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Keith Olbermann Iraq - Iran (Video)

Keith Olbermann

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winner, with a BIG BANG. Iran is perfect for that, and will effect the coming election. A few well placed missiles at Iran's nuclear plants, and can tell you they just took out Iran's nuclear capabilities and made the world (america) a safer place. I've heard people that should damn well know better, buy into this crap that the president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, is out of control, a threat, and that he wants Israel wiped off the map, the Iranians are crazy, they'll use the bomb if they had one, etc It's all bullshit, a corporate media lie.

1. Iran is in no violation of the nuclear proliferation treaty, and under article four have ever right to enrich weapons grade uranium.

2. It was the US that gave a Iran it's start in nuclear power, and promised to help Iran, why the sudden change of mind?

3. Ahmadinejad never said he denies Israel the right to exist, and he never said Israel should be wiped of the map, in fact in the entire speach that's being twisted around to mean something it's not, the word map was never even spoken.

4. Ahmadinejad doesn't deny that the holocaust happened, he argues against making it illegal to say that it never happen i.e. how can a country claim to have free speach and yet people are sitting in jail just for saying that 6 millions were not killed in the Holocaust..... that's not his definition of free speach, nor is it mine, and it shouldn't be yours. He's never publicly said how many jews he feels died in the Holocaust. So whenever you here the media say Ahmadinejad is a "holocaust denier", they're lying!

5. Iran would never use a nuclear weapon. That's a death sentence for their entire country. Iran has nothing to gain from using a nuclear weapon, but a lot to loose. Iran only wants to have a nuclear weapon as a means for self defence. That's how it works guys, you can't nuke me, because I can nuke you right back.

6. You have to look at this from Iran's point of view. What have we witnessed? The countries that Bush named an "axes of evil" some of them got a massive amount of WMD's dropped on them, and entire regime changes. Which are puppet governments for the US. We successfully forced a regime change in Iran once before, you dont think this can be done again? I dont.... but the neocons sure do.

7. Israel has been threatening Iran with preemptive strikes. Bush says "all option are on the table." You dont think Iran has a reason to worry? You bet your sweet checks they're worried! And yet they haven't broken any of the nuclear proliferation treaty agreements at all. Nor has Iran threatened any of it's neighbors. Sure you hear shouts of death to america, death to Israel.... but who threatened who first? You can't blame the Iranians for saying well F you america, you want to destroy my country and overthrow my government? Death to america, is a simple school yard tactic in the bullies face. We got all the pundits saying we must take the fight there, or else we'll be fighting here. I wonder how long it would take a 100 thousand armed Muslims to get threw airport security.... you get it? That's a b/s corporate media LIE. A way to put fear into you. But I'm telling you that fear doesn't exist. Iran isn't a threat to the US, nor is Iran a threat to democracy. It's the US that is a threat to Iran, not the other way around. Bush wants to go down in history as a winner, he never will, but in his eyes this may seem like a possible way to claim a quick victory, just like he did with Iraq "Mission Accomplished" and the not so funniest part is that they're telling us the same lies they told us about Iraq, pretty much, and some people are actually buying into this nonsense.

-Tommytime8 ...