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Putin Orders 10 Russian Military Divisions To ‘Full Alert’ Over Georgia Crisis, US Imminent Attack Upon Iran Feared

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscr

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icle titled "South Ossetia votes for independence in referendum unrecognized by the West", and which says:

"South Ossetians voted overwhelmingly for independence in their second referendum since breaking away from Georgia in the early 1990s, officials in the tiny mountainous region said Monday. Neither the United States nor Europe intends to recognize the vote.

Russia called the vote a "landmark" event but stopped short of recognizing it. Analysts, meanwhile, say the results of Sunday's vote will bolster Moscow and its efforts to keep Georgia — a key U.S. ally in the strategic Caucasus region — from moving any further out of Russia's shadow."

These new fears of imminent war have likewise been echoed from the US puppet regime of Georgia, and as we can read as reported by The Scotsman News Service in their article titled "Georgia fears war over region's independence vote", and which says:

"Georgia's breakaway South Ossetia province overwhelmingly endorsed its split with Tbilisi yesterday in a referendum that Georgia's prime minister said was part of a Russian campaign to stoke a war.

The prime minister's stark language was tempered by the removal before the vote of the hawkish Georgian defence minister, the strongest sign yet that Tbilisi wants to ease a standoff with the separatists and their Russian backers. Election officials in South Ossetia said 99 per cent of the roughly 50,000 voters said "Yes" to separation from Tbilisi - a defiant reaffirmation of a split that has existed since a war in the early 1990s.

Zurab Nogaideli, the Georgian prime minister, said the vote was a "provocation" and part of a Kremlin strategy to ratchet up tensions in the region."

Not being told to the Western people, however, is that the Russian support, and reactions, to the vote of independence of the South Ossetians is in direct opposition to the United States planned aerial bombardment of the suspected Iranian nuclear facilities planed for the last week of November, and which President Putin has assured the United States Military Leaders would result in the immediate breaking of diplomatic relations between the last two remaining Nuclear Super Powers in the World today.

President Putin has further assured the American Military Leaders that their continued efforts to destabilize Russias Southern Regions will be met with ‘swift and determined’ military countermeasures.

China’s President Hu has also issued a ‘stern’ warning to the Americans that should they attack Iran their reactions would likewise be ‘swift and unrelenting’.

As more is known on these events we will report them.

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one. No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors to protect their safety.]