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Massive Tanker And California Radar Site Explosions Blamed On Hezbollah Terrorists In US

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Russian Subscr

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"Fire engulfed a tanker ship at the Port of Providence Tuesday night, sending large plumes of smoke and fireballs into the air. It was not yet known if anyone was injured, and it was not immediately clear what was fueling the blaze.

Paul Doughty, president of the Providence firefighter's union, told WPRI-TV that the fire was at four alarms and every Providence firefighter was on the scene. He told WPRI that preliminary reports were that lightning had struck the ship. A lightning storm swept through Providence Tuesday night.

WPRI reported the blaze started sometime around 10:15 p.m. The ship was burning very close to large storage tanks at the port, although it was unknown whether the tanks on shore had anything flammable in them. Doughty told WPRI the ship was away from the dock. WJAR-TV reported that a small shack at the port was also burning."

To the radar site explosion we can read as reported by the Reuters News Service in their article titled "Power outage grounds Los Angeles area flights", and which says:

"A power outage late on Tuesday at a regional radar center halted most air traffic in the Los Angeles area, an airport spokeswoman said. "All departing flights at LAX of at least 13,000 feet -- essentially all our flights -- have been grounded," said Nancy Castles, spokeswoman for the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). A regional radar facility in Palmdale, about 50 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles, lost power, cutting radar for Los Angeles area airports at around 5:30 p.m. local time (8:30 p.m. EDT). There was no estimate of when the radar facility would resume operations."

These reports state that the timing of these attacks were meant to coincide with the United States 10-year-old National Security Rule on secrecy not allowing the American public to know the true events of attacks happening to them following the downing of TWA Flight 800, and which has since been ruthlessly adhered to by James Kallstrom, who was not only the lead FBI Investigator for the TWA Flight 800 shoot-down, but also the Former Director, Office of Public Security for the State of New during that nations attacks on September 11, 2001.

To the truer events of these attacks, however, and according to these reports, it is stated that both of these attacks were carried out by elements of the terrorist group Hezbollah operating within the United States and were accomplished by “pre-placed” explosives, of which the American Intelligence Agencies have long been in fear of.

Most importantly about these latest attacks upon the United States, and the reasons the truth of them are not being revealed to the American people, is that though carried out by Hezbollah it is well known by the World that this terrorist organization is in fact directed like its sister organization Hamas by the State of Israel, both having been created in Lebanon during Israel’s long occupation of that country.

A war which the American people are being led to believe is between the West and the Islamic Nations is in fact a war between their own nation and the Nation of Israel, and which is for the control of the United States, and not for land or oil in the Middle East. It goes almost without notice in the United States by its people that the Arab world is in fact not even protesting the attacks upon Hezbollah, but is more concerned with the Lebanese civilians caught up in this latest faux-war being fought between various elements of Israel’s Intelligence services.

As our Russian people have long known, since the brutal takeover of our Motherland by the Communists, and which is in fact a Zionist invented system imposed upon the Russian people and still being practiced in Israel today, the strategy of creating your own enemies so as to control the final outcome of events has long been the practice of the most radical elements of Zionists.

Zionists are not to be confused with Jewish peoples as there are two distinct elements, one, Jewish, being ordinary peoples of peaceful religious purpose, the other, Zionists, being a radical element intent upon forcing upon the world Total War in their belief that upon the destruction of the world their Messiah will return to Earth.

To the current American victims of this ‘World Plan’, and since the September 11, 2001 attacks upon them, the effort to rid their Nation of the radical Zionist elements began almost immediately, and as we can read as reported by the NewsMax News Service in their article titled "U.S. Police and Intelligence Hit by Spy Network", and which says:

"In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack, the FBI has stumbled on the largest espionage ring ever discovered inside the United States. The U.S. Justice Department is now holding nearly 100 Israeli citizens with direct ties to foreign military, criminal and intelligence services. The spy ring reportedly includes employees of two Israeli-owned companies that currently perform almost all the official wiretaps for U.S. local, state and federal law enforcement.

The U.S. law enforcement wiretaps, authorized by the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), appear to have been breached by organized crime units working inside Israel and the Israeli intelligence service, Mossad. Both Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller were warned on Oct. 18 in a hand-delivered letter from local, state and federal law enforcement officials. The warning stated, "Law enforcement's current electronic surveillance capabilities are less effective today than they were at the time CALEA was enacted."

The spy ring enabled criminals to use reverse wiretaps against U.S. intelligence and law enforcement operations. The illegal monitoring may have resulted in the deaths of several informants and reportedly spoiled planned anti-drug raids on crime syndicates."

It is also ironic that as the American people themselves continue to raise protest over their Governments vast spying operation of them, it is in fact the reverse that is happening as the United States Intelligence Agencies are continuing to attempt to break the stranglehold of Israel’s tapping of their nations telephone system by Comverse Infosys and Amdocs, both owned and operated by Israel’s Intelligence Services.

So concerned have the American Military Rulers become about the infiltration of their Government, Media and Corporations that they have embarked upon and effort to put control of their Ports, Airports, Airlines and Defense industries to the vast Arab owned multi-national conglomerates, and who most assuredly have not been infiltrated by Israel’s vast world-side spying network.

To the American Presidents strategy of embracing his enemy while he tries to destroy it the success of it remains to be seen. What is clear though is that both Russia and China have very limited patience as this ‘Dance of Death’ between the United States and Israel now threatens the entire World.

© July 19, 2006 EU and US all rights reserved.

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one. No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors to protect their safety.]