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YELLOW ALERT - Crisis In the Gulf - US vs Iran

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to Iraq as well as to Iran's seizure of 15 British sailors. We are now picking up various intelligence reports "suggesting" that a military confrontation may be looming in the near future. Because of these developments, A-O will provide coverage similar to that provided last summer during the Israeli-Hezbollah war in Lebanon. The page will function much like "Breaking News" but will be limited to relevant stories regarding the Crisis in the Gulf. This page may be updated frequently during the course of the day as new stories occur on the web and as can be posted. This means A-O will devote a News Page to news stories related to the crisis. Once a page is loaded with too many stories a new page will be created with the same or similarly related headline. Each day you can come to the main A-O page and look at the listing of the Top 5 News stories to find the most current page on this subject. ]