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Voice of the White House February 10, 2007

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ovide ‘pretty good’ evidence that ‘Iran is providing either weapons or technology for militants there’. That, children, is the party line. I have a feeling that this will not fly but reality is totally absent from official thinking these days.

In addition, the Bush administration plans to argue that Iran is violating U.N. Security Council Resolutions 1267 and 1373, which state that harboring al-Qaeda members constitutes a threat to international peace and security, and are enforcable by military means. The resolutions state that nations should share information on al-Qaeda suspects and gives the UN authority to freeze their assets. The official story is that since June, 2004, 170 American soldiers have been killed by Iranian explosives, according to the usual “ US security source”. That, like all such “sources,” refused to be identified. Are they afraid of possible future legal actions against them?

There is, and I have seen it, fairly firm evidence that the roadside bombs are being manufactured in Belgium at FN for the Saudi government, shipped to them via an American military transport and then trans-shipped by the Saudis to Sunni resistance fighters in Baghdad.

This is certainly not part of the propaganda circus that is playing out, complete with pictures of pieces of metal, ‘complete with serial numbers and the proof that these deadly weapons are being supplied by Iran to terrorists in Iraq solely to kill and maim’ American soldiers! Everyone here knows this is a Cheney ploy to excite what he calls, ‘the gullible public” into giving the administration a badly-need boost for a planned aerial attack on Tehran. Not only Cheney, but most especially the Israelis are demanding this attack and Bush does what Tel Aviv and his non-elected vice president badly want.

Copies of the orders of battle and the combat operational orders are floating around, but this could well be to encourage leaks that will terrify the Iranians into kissing Bush’s hairy feet and destroying all their atomic energy equipment so as not to be a possible threat to Blessed Israel.

Bush is a weak man, desperately clinging to the fiction that he is a powerful and just man when in fact he is a weak creature who has been a consistent failure for all of his life, a drunk and a bankrupt.. He sees a glorious military victory in Iran as being the keystone to what he calls his Legacy. (He saw the same thing happening in Iraq but that was not to be, so George is looking for greener pastures….and laurels. Never mind that the Texas university he has blessed with his Presidential Library want no part of it or him)

His legacy has been one of escalating deceit , death and terrible mindless destruction.

Cheney, who hates all Russians with a burning passion, said to his staff yesterday upon hearing that Russian president Putin and his staff were in Saudi Arabia: ‘Let’s hope someone shoots the shithead down in flames….we can blame it on the ragheads…’ One of his secretaries, who thinks Cheney is a powerhouse but as ’ nutty as a fruitcake,’ told two of us this example of Cheney’s psychotic rantings at lunch.

The plan?

After the chronic liars at the DoD finish their dog and pony show for the very complaisant press, they will watch the polls to see if they put one over like Ridge and Ashcroft did with their pink and green alerts. If Bush feels they have bitten on the bait, then they will go to the next step.

The U.S. military now in the Gulf reason is totally incapable of sustaining a land attack on Iran so the plan is to use Naval air units to plaster the missile positions in the mountains bordering on the Gulf and then hit Tehran, flattening any and all mosques, government buildings and suspected atomic research and development areas. The gleeful Israelis have supplied them reams of pictures and diagrams of “possible areas of interest” which are to be turned into smoking rubble.

There will be no invasion and Israel has said that they will not supply any ground troops.

The following U.S.Naval units are to be involved:

Carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower CVN 69, USS Boxer LHD 4, USS Dubuque LPO 8, USS Cornstock LSD 45, USS Bataan LHD 6, USS Shreveport LPD 12, USS Oak Hill LSD 51, USS Ashland LSD 48

There are two other large naval units being brought up in support.

The British are assisting us in offloading missiles intended to level Tehran at Basra.

Certain identified Special Forces units will be slated to land on the Iranian shores of the Gulf and move up into the mountainous area with the goal of locating and destroying any Iranian missile sites known to be a threat to U.S. military units. Specific orders are that in the event that any Russian ‘advisors’ be captured, they are to be shot at once without trial and disposed of by burning the bodies.

The US military also reported that the order to send bombs to Iraq came from ‘officials in the Iranian government.’

And it is now known here that more fakery has been in progress. This deals with the highest quality counterfeit U.S. $100 and $50 bills. The official American report on this is that the North Korean government is responsible for this but it is now known that the CIA is responsible for manufacturing the almost perfect Initially conceived as a means to pay foreign informers, this project has nothing to do with North Korea which cannot even print up their own bills but has them done outside the country. This project, now being controlled by a Mr. Sherwood, located in Washington, has been functioning for almost twenty years and the bills are printed in Taiwan, not Korea.

Since this is considered to be a secret clandestine intelligence matter, it is not subject to Congressional oversight. Also, because it is being operated out of a D.C. command center, it is possible for the forgers to obtain the necessary 17 lb bond paper from Crane paper company, that also makes paper for the legitimate bills. Inks are also no problem but it has always been demanded that these forgeries be made and distributed only outside the United States and that the forgers had to include at least one hidden identification point to prevent them from being accepted by American banks and the Federal Reserve System.

Now, a dissatisfied employee of the CIA is sending information on this around Washington, mostly to Democratic lawmakers. It is amusing to note that two cargo containers of fake bills were sent to Iraq to ‘help with reconstruction’ but actually to serve as bribe money for bought-and-paid-for Iraqi politicians and military. The amusing part is that the legion of crooked contractors and a number of high-level military personnel bagged enormous amounts of this money under the mistaken impression that they were genuine! Imagine the fun when their new-found wealth turns out to be stolen and counterfeit!

An irreverent person asked me if Bush would have to give his share back?

Yes, I said, but they will have to go to Paraguay to find him first and they will have to stand in line.”