the Persian Gulf, and if this meant an increase in the number of carriers that would be stationed there. His response that Nimitz was a routine replacement was not denied by the RS, but a reversal clearly stated that deployments were not over, and a reference to "blowing out Florida" was pretty interesting.

I had received a note around this same time from a supporter in Florida saying that during the hours of darkness air bases near Pensacola were launching aircraft continuously, about one a minute. Obviously, the naval build up has now been augmented by a huge number of land-based aircraft, and the unprecedented massing of firepower makes it clear that the total destruction of Iran and the seizure of its oil reserves is the actual objective and not simply an attack on a few facilities.

Gates has also told reporters and the Congress that getting involved in another war would mean that our military would have to stay in Afghanistan and Iraq for a much longer period of time. Fancy that.

I offer below some of the reversed speech captured and/or analyzed during this last week. It is only a fraction of what has been found, but these sound clips offer the best window into our two main areas of interest. First, that as recently as four days ago Easter Sunday was still the kickoff date for war. Second, that the plan is set to use a false-flag nuclear trigger event on that day, a new 9-11, to justify everything.





George Bush

Annapolis Football Team

White House Rose Garden

April 2, 2007 (D - 6)

Reversals featured in this sound clip








Fwd: "...that I would use the full power of the government...



Fwd: " protect the American people from harm."


Rev: OOH, HERE I BEEN OPEN (Junior is aware that Ken-Welch.Com is listening.)


Fwd: "And I'm proud to be the Commander In Chief...


Fwd: "..of such decent, honorable, sacrificing men and women."



Fwd: that lessons learned will serve in battle







Junior knows full well that we are listening, and I think it is very intriguing that he reveals a sense of alarm that his thoughts have wandered into dangerous territory. Is he aware of it consciously? I suspect so, but there is no way to find out. Still, it's an interesting picture that we are "snaking" the information right out of his brain. Remember as you evaluate these reversals that, as far as we can tell, he is emotionally and intellectually less than 12 years old. Maybe a lot less.

He certainly makes it clear what his personal objective has been while enjoying the opportunity to play President. Money! As I've indicated in other reports, a major focus in these final years of the United States is the concentrated looting of anything not firmly nailed down. Obviously outright embezzlement will be only a small part of the story if in fact the story is ever told at all.

There are two more confirmations here that Easter is the target date, and I'm now comfortable narrowing it down to Easter Sunday itself, rather than the full weekend period. Junior, simple as he is, is very impressed with the list of reasons why Easter Sunday is the ideal day for a fabricated terrorist attack on America. The inescapable religious connection will be taken by Americans as a mortal insult, and of course Houston has designed our whole future around the concept of religious war. Americans also have a pre-conditioned reaction to being attacked on Sunday. The connection with Pearl Harbor will be inescapable.

We also have our confirmation that the instrument is in fact a bomb. Coupled with this, the reversal "go again the thrill" is quite revealing. Last year we stumbled on Junior mentally going through the steps he would be taking to personally set off the nuke hidden in the Port of Texas City. There was no question that he was looking forward to it. Likewise, when he had the chance to view Lebanese civilians being sickened by HAARP via remote control, he seemed to revel in the concept. Pushing the button that detonates a nuclear device that will kill large numbers of innocent men, women and children while he watches on a big screen is a thrill that this man will find absolutely irresistible.

Note that he is already being prepared for the aftermath. In the panic that the Houston planners have determined will follow this new atrocity, Junior will have his chance once again to be a leader. You can bet this week's groceries that the speeches are already written.

This seems to be a good place to include the best RS we've found that suggests that last year's target, the Port of Texas City, has simply been recycled and is the most likely location awaiting Junior's finger on the button.





Henry Paulson

U.S. Secretary of the Treasury

Interview after Stock Market dive

and talk of recession

March 4, 2007 (D - 35)

Reversals featured in this sound clip

Fwd: mentions Alan Greenspan and Crystal Ball


Rev: NUKE!

Fwd: U.S. relationship with China



Fwd: "I don't believe we need to make China an enemy.



* There are references here to licensing oil companies

in "the Gulf". Auctioning off the spoils in advance?

Ever wonder who gets the money?

Let's take a look at "NUKE THE OLD PORT". The fact is that nuking the old port was exactly what these people were up to last year at this very same time. Because it was a new idea for many of them, and fraught with nightmarish consequences, the RS Nuke Team was able to find a huge number of speech reversals that fully identified the Texas City target. This year, the idea is something that most of the insiders we can listen to have adjusted to long ago. Now, their attention is on what is to follow, the attack on Iran, and no one is spending much time worrying about the incident that is set to initiate the sequence of events. After all, they've known about it for over a year. It's not news.

There is a slight possibility that their masters have simply refused to tell them where it is. Although I could certainly be wrong, I would still expect, to hear them wondering about it!

