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U.S. Now Classifies Iran AS Major Threat In Iraq

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in Iraq. They said Iran has sought to increase attacks on the U.S.-led military coalition amid the nuclear crisis between Teheran and Washington.

"We are quite confident that the Iranians, through their covert special operations forces, are providing weapons, technology, and training to Shiia extremists groups in Iraq," Gen. George Casey, commander of the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq, said on Thursday.

Casey said Iran has relayed advanced improvised explosive devices to Iraqi insurgents and militias, Middle East Newsline reported. The general said Iranian special operations forces as well as the Lebanese-based Hizbullah have provided IED technology and training to Shi'ite operatives.

"There are some indications that Lebanese Hizbullah is also used in some of the training functions for the Iranians," Casey said.

Officials said the military regards Iran as one of the four elements that contribute to the security environment in Iraq. They said Iran increased its military role in Iraq in January 2006 and provide insurgents with the shaped-charge IEDs, which could rip through virtually any U.S. armored vehicle.

The Iranian aid to Shi'ite insurgents has been directed by the Quds Force, the external division of Islamic Republic Guard Corps. Officials said the Quds Force was responsible for Iranian covert operations in southern Iraq and aid to such militias as the Badr Force and Mahdi Army.

"They are providing weapons, training and equipment to Shi'a insurgents, and that equipment is being used against us and Iraqis," Casey said.