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US War Plans Versus Iran Updated

JJ Steinberg

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etime in mid-February, to supplement the U.S.S. Eisenhower carrier group already in the region (Eisenhower group is temporarily off the coast of the Horn of Africa). At that point, the assets will have been put in place for a two-track provocation against Iran, intended to provide a justification for a U.S. or Anglo-American "retaliatory" strike against Iranian targets, including alleged secret nuclear weapons sites, according to one source.

The first track of provocations has already been initiated with the U.S. military action against Iranian officials visiting the Kurdish region of Iraq last week, and with bombings inside Iran that occurred around the same time. The second track, according to a Middle East source, will be initiated anytime after the full U.S. Naval force has arrived in the Persian Gulf. Expect a U.S. naval incursion into Iranian coastal waters, aimed at provoking an Iranian military action. This will be the "Gulf of Tonkin" incident (provoked, or, as in the original Gulf of Tonkin affair, fabricated) to justify an American military strike against Iran.

The sources emphasized that Vice President Cheney, in particular, is committed to a war with Iran, and, perhaps with Syria, before he leaves office.

Several Washington sources added further details. They noted that, beginning prior to Bush`s Jan. 10, 2007 speech, unveiling the Administration`s "surge" plan, the Administration had shifted its propaganda line. White House claims about Iran's quest for nuclear weapons were deemed ineffective, given that the Administration had lied about Iraq's alleged WMD threat. Nobody, the source emphasized, is going to support a war against Iran on the basis of the discredited Bush-Cheney Administration's claims of "proof" that Iran has a secret nuclear weapons program, about to build a nuclear bomb. The new propaganda campaign will focus on Iran's involvement in arming insurgents inside Iraq with the anti-tank weapons ("improvised explosive devices"--IEDs) that are killing American and British soldiers. With the new rules of engagement under Bush's "surge" policy guaranteed to increase the number of American soldiers killed and wounded, the Administration plans to cynically build up this propaganda front, hoping to force Republicans in the Congress, and even some Democrats, to back their calls for action against Iran to punish them for their continuing role in the anti-American violence in Iraq.

Add to this the factor of the U.S. naval buildup in the Persian Gulf, the sources warn, and the elements are all there for Cheney's new war.

One source emphasized that the Bush speech of Jan. 10th sent shockwaves through the U.S. establishment. While many details of the Bush "surge" plan had been leaked out and briefed prior to the speech, the emphasis on Iran and Syria in the President's remarks came as a shock, and prompted many who felt the Administration's war schemes against Iran had been contained, to reassess the situation.


Thanks for this, Jim.. Thank you for writing such, Jeff.. You have been on to the JINSA/PNAC Neocon war for Israel agenda going all the way back to 'A Clean Break' as it looks like Cheney is trying to get the rest of it underway via Wurmser (who co-wrote such and is in Cheney's office) and Abrams at the NSC. Did you see the following URL yet?:

Read about the 'A Clean Break'/war for Israel agenda via the following URL:

Kuwait media: U.S. military strike on Iran seen by April

The following by Wurmser from Seymour Hersh's article was very telling:

Then take a look at what a co-author (Wurmser who is working for Cheney) of the 'A Clean Break' document mentioned from Seymour Hersh's article below:

In the current issue of Foreign Policy, Joshua Muravchik (who is associated with JINSA as well), a prominent neoconservative, argued that the Administration had little choice. "Make no mistake: President Bush will need to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities before leaving office," he wrote. The President would be bitterly criticized for a preëmptive attack on Iran, Muravchik said, and so neoconservatives "need to pave the way intellectually now and be prepared to defend the action when it comes."

The main Middle East expert on the Vice-President's staff is David Wurmser, a neoconservative who was a strident advocate for the invasion of Iraq and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Like many in Washington, Wurmser "believes that, so far, there's been no price tag on Iran for its nuclear efforts and for its continuing agitation and intervention inside Iraq," the consultant said. But, unlike those in the Administration who are calling for limited strikes, Wurmser and others in Cheney's office "want to end the regime," the consultant said. "They argue that there can be no settlement of the Iraq war without regime change in Iran."