I feel that if they had changed targets, there would be enough things to think about regarding the new target that we'd be getting more RS about it; certainly enough to get some good clues about the location. That hasn't happened. All we hear is that a nuke will be used on Easter, and it will be in an old port.

Keep in mind that virtually all ports are old. And this crowd is not exactly a bunch of historians or maritime buffs. Their interest is in money and oil, and in that environment a port is old when the facilities it contains need to be rebuilt or replaced in order to create greatly increased profit. By strange coincidence, the oil terminal at Texas City, which is the main feature of the port, seems to fit this description well. In a period in which the whole Houston-Galveston area is getting excited about modernizing port facilities to create a maritime boom for the region, the Port of Texas City couldn't even find funds to get their channel dredged out until just recently. That commitment is for next year.

For now, the channel is only 40 feet deep. To accommodate larger tankers it needs to be 50 feet deep. You can pretty much see the channel in the satellite photo above (Jump Up). Tax money will pay for the dredging, but until recently the port was not able to get approval for the expenditure. This pretty much tells you they are not exactly a star performer. But there is an increasing need for a larger facility, able to handle larger tankers, and generate larger profits. Like the World Trade Center, it is a great candidate for removal and reconstruction, and somewhere there's another Larry Silverstein waiting since last year to make a fortune.

It is also within the very back yard of the Houston-based Oil Cartel that is running the whole show. In a sense, it's within their proprietary realm and if they want to sacrifice it, other corporate power centers will likely have no complaints. It has a history of disaster (60 years ago - April 16), and it's in the President's home state. It's in the U.S. congressional district of the only Libertarian in Congress, which by definition means the last American in a Washington filled with good Germans.

The panic that will engulf the Houston area has already been deliberately tested in the Houston Stampede, an hysterical media-driven evacuation that trapped about 2 million people in an unmoving highway hell when they were told that Hurricane Rita was going to destroy the city. Killed some of them, too. It was so bizarre I wrote up over 40 pages of notes while it was happening - glad to have been media-immune and staying at home, but unable at the time to fathom what was going on.

So for better or worse, I'm pretty confident they've simply recycled last year's plan after our coverage scared them out of it the first time. Why are they doing it again, knowing that we are listening? Well, there are over a million and a half web sites that get more traffic than we do. If a few people know what has happened it will make no difference inside a government that has been so completely corrupted that no one even knows the actual capitol moved to Houston years ago. What difference did it make in 2003 that thousands of people were not fooled by Bush's 9-11 conspiracy theory? What good is it that several million people object to being sprayed with an immune-destroying pesticide by high flying government planes every other day or so? None. We gave away our power long ago.

At this point I'm going to have to take a break and will resume posting on Saturday afternoon. We have reversals from Blair and another set from Cheney that continue the Easter Surprise theme. I also have some video that should be informative.


Update for Saturday, April 7, 2007




Ken-Welch.Com raised its Alert Status to RED at 8 AM CDT (1 PM GMT), Saturday April 7, 2007, reflecting that U.S. plans for a nuclear attack on the Republic of Iran have not changed, and will be triggered by a false-flag nuclear detonation on U.S. soil, scheduled for Easter Sunday, April 8, 2007.

This Alert is posted at

1) Although the objective of the attack is to seize Iranian oil reserves, the entire country will be attacked and tremendous loss of life is anticipated.

2) During the next 24 hours all persons currently inside Iran should be moving to underground shelter with enough food, water and other supplies to stay there for as long as possible.

3) The Port of Texas City (Texas) is believed to be the most likely location for a nuclear device intended to be detonated by the Bush Administration on Easter Sunday, April 8, as a reason for war. Anyone living within six miles of the port facility should plan to spend Sunday elsewhere.

4) Made-for-television mass panic is likely to envelope the Houston-Galveston area. If you are not in the fallout path you should stay where you are unless threatened by obvious danger. Wind is predicted to be from the north-northeast, carrying radioactive fallout southward across the western end of Galveston Island and out to sea. People living to the south and southwest of Texas City should leave immediately, travelling west and northwest while avoiding main highways. Panic stricken motorists will be the primary danger.

5) People on Galveston Island should be alert for a small tsunami effect from the north immediately following the blast, but move to the eastern end of the island as quickly as possible. Do not attempt to leave the island by automobile until radiation danger has been declared over.

6) Once the U.S. attack on Iran begins, persons within Syria should be prepared to move to underground shelter because the possibility of an attack and/or invasion from Israel is considered to be high.

7) All people in the Middle East and adjoining areas in western Asia should be reviewing safety procedures related to radioactive contamination carried on the wind.

8) U.S. and U.K. residents should be aware that news media will attempt to encourage panic, fear and outrage for both short- and long-term political purposes.

This information comes from unconventional sources. You can make your own evaluation at:

Ken Welch in Houston