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The Friedman Test: Name That Country

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the most hostile to modernity and other faiths

Country A

Was among the very few in the Muslim world to hold spontaneous pro-U.S. demonstrations on 9/11

Country B

Some of its citizens celebrated on 9/11, and many of its people are hostile to the United States

Country A

Has long protected its Christians and Jews

Country B

Illegalizes the building of churches, synagogues or Hindu temples

Country A

Has a strategic interest in the success of the pro-U.S., Shiite-led, elected Iraqi government

Country B

Does not want the elected, Shiite-led government in Iraq to succeed

Country A

Has never sent any suicide bombers to Iraq

Country B

Its young men have been regularly recruited to carry out suicide bombings in Iraq

Country A

Rejects Al Qaeda's nihilism

Country B

Its private charities help sustain Al Qaeda

Country A

Actively helped the United States defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan and replace it with a pro-U.S. elected alliance of moderate Muslims

Country B

Helped finance the Taliban


Now, can you guess which country should be the natural ally of the United States? That's right, Country A. Now, as for naming the countries: Country A is Iran, whose relations with the United States are becoming increasingly strained. Country B is Saudi Arabia, which has a largely cordial relationship with the United States.

The United States, in terms of overall values, perplexingly has much more in common with its current "enemy" than with its current "friend."